Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 467 Arrangement, Shock

Chapter 467 Arrangement, Shock

Qin Yu followed Piaoyu Heavenly Lord Crevig to see Lin Meng, and Thunder Punishment Heavenly Lord Zhou An naturally followed him full of depression and confusion.

Not long after, Qin Yu came back and found that Diko had not left Misty City yet. He did not bother to see his family, so he hurriedly came to a restaurant where Diko was.

Sitting by the window upstairs, looking at Diko who was leisurely tasting wine, Qin Yu sat down opposite him unceremoniously: "I didn't expect that the Goddess King next to Disler would actually be the true God King of Life. The reincarnation of the spirit was the second brother who saved her true spirit reincarnation and rebuilding it at the request of Luo Meng. Unfortunately, she has no memory of the past and is no longer the God King of Life."

"Are you feeling sorry for her, or are you feeling sorry for Jiang Lan?" Di Ke asked back. Qin Yu was slightly silent before saying, "Both!"

"For some people, if they miss it, they miss it, and it's hard to make up for it. In this world, it's rare to have both," Diko shook his head and sighed and said, "You must also know that I'm leaving soon. From now on, I also need you to take care of the new universe I left behind, so that Paul and my descendants are safe."

"Don't worry, I will do it even if you don't say it. After all, we are actually of the same blood. What's more, even without me, the second brother will protect the Di family," Qin Yu nodded and said .

"Thank you! Qin Yu, it's rare for us to have a drink together! I don't know when we will have another chance in the future. I respect you," Diko said with a nod and a smile, and raised his glass to Qin Yu.

The two drank and chatted for a long time after the meal. After leaving the Misty City, Diko went to Di's and Di Gu to say goodbye, and then returned to the body through the hidden passage on the seabed near Di's Island that connects the inner and outer universe. The universe has gone.

In Diko's internal universe, the original space, Romon was already waiting here. When he saw Diko coming back, he couldn't help but salute respectfully. He looked at Diko with reluctance and said: "Grandpa! I have followed your instructions. , brought Che Houyuan to this side of the universe. But, do you really want to leave?"

"Don't be like this! There is no eternal banquet in the world. Guard this part of the universe for me. I will come back eventually," Diko said, standing on a sea of ​​blood in the original space that was constantly affected by the power of the universe. He looked at Romon calmly with a smile, and then with a thought, the mysterious crystal cosmic heart that he had put into the origin of the universe flew out and floated in front of Romon: "Refine it! With the help of this heart of the universe, you can control the origin of this universe, and your strength and means will not be much inferior to Lin Meng."

"When you take control of this side of the universe, you will naturally be able to create living beings and teach them the laws of space and time. At that time, it will be up to you how to manage this side of the universe. In addition, you will teach Che Houyuan the time and space of this side of the universe. According to the law, Che Houyuan can also become the Heavenly Lord of this universe, and he can better assist you in managing this universe, and teach me the disciples of the Di family about formations, weapon refining and other skills," Di Ke continued.

"Yes, Grandpa, I remember," Romon nodded and knelt down respectfully to Diko. Then he looked at Diko with red eyes. His heart was choked with emotion, and the invisible soul power invaded the mysterious crystal. The Heart of the Stone Universe.

Under Diko's control, the Heart of the Universe did not hinder the power of Romon's soul at all, and then the Heart of the Universe, with its colorful light flowing, sank directly into the center of Romon's eyebrows.

Buzz...In an instant, the huge energy ball of the source power not far away, which was as big as the sun, shook slightly, and a colorful halo of the source power of the universe also appeared on Romon's body. The fluctuations of the source power were similar to those of the entire universe. The origin is consistent. "From now on, this original sea of ​​blood will be the source of energy for the disciples of my lineage. With the help of the energy of this sea of ​​blood, it will be easy for them to practice, refine their bodies and even create clones, and their life-saving ability will also be greatly improved. ," Diko glanced at the vast ocean of origin blood at his feet, and said with a thought, a large ball of yellow Xuanhuang Qi appeared on the sea: "This is the Xuanhuang Qi produced when the universe was born. It can be used to refine weapons. Increase the hardness and power of the weapon, and as long as it absorbs [-]% of the Xuanhuang Qi, you can cultivate it into an immortal Xuanhuang body."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Romondo to say anything, Diko's body collapsed with a thought and turned into blood-colored water flowing into the original blood sea. His soul breath also dissipated directly, and only the vast original blood sea still had a faint trace of him. The remaining breath.

