Chapter 471

Since the five major forces of the human race have perfect protection measures for their core members, it is difficult for hostile groups such as the Zerg, Monster, and Mechanical Race to infiltrate into the human territory, and even send strong men to kill Diko.

So Dicko's life on earth is still very peaceful, and he also likes the peaceful atmosphere on earth now.In addition to practicing, spending time with his relatives, mentoring his juniors, and some outstanding earth-line warriors and spiritual masters, Dicko lived a simple and fulfilling life on earth.

Time passed year after year, and decades passed in the blink of an eye in peace. Dike, who had been low-key and calm for decades, and did not even go to Tongtian Bridge and Tongtian Mountain, finally received a message from Points mission issued by the headquarters of the Space Mercenary Alliance.

"Oh, it's a big scene right from the start! This points mission is quite impressive!" In the villa study on Blood Wave Island in the virtual universe, Dicko's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw the email content on the computer screen. He muttered to himself.

After decades of peaceful life on earth, Dicko, whose bones were almost rusty, had long wanted to go out and fight.However, in this mission, the level of the battle that is about to break out seems to be a bit high, because Diko will lead some immortal gods to hunt down the immortal gods.

Battles at the immortal level are not common in major cosmic countries whose rule is relatively stable.What's more, it was the Space Mercenary Alliance that took such aggressive action.Therefore, there is no doubt that the objects that Diko needs to hunt in this mission are soul slaves controlled by aliens. They are no longer human beings, but have become accomplices of aliens, and have caused harm to the human race. caused greater losses.

After receiving the mission, Diko quickly led his escort leader Yi Feng to quietly leave the earth and join the Immortal Team of the Universe Mercenary Alliance who will cooperate with him on the hunting mission.
The mission went very smoothly. Although Diko and the others had to deal with a feudal lord and two powerful immortal monarchs, the immortal team dispatched by the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance this time was a disciple of Lord Yanhuang. Led by the famous Immortal Prince Qinglan King of Qianwu Universe Kingdom, there are four Immortal Princes including Yi Feng, as well as eight powerful Immortal Gods at the higher or even peak level of the Immortal Military Lord.Unexpectedly, the opponent was suppressed and annihilated directly, almost like a crushing force.

Diko, who had watched this battle with his own eyes, didn't even need to take action. Even the aftermath was handled by the cooperating Ganwu Universe Nation army. He only had to sigh and sigh from the side. It turned out that the seemingly powerful and eternal Immortal Gods, in the battles at the ethnic level, are just more powerful cannon fodder. Even the immortal gods with immortal bodies are very weak, and they may also become the soul slaves of the strong ones of the opposing ethnic groups.

On the way back, in the F-class spacecraft that belonged to King Qinglan and had very good performance, the spacious and simple yet luxurious quiet room was empty. Only a dark red world ring was placed alone on the cushion.

In one of the worlds, over a desert, Dicko was smiling as he looked at the female robot standing in the air in front of him, wearing an exquisite dark red armor, as if he was admiring a perfect work of art.

Except for the metal armor, this female robot looks too much like a human.With a figure that can be called golden proportions, long dark red shawl hair, and a delicate face with a humanized look of anger and unyielding, at first glance, she looks like a heroic female officer, not like a robot at all.

But in fact, the other party is not a robot in the true sense, but a mechanical race. To be precise, it is an intelligent life, and it is an intelligent life that has gained the heart of evolution and has the potential to practice and evolve.This female intelligent life has cultivated and evolved to the realm master level. For an intelligent life with a true heart of evolution, it is very easy to advance to immortality.After all, the heart of evolution itself is very magical, possessing incredible special energy, which can turn intelligence into a life that can truly be cultivated, and generally has the potential to become immortal. It is a strategic material within the machine clan, and among humans It is even more valuable within the ethnic group, and many powerful immortal kings cannot afford it.

But once the heart of evolution is used by an intelligent life, the value of an intelligent life that has not truly grown up will be greatly reduced.But even so, this is already considered a true machine race, and it is an important chess piece placed by the machine race in human beings. It is still of great value, and it is also the biggest gain that Dicko personally grasped during this mission.

The opponent may have just reached the realm lord level, and his fighting skills are not too strong, so Diko didn't bother much and captured him alive with the help of two realm lord level soul slaves.

But even so, Diko had some reservations during the battle, but the strength and methods he displayed shocked the immortal gods such as King Qinglan.Therefore, when Diko proposed to try to make this female intelligent life recognize its master, or directly control its soul, they did not interfere and acquiesced to Diko's disposal.

After all, Di Ke is the direct disciple of Lord Huang Jian. Although his strength is relatively weak, he is still the uncle of King Qing Lan. King Qing Lan and other immortal gods will naturally not regard Di Ke as an ordinary five human beings. Members of the core group of the force treat him relatively politely.

"Why, you don't want to take the initiative to accept me as your master, do you want me to turn you into a soul slave?" Looking at the extremely unruly female intelligent life opposite, Diko sneered, but he was too lazy to talk to her about anything, invisible. The power of thought directly invaded his body, trying to control it.

However, at the same time that Diko's telepathy invaded the opponent's body, the originally unyielding face suddenly revealed a look of human sarcasm, and the power of the invisible world that suddenly became violent all over his body was easily defeated. Dicko's mental power invaded, and then blatantly invaded Dicko's body...
"Huh? What?" Sensing the invisible powerful will contained in the power of the other party's world, Dicko's expression changed and he was suddenly startled: "Such a powerful will is probably comparable to some powerful immortal kings. How is it possible? ? She is just a World Lord-level intelligent life. Even if she has the heart to evolve, her will will not improve so fast. Could it be?"

Diko, who had some guesses in his mind, suddenly had a look of shock and anger on his face. His soul thought was burning. Under the other party's sarcastic smile, and even a bit of triumph in his eyes, he also used the trick to put on a desperate struggle. appearance.

"Stop struggling! You are a peerless genius of mankind. Although you are a monster, you are too weak after all. Just feel free to be my slave! Haha... In order to be able to get close to you, I lost a feudal immortal servant. In order to be able to I spent a lot of effort to soul enslave him in the plane battlefield!" Feeling Diko's crazy struggle, the female intelligent life suddenly showed a smile as if she had a winning chance.

But then, her eyes widened in horror and disbelief, and then a look of pain appeared on her frowning face, but she was stunned by the terrible impact of Dico's will in that instant.
"No" she still wanted to struggle with a painful expression, her aura was violent, causing the surrounding space to vibrate, and an energy storm set off in the entire desert, but soon, Diko, who was going all out, relied on the power of the seal Wang Immortal's powerful will was much more terrifying, and his burning mind power successfully invaded the evolutionary heart in his body, quickly completing the process of soul control.

(End of this chapter)

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