Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 464 New Universe Heavenly Lord

Chapter 464 New Universe Heavenly Lord

Listening to the unwillingness and even resentment in the Blood Sea Queen's tone, Diko couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Don't you understand? It's destiny. This time Tianzun Mountain comes, none of you God Kings can gather the Cangtian Seal and Houtu Seal. and the Seal of Ten Thousand People. As for using them to realize the regression of time and the complete law of time, that is even more difficult."

"Even if something unexpected happens and someone gathers together the Cangtian Seal, Houtu Seal and Ten Thousand People Seal, or someone is lucky and talented enough to truly understand the complete law of time, it will only be one more Heavenly Lord. "Dike continued nonchalantly: "But do you think that once there are more Tianzun, the attraction of becoming a Tianzun will still be so great? Will the status of Tianzun in the God Realm still be so unattainable? It's like once there are more Tianzun in the God Realm, With hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of god-kings, will the status and influence of the god-kings still be the same as they are now?"

After listening to Diko's meaningful words, the Blood Sea Queen couldn't help but change her expression: "You mean, there will be more and more Heavenly Lords in the future?"

"Of course! Isn't this an obvious thing? Tianzun Mountain comes once every 6000 trillion years. If it happens more times, wouldn't there be more Tianzun," Diko laughed a little.

The Blood Sea Queen was suffocated upon hearing this, and couldn't help but ask: "How did you understand the law of time? Are you the new Heavenly Lord of Destiny?"

"I am not the new Heavenly Lord this time," Diko shook his head slightly. Upon hearing this, the Blood Sea Queen became more confused and curious: "Who is the new Heavenly Lord? You should know, right?"

"I know, but it would be meaningless to say everything. Anyway, the three parts of the Ukiyo Seal have been born, and it is not long before the new Tianzun is born. Let's just wait slowly. The world of gods is long. The years are really boring. It’s rare to have something worth looking forward to. If you tell me everything in advance, what’s the point?” Diko said with a slight smile, slightly mysteriously: “But I can tell you that when the identity of the new Tianzun is revealed, Afterwards, it will definitely exceed your expectations and surprise you.”

"Surprised? Beyond expectations?" The Blood Sea Queen frowned when she heard this. Her curiosity was really aroused by Diko. At the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little depressed and helpless. This Dico was really too much. The Sea Queen seriously suspected that he did this deliberately because he remembered the hatred she had against him in the first place.

"Then how are you going to help me understand the law of time?" Diko refused to explain clearly, and the Blood Sea Queen was too lazy to ask any more questions. She was more curious about how Dico would help her understand the law of time.She believed that as long as she became a Tianzun, she would naturally be able to know more secret things like Diko.

"It's simple, just follow me," Dico said. The space behind him suddenly twisted and collapsed, and a black hole appeared. Then he turned around and walked directly in.

The Queen of the Blood Sea frowned slightly when she saw this, and without much hesitation, she flew in directly with Dico, and then the black hole quickly shrank and disappeared.

In the universe inside the body, one of the spaces is as stable as the God Realm. In the dark void, the Queen of the Blood Sea came here and keenly discovered that she could not sense the spatial fluctuations of this universe, and even her understanding of the law of time was useless. He was stunned and couldn't help but change his face slightly: "What is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

"Don't you think this place is very familiar?" Diko turned around and asked with a smile. The Queen of the Blood Sea, who looked slightly moved after hearing this, couldn't help but said: "This is... your world?"

"Yes! It is my world, but the inner world that was just opened up has now become a vast universe. In this universe, there are different laws of space and time from the divine world, and I am The master of this universe. Here, I can be said to be almost omnipotent, and can even directly teach any living being the laws of space and time of this universe." Diko nodded and smiled: "In other words, as long as I want, I can do it. Let you become the God of this universe!"

"The master of the universe? Teach me the laws of space and time? Make me a heavenly being?" The Blood Sea Queen slowly widened her eyes and looked at Diko in disbelief. Obviously, all this was beyond her cognition.Seeing Diko's sure smile and nodding, the Blood Sea Queen couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that this is how Piaoyu Tianzun, Luo Meng Tianzun and Thunder Punishment Tianzun became Tianzun back then?"

"Otherwise? Do you think they are really such geniuses that they can easily understand the law of time and become Tianzun in the early days of the birth of the God Realm?" Diko asked with a smile and then said: "Besides, you have never thought about Tianzun Mountain. How did it come about? How did the original spiritual treasures of the eight major divine clans come from, why are the bloodlines of the eight major divine clans so special, and how did the heavenly spiritual treasures come from?"

"So, the universe where the God Realm is located also has a master? Piaoyu Tianzun and the others are just the Tianzun chosen by the master of the universe? Who can become a Tianzun is also decided by the master of the God Realm universe?" The Queen of Blood Sea's thoughts were whirling. I have completely figured it out.

"That's right! How about it, are you interested in becoming the first Heavenly Lord in my new universe?" Diko nodded and asked with a smile.

The Blood Sea Queen took a deep breath and couldn't help but look at Diko with burning eyes and said, "I want to know how you became the master of this universe."

"Because of some opportunities and luck, I opened up a universe. However, such opportunities can only be encountered but not sought. You have to rely on yourself. Even if I tell you how I opened up a universe, for you It's useless, because you can't give up some and practice again. Even if you practice again, it will be difficult to replicate my success." Diko shook his head and said: "Since the birth of the God Realm, there have been so many cosmic spaces in the entire universe, countless Among the practitioners, apart from me, the only one who can really walk out of this special path of cultivation and become the master of the universe on his own is Qin Yu."

"Qin Yu? He has also cultivated a universe? No wonder, his methods are so powerful and special." Thinking of the methods Qin Yu showed when fighting in the God Realm, the Queen of the Blood Sea felt a little enlightened while sighing with regret.

"After I become Lord Diko, the Heavenly Lord of your new universe, can I still return to the God Realm?" The Blood Sea Queen then asked.

"Haha... do you still want to go back to the God Realm? Is there anything else there that is worthy of your nostalgia?" Seeing that her heart was already moving, Diko couldn't help but smile: "But my new universe has just been transformed, and it hasn't happened yet. What kind of creature, it’s normal that you don’t want to stay here all the time. Okay, I’ll make a passage to Lin Meng’s universe and the God Realm later. You can go there anytime you want. However, the laws of space and time you understand in my new universe Laws cannot be used in the divine world. After all, the laws of space and time in the two universes are different."

"That is to say, even if you understand the law of time and become a Heavenly Lord in my new universe, you are still just a God King in the God Realm. At most, you only have one Heavenly Lord Spiritual Treasure with you. However, I would like to know, when you arrive You, who have already understood the laws of time in my new universe, can you also understand the laws of time in the divine world from a high position? Once you successfully understand the laws of time in the divine world, you will be a god in both universes. Yes," Dicko continued.

After hearing this, the Blood Sea Queen's beautiful eyes were burning, and her mood became excited. She became the supreme deity in the two universes. Just thinking about it makes people look forward to it!What's more, she is still the first Tianzun in Dike's new universe, and her future status may be no less than that of Piaoyu Tianzun in the God Realm... By the way, there is also Tianzun Lingbao, which was not even a first-class Hongmeng Lingbao before. The Queen of Blood Sea is naturally more eager for Tianzun Lingbao.

For Diko, since the new universe can impart the laws of time and space to create a deity, it is naturally not difficult to refine the deity's spiritual treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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