Chapter 461

On Tianzun Mountain, a melee has ended. In addition to Jiang Fan and Duan Muyun who were killed at the beginning, the next four Holy Emperors including Zhou Huo, Tang Lan, Shentu Yan and Pu Taihong also fell one after another.

Of the eight Holy Emperors who had become Holy Emperors shortly after the birth of the God Realm, as many as six were lost in this battle. Only the Holy Emperor Huangfu Yu of the East Pole and the Holy Emperor Muqin of the Northeast Forest City escaped by chance.

Although almost all of the six major gods who have lost their holy emperors have god kings who survived and were able to inherit and refine the original spirit beads that fit their respective bloodlines to become the new holy emperors, the strength of those god kings is mostly weak, even if they get the original spirit beads. , the strength is also greatly reduced compared to the original Holy Emperor.

The most tragic thing is the Thunder Punishment City in the northwest. Since Qin Yu had killed Zhou Wulian and Zhou Tong before, Zhou Huo was killed by Disler during the melee, and Zhou Ran was also casually killed by Luo Fan, which led to the Thunder Punishment City. There is no longer a God King, and even the ownerless Thunder Source Spirit Orb has fallen into Disler's hands.

After the melee, the only ones left on Tianzun Mountain were the Di family, the god-kings of the three ascendant forces, and some hidden god-kings.Of the eight major protoss who lost more than half of their god kings, the surviving saint emperors, newly promoted saint emperors, and a handful of god kings all fled in embarrassment.

"Two of them escaped. Do you want to force me to kill them in their lair?" After the battle, Disler, whose body was stained with blood, looked at the Thunder Source Spirit Pearl in his hand and murmured with a smile.

Seeing this scene, all the god-kings who were still on Tianzun Mountain were silent. One of them, a middle-aged hidden god-king who looked very ordinary and inconspicuous, looked at Disler with a particularly complicated look.

"How can it be so easy to kill them all? Moreover, even if we kill those six Holy Emperors, except for Thunder Punishment City, there are still surviving God Kings from the other five major divine races who can become Holy Emperors," he shook his head. Luo Fan stood there and glanced at Jiang Xing, the God King of Piaoxue City in the North Pole, who was the only one among the eight gods who had not left and was still beside Jiang Lan.

Facing Luo Fan's gaze, Jiang Xing, whose expression changed slightly, couldn't help but hurriedly handed the Dark Source Spirit Bead to Jiang Lan and said: "Second Uncle, it's you who should refine this Dark Source Spirit Bead! I'm too weak, even if I refine it... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it even if I transform it into a dark source spirit bead."

"Brother Luo Fan, do you really want to kill all the eight gods?" Jiang Lan, who did not receive the dark source spirit bead, looked at Luo Fan and asked calmly.

"We have already taken action, can we still show mercy?" Luo Fan said noncommittally: "Besides, the forces of the Ascended Ones and the Eight Great God Clan are inherently antagonistic. If I die, do you think the Eight Great God Clan will give up killing me on Shura Island? Is it a good opportunity for the God King to completely destroy Shura Island?"

Jiang Lan was silent. Faced with Luo Fan, who was full of evil spirits and had strong murderous intent in his eyes, God King Yi Feng and King Zuo Qiulin, the God of Death, both came to Jiang Lan's side in a tacit understanding.

Seeing them confronting each other, Disler's eyes flashed and he said to Luo Fan: "Leave this to you, I will kill Huangfu Yu and Mu Qin. As long as they die, even if the surviving god kings of the eight major gods become the new The Holy Emperor's threat to you will also be greatly reduced. When the time comes, if you want to obtain the Tianzun Lingbao, your advantage will naturally be even greater."

"Don't worry, I won't let another Holy Emperor emerge from Piaoxue City in the North Pole," Luo Fan nodded with a confident smile. He had already killed the Holy Emperor, so he was still afraid of Jiang Lan and the other three God Kings?Even if they all possess first-class Hongmeng Spiritual Treasures, they are still not as powerful as the Holy Emperor.Now the only thing Luo Fan is afraid of is Qin Yu behind Jiang Lan and the others, but this is Tianzun Mountain. Even if Qin Yu wants to come, it will take some time. Isn't this because he has cut off Qin Yu's wings and threats in advance? What about the good opportunity?
Disler, who was about to leave, saw the blue-haired and blue-eyed goddess king who had been following him look hesitantly at Jiang Lan, and couldn't help but move and send a message: "Luo Fan doesn't necessarily really want to kill Jiang Lan. Even if you want to kill, you may not be able to kill him. Don't forget, Yi Feng has a first-class Hongmeng Lingbao, and there is a Qin Yu behind them! If he is Qin Yu's enemy, even Luo Fan should also consider it.”

