Chapter 472 King Honghe

When Diko's soul controlled the female mechanical tribesman, in the quiet room of the spaceship outside, the slightly trembling world ring also burst out an invisible violent energy wave uncontrollably, causing the surrounding space to shake.
Immediately afterwards, King Qinglan and Yi Feng who were guarding outside rushed in from the opened door of the quiet room. When they saw the trembling world ring, their expressions changed slightly.

But before they could react, Dico, whose aura was also somewhat manic and disordered, suddenly appeared, and at the same time, the world ring flew up and was put on his finger.

"Your Highness, what's going on?" Yi Feng asked nervously. The heroic King Qinglan on the side looked at Di Ke seriously and frowned and asked: "Did the soul control fail? Although the female mechanical tribesman has obtained the ability to evolve, It shouldn’t take long, but after all, you are already the world master. With your current strength, even if your will is stronger than many immortal gods, it is still not that easy to control her soul. Try a few more times, or wait until you become The Realm Lord should be confident enough to control his soul."

"It's under control," Diko smiled calmly, which made King Qinglan and Yi Feng stunned for a moment: "Under control?"

Although they all know that Diko is a monster, with very good talent and understanding, and a very fast cultivation speed. He can control a Realm Lord with his soul at the peak of the Realm Lord level. I am afraid it will be more difficult than defeating a Realm Lord. They really don't have it. To think that Dicko could do that.

Even when Diko fought against the female mechanical tribesman before, two powerful Realm Masters who were not weak in strength helped him, but King Qinglan and Yi Feng did not think that they were Realm Master soul slaves controlled by Diko, and thought they were Realm Master soul slaves controlled by Diko. Where are the universe-level slaves purchased by Dicko, and the realm masters who spent resources to cultivate after enslaving their souls at that time!

With Dicko's current authority position in the Space Mercenary Alliance, and the resources of the Vulcan Group, which is growing in business on Earth, it is not difficult to spend some time and rely on resources to build up a few realm masters. .

"Good luck, I got it under control by luck." Seeing that King Qinglan and Yi Feng looked a little surprised, Diko smiled calmly, and with a thought, the female mechanical tribesman appeared aside, and at the same time, she saluted Diko respectfully and shouted: " Owner!"

"Congratulations, Your Highness! Since there is no problem, we won't disturb you," King Qinglan said with a slight smile, taking Yi Feng away directly and watching them leave. After the hatch was closed, Di Ke looked aside seriously. The female mechanical tribe member who stood respectfully said: "You said your name is Hong He, and you are the clone of Hong He King of the mechanical tribe. The Hong He King who just broke out in the battlefield outside the territory and became famous as the peerless evildoer of the mechanical tribe?"

"Yes, Master!" Hong He, a female mechanical tribesman, responded respectfully, but Diko couldn't help but frown and said, "Are you kidding? You only have realm lord level strength, but she can fight on the battlefield outside the territory. The powerful Immortal King who kills princes and even kings, how can you be her clone?"

"My master does not know that it is very rare for us mechanical tribesmen to have clones, and the way to possess clones is very special. Unlike other tribes' flesh, energy, plant or rock life, my true self has stepped into the immortal world. It didn’t take long, and it was only after I became immortal that I became known as Honghe King on the battlefield outside the territory. This clone of mine is the one that was differentiated from me at the realm lord level, and I successfully obtained an evolved one not long ago. "My heart allowed me to cultivate to the realm master level," Honghe quickly explained: "The reason why I am not in a hurry to advance to the immortal realm is to sneak into the human race and find opportunities to get close to the master. I actually overestimate my ability and want to control Master, now he is controlled by the master."

"Wait a minute, are you saying that I control your clone, which is equivalent to controlling your original body, King Honghe?" Diko asked, looking at Honghe in shock and disbelief.

Although Diko had confidence in himself and believed that it would be possible for the soul to control powerful immortal gods and even cosmic lords in the future, Diko never expected that he could control a mechanical monster so easily. What a genius!

You must know that judging from the strength displayed by the Honghe King just after he became immortal, his natural talent is no less than the peerless evil genius that the human race rarely encounters in hundreds of millions of years. There is every hope that he will become an immortal in the future. Lord of the Universe.This kind of genius is equivalent to the science that caused the demise of the human race due to the plot of the Zerg.If the top brass of the Machine Tribe knew that he had become a human soul slave, they would definitely be so angry that they would vomit blood. "Yes, Master! The clone and the soul have the same origin, and our mechanical race is no exception. I have become the slave of the master, and I am naturally the slave of the master." Honghe also nodded and said: "Master, please Shall I call you here?"

"Call me here?" Diko raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard it. He felt that it was a little unreal. At the same time, his eyes flickered, and he took Honghe directly back to the World Ring, and then came to the Fire Temple with her. After entering a secret quiet room in the Fire Temple, he closed the door of the quiet room and ordered through soul contact: "Try to see if your true self can be teleported through the Kingdom of God!"

Standing alone in the quiet room, Hong He nodded slightly, and then through soul connection and with the help of Hong He's eyes, Diko saw a dazzling red light shining in front of Hong He in the quiet room. Along with the distortion and fluctuation of the space, a The red figure, who was even more cold, arrogant and full of evil spirit, stepped out.

At the same time, Diko also clearly felt the invisible soul connection between himself and the other party, and confirmed that the other party was indeed affected by the soul of the clone and was controlled by his soul.

"Haha.. The Mechanical Clan has been crowned the Immortal King, and he is also the peerless monster of the Mechanical Clan. That's great!" Diko laughed happily. After opening the door of the quiet room and walking in, Hong He's true self saluted him respectfully. , after feeling the pressure of the invisible aura released from the exquisite dark red divine armor on the opponent's body, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Heavy treasure? Heavy treasure armor?"

"Yes, Master! This was given to me by my teacher, a master of the mechanical universe, after he accepted me as his disciple," King Honghe responded respectfully: "In addition to this ordinary heavy treasure armor, I also have another This ordinary heavy treasure sword was given to me by my father after I entered immortality."

"Father? You still have a father?" Diko was surprised when he heard this. He had never heard that the mechanical race could still give birth!If the mechanical race can give birth, why do they need the heart to evolve?
King Honghe also quickly explained: "He is my nominal father. I was born and grew up under his eyes. He is a cosmic overlord of the mechanical clan and can also be regarded as my teacher."

"So that's it! You have two heavy treasures with you, and the value of ordinary heavy treasure armor is comparable to some top-notch heavy treasure weapons of excellent quality. Your two teachers from the mechanical tribe are really kind to you," Dike said in a daze. He couldn't help but feel a little sad, after all, his teacher, Lord Huangjian, had not given him even a valuable treasure yet!

"Although they are my teachers, the mechanical race is the enemy of the human race. They are the master's enemies, which is also my enemy," King Honghe said without hesitation.

Hearing what King Honghe said, Diko was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but thought to himself: "The soul slave is indeed sad. He has no self-will at all. He is just a puppet with his own thoughts and the ability to practice. It has nothing to do with real death. What a difference."

"If you really fall, you still have the chance to reverse time and space and be resurrected. But if you become a soul slave, you don't even have the chance to be resurrected." Thinking of this, Diko's expression suddenly changed: "Hey, by the way, Luo Feng became the king of the universe in the original work. The Queen, even Hu Yanbo’s soul slave has been resurrected!”

(End of this chapter)

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