Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 462 Fighting for Results

Chapter 462 Fighting for Results
In the foggy city, the water curtain above the inner lake of Zixuan Palace showed the scene of a group of god kings outside Tianzun Mountain watching Disler and the blue-eyed and blue-haired goddess king leave.
A group of Qin family disciples were talking in shock and fierceness. It was not until Jiang Lan, Yi Feng and Zuo Qiulin suddenly appeared that their discussions became quieter.As for Jiang Xing, he stayed in the inner space of Yi Feng's Wanli Jiangshan, otherwise it would be difficult to protect himself in the face of Luo Fan's pursuit.In fact, considering the grievances between Yi Feng and the eight major gods, if it were not for Jiang Lan's face, he would not protect Jiang Xing, the god king of the Jiang family.

"Unexpectedly, Disler didn't die and realized that time has stopped. This kid is really courageous! He killed all the eight Holy Emperors in one go. He was so generous and well-meaning!" Lian Lian watched the excitement on Tianzun Mountain with everyone. Dico couldn't help but be a little amazed.

"Haha... This Disler is the most amazing genius of the Di family. He was as famous as Zhou Wulian of the Zhou family in Thunder Punishment City." Yi Feng smiled and came over and said, "Dike, with you and Disler, plus Luo Mengtianzun behind the Di family, I am afraid no one can stop the Di family from becoming the strongest force in the God Realm."

Di Ke smiled noncommittally after hearing this. With Di's strength, heritage and background, do you still need to care about the false reputation of being the most powerful force in the God Realm?

Qin Yu, who had just brought Jiang Lan and the others back, apologized to Di Ke and hurriedly went to accompany Jiang Li.Jiang Fan is dead. Although he is not a very good person, he is Jiang Li's biological father after all.Seeing his father killed with his own eyes was a big blow to Jiang Li.

"Second uncle, it's better for you to keep the Dark Source Spirit Pearl," Jiang Xing very wisely took out the Dark Source Spirit Pearl and handed it to Jiang Lan.

Jiang Lan, who seemed to be thinking about something, ignored him and came to Diko and asked seriously: "Dico, do you know the true identity of the blue-haired goddess king next to Disler? ?”

"The identity of that goddess king?" Diko was stunned when he heard this. After reacting, he couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'm really not sure about this. To be honest, I've never seen Disler before. I didn't expect it." He is still alive. So you shouldn’t ask me about this, you should ask Disler directly.”

"Okay, I understand," Jiang Lan nodded slightly, then turned around and left to find Qin Yu.In the God Realm, apart from Tianzun and Diko, only Qin Yu, who can control the power of the new universe to explore the entire God Realm, can find Disler's whereabouts as quickly as possible.

Seeing this, Di Ke couldn't help but secretly said: "It seems that it's time for me to leave Misty City. Although Jiang Fan was killed by Disler and has nothing to do with me, after all, I am also Di's family. I'm afraid that next, Jiang Lan and Jiang Fan will They don’t really want to see me in this Zixuan Mansion.”

With such thoughts in his mind, Di Ke quietly left Mist City after saying hello to Qin Yu that day.He was also a little curious about Disler.Apart from Disler, probably the person who knows the most about what happened that year is Romon.

Next, before the second part of Tianzun Lingbao Hou Tuyin was born, for several years, the god kings of the eight major divine clans and the new holy emperors did not appear again. On Tianzun Mountain, Disler and the blue-haired and blue-eyed goddess king It also didn't appear again.

In the blink of an eye, the ten-year period is getting closer and closer. One or two years before Hou Tuyin is about to be born, Huangfu Lei and other five holy emperors and several god kings, who are the only remaining eight gods, finally appeared in Tianzun Mountain. Ming Ming was working together to advance and retreat, and even Luo Fan was concerned about not attacking them directly.

With their arrival, the undercurrent on Tianzun Mountain became more and more intense. Finally, Hou Tuyin was born, and another fight and killing inevitably occurred...
It's just that this time the fight about the Hou Tu Seal was also beyond everyone's expectations, because it was not Luo Fan who finally got the Hou Tu Seal, nor was it the eight major gods who were twisted into a rope, nor was it hiding aside. The Blood Sea Queen, who was waiting for the opportunity, went to find Disler but returned without success. Jiang Lan once again came to Tianzun Mountain with Yi Feng and Zuo Qiulin to wait.