Although the aura does not contain Diko's soul and will, it still contains some mysterious cultivation methods, various formations and weapon refining inheritance left by Diko, as well as insights into the mysteries of the laws of time and space, and even some mysterious things left in the sea of ​​blood. There are original spiritual beads similar to the eight original spiritual treasures of Lin Meng's universe and the divine world that Di Ke condensed with the various original powers of the universe in his body.

Under the influence of the energy of the original blood sea, only the bloodline that has absorbed the energy of the original blood sea can refine these original spirit beads with the power of first-class Hongmeng spiritual treasures.

Devouring the world, the original universe, in the Glory Secret Realm prison battlefield controlled by the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance in the human territory, the depths of the sea of ​​blood mist that were originally full of evil spirits and sharp sword auras, with the arrival of the origin fluctuations of the universe with the five elements attributes, the people stationed in the Glory Secret Realm Several Universe Venerables, as well as more than a dozen peak immortal kings who knew how to teleport, arrived at the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Blood Mist almost instantly.

Just as they were looking into the depths of the Blood Mist Sea in bewilderment, using their divine power or using domain treasures to investigate, a clear and majestic voice suddenly came: "All go back!"

"Lord of Fengyao!" Seeing the figure in dark cyan simple armor and black hair shawl that appeared high in the sea of ​​blood mist at some point, the senior officials in the Glory Secret Realm headed by several Universe Venerables all showed respect. He bowed obediently and left.

And swooping down directly, his wise and vicissitudes eyes glowing with blue light looked down at the Lord of Fengyao below, looking at the huge blood-colored ball of light that also began to fade and disappear in the thinned blood mist, and the empty dark red desolation filled with murderous intent. Dico, who was lying unconscious on the ground, looked at the empty abyss-like gap on the ground where the 'blood knife' had been inserted, and his eyes could not hide the shock and surprise.

"That mysterious and terrifying blood knife was actually obtained by a little guy at the Domain Lord level?" The Lord of Fengyao turned to look at Diko, still feeling a little unreal, frowning as he looked at the coma. , Dico looked a little painful, his eyes flickered, and his heart was full of surprise and uncertainty: "This kid really doesn't know what fear is, and he is too crazy. He was so desperate, and he really got close to that Blood Knife, and getting the Blood Knife, was it a fluke, or did I already know how to conquer this Blood Knife?"

"But this blood knife is a taboo object that is rejected by the origin of the universe. If Diko gets him, even if he is strong enough in the future, will he really be able to use this blood knife? Will it also be resisted by the origin of the universe? Hey, this little guy is really annoying Don't worry," said the Lord of Feng Yao, who shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help but say: "However, if Huang Jian knew that his disciple had obtained this blood knife, he would probably be very happy, right? Recently, he seems to be also interested in the long-lost mountains and seas. The world has become curious. If we can get a glimpse of the secrets of the mountain and sea world through this blood knife, it will be an incredible gain."

Lord Fengyao was thinking about it when Diko, who was lying unconscious on the ground, trembled his brows, and then opened his eyes. The confused look with a taste of vicissitudes of life made Lord Fengyao's brows jump: " woke up?"

"You are..." Diko frowned and stood up with his sore body that was about to fall apart. Feeling the pressure of life on the Lord of Fengyao that was as powerful as the Lord of Huangjian, he couldn't help but respectfully said: "Diko meets the Lord of Fengyao!"

(End of this chapter)

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