Chapter 460
Peng...boom...ah...the collision of spirit treasures, energy explosions and screams sounded one after another. Shortly after the battle began, the large formation composed of the god kings on one side of the eight major god clans was guided by the seven saints, Luo Fan, the god king of Shura. The emperor's attack was broken, and then one by one the god kings were killed one after another by Disler and Luo Fan like chopping melons and vegetables...
"Second brother!" Seeing his second brother Tang Liu being killed, the Southwest Holy Emperor Tang Lan, the only female Holy Emperor in the God Realm, couldn't help but change his expression.

"Be careful!" Zhou Huo, who was knocked back by Disler with a punch, shouted urgently when he saw several phantom clones transformed by Disler using the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao to attack the Antarctic Holy Emperor Duanmu Yun.

However, it was too late.Taking advantage of Tang Lan and five other Holy Emperors to form the Five Elements Formation to jointly attack Luo Fan, Disler approached Duanmuyun and relied on the restraining influence of the first-class Hongmeng Lingbao and the stasis of time to seriously injure Duanmuyun in the blink of an eye. , and pierced Duanmu Yun's head with one finger, causing his brain to turn into paste, and he immediately died.

The buzzing and buzzing light source spirit bead flew towards Duanmu Rufeng, who was fleeing in embarrassment. But before the light source spirit bead could get close to Duanmu Rufeng, Luo Fan, who was chasing after him with a sudden burst of speed, had already used Time Stop again, holding in his hand The first-class Hongmeng Lingbao Blood Ruler 'Death' cut directly across Duanmu Rufeng's neck.

Duanmu Rufeng's head rolled down like a ball, and the true spirit in his soul was also touched by the red light escaping from 'Death' and collapsed directly.

After Duanmu Rufeng died, the light source spirit bead paused for a moment, then flickered towards the new god king of Antarctic Mirror Light City who had fled far away, that is, the one who was quite famous in the entire god world. Duanmuyu flew away.

As for Duanmu Liu, another god king in Antarctic Mirror City, he had already died under Luo Fan's feet in the first wave of killings.In the blink of an eye, among the four great god-kings in Antarctic Mirror Light City, including the Antarctic Saint Emperor Duanmuyun, only Duanmuyu, who had just become the god-king, was left.

The fighting continued, but Luo Fan did not continue to pursue Duan Muyu.Seeing that the other surviving god kings on the side of the eight god kings also fled away in confusion, Luo Fan also decisively killed the other holy emperors who were fighting with Disler.

Now that he has chosen to join forces with Disler and completely break up with the eight major protoss, Luo Fan will naturally no longer show mercy.If these Holy Emperors are not killed, there will be endless troubles in the future.

The fighting on Tianzun Mountain was still going on. Outside Tianzun Mountain, over the Shura Sea not far from Tianzun Mountain, the Thunder Punishment Tianzun who was rushing to stop stopped, frowned and looked at Luo Meng who was blocking the front and said: "Romon ? Is it you? This time when Tianzun Mountain comes, Senior Brother has promised me to take action, do you want to intervene too? "

"What? You can intervene, but I can't?" Luo Meng said with a smile: "Besides, as far as I know, you have already agreed to help Jiang Fan. Now that Jiang Fan is dead, naturally he will not and cannot let you take action again. Therefore, you don’t need to take action.”

"I understand, it is you who are secretly plotting to take advantage of the arrival of Tianzun Mountain to inflict heavy damage on the eight major clans of gods. Luo Meng, you are such a scheming person. For the sake of your Di family's status in the God Realm, you actually joined forces with the forces of the Ascended Ones. ." The Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord was a little frightened and angry, and then he noticed something. He was about to bypass Luo Meng and enter the relief passage of Tianzun Mountain. As a sharp aura filled the air, Luo's figure suddenly blocked Luo Meng in front of him. Meng, there is already a cyan scimitar in his hand.

"Romon, you want to fight with me? Do you really think that I will be afraid of you?" Thunder Punishment Tianzun became more and more frightened and angry, and he also turned his hand and took out the Tianzun Lingbao Original Sin Sword.

But just when the two of them were at war and the battle was about to break out, the silver-haired and silver-eyed Piaoyu Tianzun suddenly appeared and shouted coldly: "Stop!"

"Elder brother" saw Piaoyu Tianzun's Thunder Punishment Tianzun and immediately said eagerly: "Elder brother, Luo Meng him"

"Okay, I already know the situation. Junior Brother, Senior Brother Luo Meng is right. You have promised to help Jiang Fan. Now that he is dead, you have no reason to take action. Therefore, next Tianzun In this fight, you can't take any more action," Piaoyu Tianzun said without waiting for Thunder Punishment Tianzun to say more.

