Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 463 The candidate has been decided early

Chapter 463 The candidate has been decided early

On Tianzun Mountain, Luo Fan and other god kings were undoubtedly shocked and dumbfounded. Even Luo Meng outside Tianzun Mountain was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly and said: "This Xue Yun left in such a way. Except for Tianzun, Who can stop her?"

Di Ke shook his head and said: "What a pity! Even if you get the Ten Thousand People Seal, it's still difficult to realize that time goes backwards and become a deity. It's even harder to get the three parts of the Ukiyo Seal together. In the end, it's probably still a bamboo basket. It’s all in vain!”

"Grandpa, could it be that you already know who will be the new Tianzun?" Romon asked with a look on his face. Dike said noncommittally: "All the god kings who just competed for the Ukiyo Seal on Tianzun Mountain can't It’s the new Heavenly Lord.”

"It can't be the case? It seems that the only god kings who can become the new Tianzun are Mist City and Disler and a few god kings." Romon was a little surprised when he heard this, and then his eyes flickered. Lian asked: "Is it, Qin Yu?"

"Qin Yu? His achievements will be higher than you expected," Di Ke said, shaking his head and smiling: "Okay, you go back first! I have something to go to the West Sea."

Deep in the West Sea of ​​the God Realm, above the blood sea that had just reappeared, Diko had just teleported and appeared. The endless blood sea water below had rapidly shrunk and condensed, turning into the Blood Sea Queen in a blood-colored robe.

"You again? Diko, are you here to take away my Seal of All Peoples?" Seeing Diko, the Blood Sea Queen couldn't help but frown and asked in a cold voice.

"Competing for the Seal of the Ten Thousand People?" Diko, who was laughing dumbly, thought with a thought, and an invisible wave spread out. Suddenly, the space laws and time laws of the God Realm within tens of thousands of miles were blocked and disappeared, and then below The surging seawater stagnated, and everything came to a standstill. The Queen of the Blood Sea also froze in her movements. Only the flickering and suspicious eyes showed that she was still conscious.

Soon, the sea water surged again. After everything returned to normal, the Queen of the Blood Sea, who was trembling, couldn't help but look at Diko in disbelief and said: "Time stops? You can actually use time to stop? But why can your time stop? Affects me? You...what exactly are you doing?"

"I was surprised when I felt time stand still. Let's feel this again!" As he said this, Dico thought again. The invisible fluctuations in an instant caused the direction of the seawater below to change. The blood sea The words the Queen just said were heard again, but this time they were spoken backwards. Everything seemed very strange, and the Queen of Blood Sea, who personally felt the change, looked horrified.

In just a moment, after the Blood Sea Queen finished speaking those words backwards and trembled again, the effect of the time regression quietly disappeared. After everything returned to normal, the Blood Sea Queen's expression changed when she looked at Diko: "You, you are Tianzun? Are you the new Tianzun?"

"No, the Ten Thousand People Seal was just born, and you didn't get any of the Cangtian Seal, Houtu Seal, and Ten Thousand People Seal, so how could you become a Heavenly Lord all of a sudden?" Then the Blood Sea Queen frowned and said.

"Why is it impossible? Since I can understand that time stands still, can't I understand that time goes backwards and directly become a Heavenly Lord?" Diko's words left the Blood Sea Queen speechless for a moment. Her face changed for a while before she frowned and looked at it. Di Ke was surprised and asked: "You realize that time goes backwards by yourself? How long have you reached the realm of God King? Do you really realize that you have understood the law of time and become a deity?"

"My process of understanding the law of time is somewhat special, and it's a bit of a trick. However, I can guide you to understand the law of time, and perhaps help you realize that time goes backwards and becomes a deity. Do you want to try it?" Diko asked with a noncommittal smile. road.

