Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 468 The bloody knife enters the body

Chapter 468 The bloody knife enters the body
The Lord of the Universe, as a group of beings at the true pinnacle of the original universe, each one seems to be the incarnation of the law. Even if they restrain their aura pressure, the invisible breath of life is enough to make the immortal gods tremble, not to mention that now Di Ke was just a little guy who had just become a domain lord.

"How do you feel now?" Lord Fengyao looked at Diko and asked slightly seriously. Diko was moved when he heard this. He immediately realized that Lord Fengyao must have known about the fact that he accidentally obtained the blood knife, and he didn't know either. What would be his attitude? Will he have to hand over his blood knife?
Diko, with twinkling eyes, also felt his body with his heart. He found that the blood knife that entered his body seemed to be integrated with his own body, making the flesh and blood in his body filled with invisible evil aura and evil spirit. Like a sharp breath.

"What level of treasure is this blood knife? Why did I get it, but it doesn't seem to contain any information. I even didn't know how to control and activate this blood knife for a while. What does this blood knife have to do with the mountain and sea lineage? What's the relationship?" Diko was secretly surprised and curious.

"Why, don't you think there's anything wrong?" Seeing Diko's silence, the Lord of Feng Yao asked with a frown.

"No, I just don't know what to say for a moment," Diko, who came back to his senses after hearing this, said in deep thought: "The bloody knife entered my body, as if it was integrated with my body, but it seems that And I can’t control it..."

The Lord of Feng Yao's eyes flickered when he heard this. With a thought, the emptied divine power tried to invade Diko's body to investigate, but he just got close to Diko's body. Diko, who was trembling all over, was instantly like a sword unsheathed. Like a bloody knife, the invisible evil energy and sharp knife energy burst out, causing the surrounding space to vibrate and distort.

"Huh? I didn't expect that this blood sword has spirit and can actually protect its master. The things in the mountains and seas are indeed mysterious and special." The Lord of Feng Yao hurriedly withdrew his virtual power. He saw that the evil energy on his body was as restrained as the sword energy, and then spit out a mouthful of blood. , staggered back a little weakly and almost fell, Dico couldn't help but feel more and more surprised.

At the same time, Di Ke, who was in severe pain all over his body like bleeding from his seven orifices, and felt that the sudden burst of sword energy just now almost tore and destroyed his body, could not help but look at the Lord of Fengyao with lingering fear. After controlling the energy in his body to recover from the injury, Di Ke couldn't help but He said in a trembling voice: "Lord Fengyao, what on earth is going on?"

"It seems that the blood sword has recognized you as its master. If others want to take it away, they will have to kill you." The words of the Lord of Fengyao immediately made Dico's heart skip a beat. This Lord of Fengyao would not do it for Is that mysterious blood knife going to kill him?
Dicko knew very well the status of a universe master among the human race. I am afraid that even if he destroys a universe country, he will not be punished too much.

But after thinking about it again, Dico became more confident.In any case, he is a direct disciple of Lord Huang Jian, the leader of the Universe Mercenary Alliance. Lord Feng Yao should not be able to kill a little guy like him just because he bullies the younger ones.What's more, even if he is killed, the Lord of Feng Yao may not be able to control the bloody knife.Otherwise, the mysterious bloody knife would not be left here.

"However, with that bloody sword protecting you, it would not be so easy for an ordinary strong person to kill you," the Lord of Feng Yao continued: "Dico, your trial on the prison battlefield is not over yet. You can rest assured in prison now." Go on the battlefield and practice! If anything happens, I think your teacher, Lord Huang Jian, will contact you."