"If you are worried, just stay here for now. But don't rashly interfere in the fighting between them," Disler warned again and flew straight to the relief passage.

The blue-haired and blue-eyed woman hesitated slightly, but still followed Disler.In comparison, Disler, who wanted to kill the two Holy Emperors Huangfu Yu and Mu Qin, was still likely to encounter threats.Once the new Holy Emperors who have refined the Origin Spirit Orb join forces, they will still be able to cause some trouble to Disler.

But the god kings of the eight major god clans were obviously frightened by Disler. They dispersed after leaving Tianzun Mountain. Some even left the god world directly and hid in the universe of the lower world. On the contrary, perhaps Huangfu Yu and Mu Qin He did not run away because he was concerned about the pride and face of the Holy Emperor, so Disler easily blocked them in their respective lairs.

In the end, Huangfu Yu died in the hands of Disler, and the Jinyuan Lingzhu fell into the hands of his eldest brother, the Golden Sword God King Huangfu Lei. As for the other female God King Huangfu Liuxiang of Dongji Xuanjin Mountain, it was in the previous During the melee, he was chased by Luo Fan and fled in embarrassment, but was killed by Disler with a convenient punch.

"Huangfu Lei, every injustice has its owner. Now that Huangfu Yu is dead, the grudge between me and him is settled. If you want to come to me for revenge, I welcome you at any time. But now, even if you become the new Dongji Holy Emperor, He is still no match for me. I still want to kill Mu Qin, so I don’t want to waste time, so I say goodbye!" Huangfu Lei said coldly as he looked at Huangfu Lei who was looking at him with sharp eyes after refining the Jinyuan Spirit Pearl. Disler, on the other hand, turned into a stream of light and flew towards the north of the God Realm Continent.

Huangfu Lei, who had already controlled the original power of Jin Xing through the Jin Yuan Lingzhu to freeze the space fluctuations, watched Disler go away, but still did not take action after all.No matter how much hatred and murderous intent there is in his heart, as the only god king of Dongji Xuanjin Mountain, he has to consider Dongji Xuanjin Mountain.Once he also dies in the hands of Disler, and even the Golden Origin Spirit Pearl falls into the hands of Disler, the inheritance of the Huangfu family will be over, and it will be difficult to maintain the status of one of the eight major divine clans.

Similarly, in the forest city in the northeast, Mu Qin, who did not choose to run away, went crazy and desperate to fight Disler.But even if Disler didn't use time to stop, he still relied on his first-class Hongmeng Lingbao to separate clones and beat him to death.

However, unlike the Huangfu family, the only other god-king in Linhai City besides Muqin was also killed by Luo Fan in the previous chaotic fight on Tianzun Mountain.But as Muqin fell, the humming and trembling Muyuan Spirit Pearl sensed it and flew into the distance...
"Huh?" Seeing that the Muyuan Spiritual Pearl fell into the hands of an ordinary-looking middle-aged hidden god-king who was watching the battle from a distance, Disler couldn't help but look slightly: "Did he leave the Linhai City a long time ago? That Green Leaf God King Muyu?"

Seeing Muyu teleporting away with the Muyuan Spirit Orb, Disler did not chase him: "With Muyu's temperament, he will not return to Linhai City to become the Holy Emperor. As long as there is no new god in the Mu family in Linhai City, Once the king is born, there will no longer be a Holy Emperor in Linhai City for the time being."

As for the other newly promoted Holy Emperors, most of them were just weak god-kings among the eight major god clans. After Disler and Luo Fan deliberately killed some of the stronger god-kings from the eight major god clans, the strongest among them That is Huangfu Lei, and the rest are nothing to be afraid of.

Therefore, Disler did not continue to take action against the frightened new Holy Emperors, but rushed back to Tianzun Mountain. He did not even enter Tianzun Mountain again. Outside Tianzun Mountain, he learned that Jiang Lan and the others were in Luo. After being chased by Fan, he escaped from Tianzun Mountain. After being picked up by Qin Yu, he left with the blue-eyed and blue-haired goddess king without even saying hello to Luo Fan and Di Feng of the Di family.

(End of this chapter)

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