Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 469 Battle against the Realm Lord

Chapter 469 Battle against the Realm Lord
Just as Diko sensed the power of the Realm Lord, a bloody stream of light shot out from the blood mist that was gradually thinning in the distance like a meteor. In the blink of an eye, it came to the front and turned into a dark red light. The burly figure with long and disheveled hair was the powerful Realm Lord whom he had encountered before and who had boldly forced him into the sea of ​​blood mist.

"You're not dead? It seems that you do have some tricks. You should have a powerful treasure to protect yourself, right?" Seeing Diko, the burly Realm Master was also a little surprised, followed closely by the bloodthirsty and ferocious look on his face. A fiery greedy light appeared in his eyes.

"Treasure? I have good things with me, but I'm afraid you don't have the ability to get them!" Diko raised his eyebrows and sneered. The other party was a level higher than him, but he could get away from him when he was at the cosmic level. Now that the Domain Lord is at the peak of his strength, how can he be afraid of him?It is normal for the core members of the five major forces of the human race to fight against each other and even kill their opponents. Otherwise, how can they be called geniuses?
"You think you're lucky enough to break through and become a Territory Lord, so you can fight me? You're looking for death!" Seeing Di Ke's nonchalant look, the burly Territory Lord shouted coldly, and the violent and terrifying energy in his hand turned into a fire dragon. Sweeping towards Dicko.

Boom... Instead of retreating, he advanced. With a seemingly ordinary punch, Diko met the energy fire dragon as if the space was distorted, causing the space to vibrate, and instantly defeated the fire dragon. At the same time, a dark red stream of light also emerged from the collapsed fire dragon. It shot out and landed on Dico's fist, causing Dico to fly backwards in shock. The skin on his hand was suddenly torn and blood dripped.

"Fifth level force weapon?" Diko, who saw the dark red light flying back like a dark red shuttle, and the injury on his hand quickly recovered, couldn't help but frown slightly.

The burly Realm Master who reached out to catch the one-meter-long shuttle also burst out with a phantom speed, appearing directly in front of Diko as if teleporting. At the same time, the shuttle in his hand was about to pierce the space and stabbed directly. Dicko's chest...
Chi... Visible to the naked eye, the shuttle pierced into Dick's body, but no blood flowed out. Then Dick's figure disappeared, and at the same time, the surrounding space seemed to be glued together by red glue. It gives people a sticky feeling of time and space being stuck together.

"Huh? He is actually a monster genius who has understood the laws of time and space at the same time? Being able to apply the laws of time and space to such a level, he is definitely the core genius of the five major forces of the human race," said the man who felt the viscous magma-like flame energy field around him. With the powerful binding force, he looked at the phantoms of Dico that turned into hundreds of phantoms in an instant. They seemed to be stuck within the scope of the domain, but seemed to be slowly and quickly approaching him. The phantoms of Diko and the burly world stagnated. The Lord's expression finally changed.

But then, the burly Realm Master suddenly moved, and a wide range of illusory world projections appeared around him. It was like a world like a sea of ​​fire, a red ground, a volcano with dark red magma constantly spewing out, and the invisible suppressive and restraining power was even stronger than Dicko's. The fields combined with the Law of Fire and the Law of Space and Time are even more terrifying.

"World projection of a world lord-level powerhouse?" Feeling the terrifying restraining power that seemed to be directly suppressed by a violent volcano, most of the hundreds of figures collapsed in an instant. The remaining nearly a hundred figures could not move even if their speed was greatly reduced. Still quickly killing the burly world lord as if passing through the gap in time and space.

Whoosh! However, just as Diko's figure approached the burly World Master, amidst the sudden and dense sound of breaking through the air, streams of flames shot out from the burly World Master, like a strong wind blowing out a candle, passing by. The phantoms of Chudike's clones quickly collapsed and disappeared.

Amidst the muffled sound, the only remaining flame streamer, Diko, slapped away one of the flame streamers. When the flame streamer turned into a three-inch flying shuttle and flew backwards, the other flame streamers flew out. In an instant, they all turned into arcs and shot towards Diko.