"Senior brother Luo Meng?" Thunder Punishment Tianzun was stunned and looked at Luo Meng in disbelief. Senior brother Piaoyu Tianzun actually called him senior brother Luo Meng? "Crevig, I'll leave it to you," Romon said calmly to Piaoyu Tianzun, then turned over his hand and put away the cyan scimitar and disappeared in an instant.

"Yes, Senior Brother Luo Meng," Piao Yu Tianzun responded with a slight bow, and then turned to look at Thunder Punishment Tianzun with cold eyes.

Facing Piaoyu Tianzun's cold gaze, Lei Punishing Tianzun couldn't help but said: "Elder brother, I, he..."

"You want to fight with Senior Brother Luo Meng? Do you know that even I am not the opponent of Senior Brother Luo Meng? Before I followed Master, Senior Brother Luo Meng was already with Master. After all, Senior Brother Luo Meng is "Master's junior" Piaoyu Tianzun said coldly, Lei Punishing Tianzun's expression suddenly changed after hearing this.

"Master's descendant?" Thunder Punishment Tianzun stared at him in disbelief, and subconsciously said: "Then Di's family is... but Luo Meng was him before?"

"Senior Brother Luo Meng has always kept a low profile and rarely interfered in the battles in the God Realm. Why do you think that is? Because from the beginning, these so-called battles in the God Realm were meaningless to Senior Brother Luo Meng," Piao Yu Tianzun said. .

The Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, who was speechless and speechless, suddenly noticed something, and couldn't help but look towards the direction of Tianzun Mountain with a slight change of expression: "Zhou Huo..."

"Senior Brother, Zhou Huo is dead, and the Holy Emperor of our Thunder Punishment City is dead. Disler and Luo Fan are still going to kill all the God Kings of our Thunder Punishment City. Even if Romon...Senior Brother Romen has a noble status, but Is it too much for the Di family to be so merciless to my Zhou family?" Lei Punishing Tianzun turned to Piaoyu Tianzun with some grief and anger.

"Senior brother Luo Meng did not interfere in the fight between the god kings, so it is not considered a violation of the rules. The god kings of your Thunder Punishment City were killed, and you can only blame them for their inferior skills. In the past, when the Thunder Punishment City was strong, it was Zhou Huo and the others have killed quite a few powerful men and even god kings in the God Realm." Piao Yu Tianzun said coldly and calmly: "Second Junior Brother, over the long years, when you and Third Junior Brother traveled to the lower world, you had not many heirs. No matter how many people die, what does it matter?"

Hearing the somewhat cold and ruthless words of Piaoyu Tianzun, Thunder Punishment Tianzun felt a little calm and sober in his heart. He did not dare to say anything more. Instead, he responded respectfully: "Elder brother is teaching me a lesson!"

"From now on, before the new Tianzun is born, you can no longer take action at will, so as not to destroy the balance of the Tianzun's battle. Just take care of yourself!" Piaoyu Tianzun said again, and disappeared out of thin air in front of the Thunder Punishment Tianzun.

Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, who was standing there respectfully, waited until Piaoyu Heavenly Lord left before he straightened up and couldn't help frowning: "Is Luo Meng... the master's descendant? How could he be? He's so well hidden! Senior brother said that Luo Meng is stronger than him. If Luo Meng is really Master's junior, I'm afraid it is really possible."

"Hey, if I had known that this Di family was the descendant of Master, I would not have acquiesced to Zhou Huo and the others to have trouble with the eight major gods and the Di family." Thinking of this, Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord was also a little helpless: "This Luo Meng is usually so low-key. He was merciless in his attacks, and even wanted to directly inflict severe damage on the eight major protoss and kill the eight major holy emperors... It seems that he really got angry this time."

"And that Disler actually realized that time has stopped, which is really a talent. It seems that Romon has spent a lot of thought on him. And that Diko, it seems that the rise of the even more evil Di Shi can no longer be resisted. Zhou Huo and the others will die if they die, but we must get back the Leiyuan Spirit Pearl in Leipu City. As long as we have the Leiyuan Lingzhu, we in Leipu City can give birth to a god king again," Leipu City Tianzun couldn't help but frown slightly as he spoke: "It's just that I can't take action anymore. I want to take back the Thunder Source Spirit Orb and bow to Luo Meng? I may not be able to find him yet, hey..."

(End of this chapter)

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