"Help me understand the law of time and become a Heavenly Lord? Do I need your help? With the Seal of Ten Thousand People, I can also understand the regression of time," the Queen of the Blood Sea said with a surprised frown.Seeing her arrogant look, Di Ke couldn't help but laugh: "Relying on the Seal of All Peoples to realize the regression of time? I admit that the Seal of All Peoples does contain the most time laws regarding time regression, but do you think it is so easy to realize the regression of time? Do you think that among the four great Heavenly Lords in the God Realm, who has become a Heavenly Lord by relying on his own cultivation and understanding of the law of time?"

"Didn't they all become Heavenly Lords by understanding the law of time on their own?" The Blood Sea Queen frowned, and then murmured thoughtfully: "That's right, whether it is Luomeng Heavenly Lord, Piaoyu Heavenly Lord or Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, It was too early to become Tianzun. It seems that they were already Tianzun after the birth of the God Realm. It is indeed impossible to say that they became Tianzun by understanding the law of time on their own. As for Xiaoyao Tianzun, before he became Tianzun, he still had I haven’t realized that time stands still, but after luckily receiving the Heavenly Lord Spiritual Treasure, I became a Heavenly Lord in a short period of time. The speed at which I realized the law of time was really too fast..."

"Can you really help me understand the law of time? Other gods don't seem to have this ability, right? And why do you want to help me? The relationship between us is not that good? We even had festivals before," followed by the Queen of Blood Sea. He kept frowning and said.

"Indeed, other Heavenly Lords don't have this ability, but it doesn't mean that I don't have it," Diko nodded and said with a noncommittal smile: "As for why I want to help you, although we have some differences, we are not strangers. I can see that you He is a person with clear grudges. I am about to leave the God Realm, and this journey may take a long time."

"Leaving the God Realm? It will take a long time? What does this have to do with you helping me understand the law of time?" the Blood Sea Queen asked in confusion.

"I want to make you a friend, and I believe you are not a grudge-bearing person. I will help you this time. If you can really understand the law of time and become a deity, I hope you can take care of my relatives, friends and descendants for my sake in the future. ," Dico said seriously.

The Blood Sea Queen suddenly understood after hearing this, and then sneered: "So that's it! Why, are you afraid that I will deal with your relatives, friends and descendants because of my disagreement with you?"

"Do you want to force me to kill you?" Diko frowned and looked at the Blood Sea Queen, and his tone became a little colder. At the same time, the surrounding space shook and twisted, and the invisible power of time and space became violent and terrifying, which also made The Blood Sea Queen's expression changed and she quickly said: "Wait a minute, I'm just joking with you!"

Seeing that the Queen of the Blood Sea was frightened, Diko made a move and restored the violent power of time and space around him to normal. He looked at the Queen of the Blood Sea who was still frightened and said: "What, if you don't want to understand the law of time as soon as possible, Just pretend I haven’t been here.”

"Of course I want to understand the law of time as soon as possible. I have waited too long to become a Heavenly Lord. Now, I have also understood that time stops. I only need to realize that time goes backwards to understand the complete law of time. I I don’t want to wait another 6000 trillion years for the opportunity to become a Heavenly Lord,” the Blood Sea Queen said hurriedly.

"Striving for the opportunity to become a Heavenly Lord?" Diko shook his head and said, "Let me tell you the truth! In fact, whether it is you or Luo Fan, or even Disler and Jiang Lan, even if you realize that time has stopped, no matter how you go Struggle, unless you can gather together the Cangtian Seal, Houtu Seal and Ten Thousand People Seal to form the Heavenly Lord Spiritual Treasure, you will not be able to become a Heavenly Lord at all."

"In fact, this time the candidate for the new Tianzun has been determined. No matter how hard you fight and kill, it will all be in vain in the end." Diko's words suddenly made the Blood Sea Queen's expression change, and then she frowned and asked : "The candidate for the new Tianzun has been decided for a long time? How is it possible? What is the significance of Tianzun's coming to the mountain, and what is the significance of the gods and kings fighting for the Cangtian Seal, Houtu Seal and Ten Thousand People Seal?"

(End of this chapter)

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