怕 .. Even if Diko dispatched the laws of space in time, it turned into dozens of avatars, but facing the attack of the flames of the sky, it was still the collapse of the avatar. Yanjing Ninth Body Refinement was used to protect the body, and the donated blood from his mouth was still flying away wildly, and his whole body was stinging so much that it almost seemed like he would fall apart immediately. "Controller of the spiritual master? I didn't expect you to still have such a hand!" Diko, who steadied his figure in a panic and was covered in blood, gritted his teeth and looked at the burly world lord in the distance, his mouth twitching in pain all over his body.

"Who among the strong men who can survive in the prison battlefield doesn't have some trump cards? Although I am only a minor in spiritual master, killing you is enough. Suffer death!" The burly Realm Master said with a sneer. The inch shuttle once again turned into a sky filled with fireballs and poured down towards Diko.

Faced with this merciless killing blow, Diko's figure turned into dozens of phantoms again, and he was trying to escape with difficulty. The clones were at different speeds, causing the flow of time in that space to become chaotic. , actually perfectly dodged all attacks.

Immediately afterwards, the clones dissipated, speed exploded, and Diko, who was covered in flames, turned into a flame afterimage and killed directly towards the burly world lord.

"What? His understanding and application of the laws of time and space have reached such a level, how is it possible?" The burly Realm Lord stared in shock, his heart filled with disbelief, so much so that Dico was already close to him before he could react, and then He waved the one-meter-long dark red flying shuttle in his hand with some annoyance, and it instantly rubbed against the void and pierced towards Diko like it was on fire.

Shit.. Almost at the same time, Diko, who exuded a violent and fierce aura, seemed to turn into a bloodthirsty and vicious knife. He punched out with a fierce punch and faced the burly Realm Master like the tip of a knife. The burning shuttle in his hand.

In an instant, the moment Dico's fist collided with the shuttle, the flames on the shuttle were split into two. Then the shuttle trembled and whined, and the light dimmed, and at the same time, the whole body was filled with flames. The burly Realm Master trembled and flew back in embarrassment with a knife mark visible to the naked eye on his chest armor...
Dicko, who was also trembling and vomiting out a mouthful of blood, also flew backwards, his skin and flesh were torn apart, and his whole body felt a burning sting as if it was being torn from the inside out, causing his face to twitch, his brows to tremble, and his face almost instantly Sweating.

"The power of the blood knife is really difficult to control..." Diko sighed inwardly. Seeing the burly world lord opposite with the same shocked and horrified look on his face, he couldn't help but feel a little happy. This guy is also very powerful among the world lords. Yes, he is a Realm Lord recognized by the laws of this court. I'm afraid he never thought that a mere Territory Lord could make him so embarrassed, right?
When the burly Realm Master reacted and wanted to control the shuttle telepathy weapon to attack again, Dicko, who had sensed it, suddenly became sharp-eyed. He was too lazy to talk to him and directly used the pressure of his will to make him completely confused. Then the invisible power of thought invaded his body..
But the other party is a Realm Lord after all, and he is also a veteran and powerful Realm Master. His soul and will are not weak either. He soon showed signs of struggle, and his aura became violent and chaotic.
"Still want to resist?" Diko used his will attack again, and at the same time, he used the soul burning secret method. The burning mind power, which was comparable to the power of the world master, soon invaded the burly world with the help of his strong will. The master's soul, and at the same time, he used the soul seal secret method to prepare to control his soul.

Ordinary Territory Lords, even if they are spiritual masters at the pinnacle of Territory Lords, just kill them.But a powerful Realm Master is still of some use to Diko today.Even if you don't need it in the future, sending it back to the galaxy to protect the earth and your family is a good choice.After all, soul slaves are absolutely loyal, and the world master has a life span of tens of millions of years. Where can I find such a long-term bodyguard?
(End of this chapter)

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