Even though Luo Fan was already cautious enough towards Jiang Lan and the others, due to the interference of the Blood Sea Queen and the sabotage and obstruction by Huangfu Lei and other eight divine kings, Qin Yu did not come to help in the end, and Jiang Lan and the others returned to the mist smoothly. city.Unwilling to be reconciled, Luo Fan encouraged the Ascended Ones, some hidden god kings, and the Blood Sea Queen to kill the eight major god kings and Di god kings in Mist City who had no intention of fighting for the Houtu Seal. They also followed to join in the fun.
Outside the foggy city, there was a melee for the Hou Tu Seal. Qin Yu was on top of the battle. In Qin Yu's universe, he understood the law of time contained in the Hou Tu Seal. Jiang Lan, who had realized that time had stopped in just a few decades, opened his eyes. The killings caused heavy casualties to the Ascended Ones and the Hidden God Kings, which shocked everyone.

If Di Feng hadn't spoken to dissuade him, Jiang Lan, who was full of murderous intent, would have killed all the Ascended Ones and the Hidden God Kings directly.Because Jiang Lan also had the means to freeze space, under his crazy killing, the Ascended Ones and the Hidden God Kings were unable to teleport away.

This killing killed most of the god-kings on the Ascended One's side, and also made Luo Fan's heart bleed, angry but helpless, because he was completely unable to break through Qin Yu's blockage.Qin Yu alone, with the help of his clones and the restraint and suppression of the power of the new universe, directly stopped him and the Blood Sea Queen, two powerful god kings who had mastered the stasis of time.

Then the God Realm returned to peace again. In the blink of an eye, seven or eight years passed. Before the third part of the Ten Thousand People Seal was born, the biggest thing that happened in the entire God Realm was the death of Qin Yu’s good brother Hei Yu. And Zhou Xian of Thunder Punishment City successively broke through and became the God King.

Immediately after the Seal of All Peoples was born, in the sky outside Tianzun Mountain, watching Zhou Xian, who had just become the God King, enter Tianzun Mountain, Dike, who sensed the aura of the Thunder Origin Spirit Pearl on his body, could not help but frown slightly: "This Thunder Origin Spirit Pearl When did you return to Thunder Punishment City?"

"Grandpa, it's like this. Master said that the Eight Origin Spirit Beads are treasures that control the power of the eight origins of Linmeng Universe. For the stable order of Linmeng Universe, there can't be too many without owners for a long time, so I started from Di Sler took the Thunder Source Spirit Pearl and gave it to Crevig, and Crevig probably gave it to Zhou An," Romon on the side explained quickly.

"Zhou An? Thunder Punishment Tianzun? He is really relieved. As soon as Zhou Xian became the God King, he asked him to refine the Leiyuan Spirit Pearl and let him come to Tianzun Mountain to take risks. Could it be that he thought that the Zhou family in Thunder Punishment City Can another Heavenly Lord be born?" Diko shook his head and sneered: "Even if the Zhou family can give birth to another Heavenly Lord, it won't be Zhou Xian, and he, the Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, can't be seen."

"Grandpa Zu, are you saying that a Heavenly Lord will be born in the Zhou family, but Zhou An will die?" Luo Meng's face suddenly changed slightly and he asked in surprise.

"You will naturally know this in the future," Diko said noncommittally: "Tianzun may seem to be aloof, but he also cannot control his own destiny. After all, how can something that is obtained so easily last? One hundred and twenty trillion years of Tianzun The identity is already long enough for Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord."

"Huh? What a coincidence, the Ten Thousand People Seal is about to be born. Tell me, among the god kings on Tianzun Mountain, who can get the Ten Thousand People Seal this time?" Diko, who looked slightly moved as he spoke, then asked with a playful smile.

"If the Misty City side doesn't get involved, and Disler has no intention of fighting for it, then it seems that only Luo Fan and Blood Sea Queen Xue Yun will fight," Luo Meng, who was slightly pondering, continued: "With their strength and means, , competing for the Ten Thousand People Seal, I’m afraid Xue Yun has a better chance.”

Not long after, as Dico and Romon waited quietly, as the turbulent blood-colored sea water poured out of the relief channel, the triumphant and melodious laughter reverberated, and the Blood Sea Queen, who once again transformed into a human form, held the Wan Minyin teleported and disappeared directly.

(End of this chapter)

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