Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 466 Romon gets angry

Chapter 466 Romon gets angry
One year after the birth of the new Tianzun, in the West Sea of ​​the God Realm, above the Blood Sea, the energy clones of Diko and the Blood Sea Queen appeared again.

"Unexpectedly, the person who eventually became the new Tianzun would be Chehouyuan. This Chehouyuan not only became the God King in the lower realm, but also refined the Tianzun Lingbao, and became a Tianzun as soon as he returned to the God Realm. Such luck" Xue Yun, Queen of the Blood Sea, who had recently returned to the God Realm, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise after learning from Di Ke that the God of Craftsman Che Hou Yuan had become the new Heavenly Lord.

"Luck? You know, in order to refine the Tianzun Lingbao, Che Houyuan risked his soul. Moreover, the Tianzun Lingbao Dingyuan Pearl he refined was already the prototype of a universe. It was just because of insufficient opportunities that he could not To truly become the master of a universe. Therefore, becoming a Heavenly Lord is just a compensation for him." Diko shook his head. How could there be so much luck in this world?Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared.

In comparison, some god kings such as Luo Fan and Jiang Fan who are extremely eager to become Tianzun are the ones who really want to try their luck.However, luck is not so easy to chance.

"Is it a pity that you couldn't become the master of Yifang Universe? That's such a pity." Mass production of Tianzun's.

"Understand the laws of time in Linmeng Universe. If you can realize that time stands still and become the Heavenly Lord of Linmeng Universe, you might be able to get one more Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, like Che Houyuan, who has two Heavenly Spiritual Treasures. Here!" Xue Yun's beautiful eyes lit up immediately after hearing Di Ke's words.

But then, Diko suddenly noticed something, and suddenly looked towards the northeast of the God Realm Continent with a frown: "Huh? This Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord is really eager to die!"

In the foggy city, above the peaceful Zixuan Mansion, the purple-robed silver-haired old man suddenly appeared. He couldn't find Qin Yu when his consciousness swept away. He couldn't help but frown, and the man with a cold smile behind him made a move and confused everyone. We arrived at the huge square in the city outside Zixuan Mansion.

"Tell me, where did Qin Yu go?" Looking at Jiang Lan, Yi Feng, the other God Kings, and the Qin family's disciples whose expressions changed greatly, Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord with sharp eyes asked coldly.

"Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, what are you going to do?" Jiang Lan just spoke, Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord just snorted coldly. Jiang Lan shuddered and vomited out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale. The Death God King Zuo Qiulin beside him also hurriedly stepped forward. He helped him and looked at Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord with an ugly expression.

Tianzun's strength is so strong that he can seriously injure a god-king with just a thought without using his hands. He can only control the power of time and space.If he really took action, killing a god king would be just a snap of his fingers.

"Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, you majestic Heavenly Lord, bullying some juniors like this, is it a bit disrespectful?" A cold voice suddenly sounded, and then Dike appeared out of thin air above the square.

Seeing Diko's Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and then sneered: "Dico? You are just a junior of the Di family, and a mere god king dares to control my reality. Do you think Luo Meng is here? I don’t dare to do anything to you, do I?”

"Of course you don't dare to do anything to me, and you can't do anything to me," Diko shook his head and smiled: "It's pitiful. You don't know that you are about to die. It is really sad."

"Death is imminent? You should say this to yourself, right?" Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord laughed angrily and started to take action: "Since you are looking for death, then I will..." "Zhou An, you are so presumptuous!" Before he finished speaking, an angry shout was heard, and then Luo Meng appeared out of thin air and walked over. He looked at Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord with sharp eyes, and then without any explanation, he directly used his talent, magical power, time and space chaos, and the four divine beasts. A blurry shadow appeared around it, and then as a transparent stream of light flew towards Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, the time and space of the entire foggy city was confused.

Seeing this, Diko also frowned and felt helpless. The invisible space-time power of the universe in his body spread out, forming a special field that enveloped and protected the entire city of mist: "This Romon, he will do it if he says so." We’re not afraid of destroying Mist City and hurting innocent people!”

However, Diko also understood that Luo Meng respected himself too much and did not allow anyone to be disrespectful to him, so when he saw that Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord was going to attack him, he resorted to a killing move without hesitation.

"What?" Although I knew that the Di clan had similar innate magical powers, I had never seen the Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord used by Luo Meng. I never thought that this 'time and space chaos' innate magical power would be so terrifying when used by Luo Meng. The Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord was caught off guard, with no time at all, and no good way to block it. He barely waved the Original Sin Sword to block, but was shot into the body by the transparent stream of light whose power was barely affected.

Ah... the next moment, accompanied by painful and shrill screams, Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord was trembling all over, and his whole aura was instantly disordered. His face was also pale, and he staggered back in mid-air, and his soul aura instantly withered and weakened. .
"You" stared at the cold-faced Luo Meng in horror. The Thunder Punishment Tianzun, who was directly hit hard at this moment, finally understood why the Piaoyu Tianzun said that even he was no match for Luo Meng. Co-authored since the birth of the God Realm , In the long years, Luo Meng has never shown his true strength and means, he has hidden it too deeply.

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, except Piaoyu Tianzun, who can make Luo Meng show his true strength?As for Piaoyu Tianzun, it is naturally impossible for him to fight Luo Meng with all his strength!
"Brother Luo Meng, show mercy!" Luo Meng seriously injured Thunder Punishment Tianzun as soon as he took action, shocking Jiang Lan and others in the square below. The silver-eyed and silver-haired young man Piao Yu Tianzun who appeared next said quickly to Di Ke and Zhi Xiang. Qin Yu, who came over, bowed slightly and saluted: "Master Di Ke, uncle, congratulations to uncle on your great work. Master asked his disciples to invite him to Baiyun Palace for a talk. My second junior brother acted daringly and made a big mistake, but he still made a big mistake." Please invite Master Di Ke and Master Master to come in large numbers and let Master personally punish the second junior brother."

After looking at Di Ke and seeing that Di Ke had no objection, Qin Yu nodded slightly and said, "Okay, he is the second brother's disciple. Let the second brother decide how to punish him!"

"I don't think there's any need to go to so much trouble. Let me just kill him and let his soul scatter. Anyway, he only has the destiny of two Heavenly Lords in the Yan Dynasty," said Luo Meng in a cold voice, and then turned his hand and took it out. He got the machete-like Tianzun Lingbao and wanted to kill the Thunder Punishment Tianzun.

Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, who was still a little confused at first, couldn't figure out how the two god kings Di Ke and Qin Yu suddenly became the masters and master uncles in Piaoyu Heavenly Lord's mouth. Seeing that Luo Meng was about to continue taking action, he immediately realized it and his face changed. He became so busy that he hid behind Piaoyu Tianzun.

"Romen...don't you even give Master's face?" Piaoyu Tianzun felt a little headache and helpless when he saw Luo Meng's murderous intent.If it were Lin Meng's other Tianzun disciples, how would they dare to be so presumptuous in front of his senior brother?But Luo Meng's identity is different after all. Even if he really kills Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord, Lin Meng won't say anything.

"Okay, Romon, how old are you to be so reckless and impulsive!" Dico said angrily. When Romon heard this, he suddenly lost his momentum and shouted "Grandpa" and retreated behind Dico. But the sound of "grandfather" made Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord and everyone who heard it clearly, including Qin Yu, startled and dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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