After saying that, without waiting for Diko to say more, the Lord of Fengyao teleported away and disappeared, which made Diko secretly relieved. Fortunately, the Lord of Fengyao respected his identity and he had passed this level.It's just that the blood knife is too mysterious and special after all, and it is related to the world of mountains and seas. I don't know what the teacher's attitude will be. Will he find a way to get him to hand it over?
"It seems that my strength is still too weak after all. If I were the Lord of the Universe, or the Lord of the Universe, let alone the mysterious blood knife, even if I got the pinnacle treasure or even the most powerful treasure, who in the human race would Are you forcing me to hand over the treasure?" With this thought in his mind, Diko took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged in the core of the Blood Mist Sea, which was safe for the time being and should not be disturbed by anyone. Now I have realized the changes in my own harvest.As expected, the mysterious blood knife in his body seemed to be integrated with his own body, making it difficult to sense and detect.However, under the influence of the invisible evil aura of the blood knife, Diko was keenly aware of the quiet changes in his own genes, which was a transformation of life levels that would only occur when his realm improved.

At the same time, under the influence of the original power of the stars to transform the world and the universe, even if the soul and will returned, Dicko's soul still underwent an essential transformation, and his induction of the law of fire and even the law of space and time of the original universe became clearer.
In addition, Di Ke also discovered that the inheritance about the mountain and sea lineage weapon refining he received from the mysterious blood knife was still clearly engraved in his mind and memory, and had not been erased by the original will of the original universe.

"Great! In this way, the blood refining method of Shanhai lineage will not be resisted by the original will in my hands?" Di Ke really wanted to try it, but he didn't have any refining materials or tools for the time being. , we can only wait until we leave the prison battlefield before looking for a chance to test it.

"Try the efficiency of training first. In this prison battlefield, strength is still the most important. At least you must have the ability to fight against some powerful realm masters." Thinking in his mind, Dicko instinctively tried to absorb the surrounding people. Cosmic Energy: "I have just stepped into the Territory Lord level. Even though the cosmic energy in this cosmic secret is rich, and the cosmic energy in the depths of the Blood Mist Sea is especially abundant, if I want to reach the peak of the Territory Lord level as soon as possible, I still can't get into the nutrition cabin as fast as I want. .Huh? could this happen?"

Just as he was thinking about it, Diko's expression soon changed, and he was startled.Because he found that when he tried to absorb the cosmic energy around him, an invisible force of swallowing seemed to erupt in his body, absorbing the rich cosmic energy from the outside like a whale, causing the force in his body to surge at a speed that could be felt. While he is pure and powerful, his physical fitness is also improving like a transformation.

"Is it that blood knife? Could it be that it also thinks that I am too weak now, so it is anxious to help me improve my strength?" Diko, who was a little dumbfounded, immediately absorbed the energy of the outside universe to improve his strength, and most of his consciousness was Focus on the understanding of flames and the laws of time and space
Time passed quietly. I don’t know how long it took. When Diko, who was immersed in the understanding of the law, felt that the speed of his understanding slowed down, he decisively ended this understanding practice.

"It's time to go out and explore. Now that I've come to the prison battlefield, I can't stay here to practice hard. It's time to practice hard in the battle, put my understanding of the law into combat as soon as possible, and improve my actual combat strength in the fight." After some insights, Diko, who had simply digested what he had gained from his soul traveling through the stars and changing the world, now also wanted to test his current combat effectiveness.

"I am now at the peak of the eighth level of Territory Lord level, close to the ninth level of Territory Lord level. This improvement speed is not much worse than directly soaking in the nutrition cabin." Diko, who felt the current level of strength, couldn't help but feel a little surprised. Tongue: "I'm almost at the peak of the Territory Lord level, and I'm ready to fight against a World Lord. Ordinary Territory Lords, for me, I'm afraid they really don't have much training effect."

In this way, the confident Diko quickly left the core of the Blood Mist Sea. After a burst of speed, he arrived at the outer area of ​​the core of the Blood Mist Sea soon...
"Huh?" I thought it would be difficult to meet those strong men who were exiled to the prison battlefield here, but as soon as they arrived at the periphery of the core area of ​​​​the Blood Mist Sea, Diko felt a familiar power of the world lord sweep away. Come over here...
(End of this chapter)

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