Chapter 473 Dicko’s idea

It stands to reason that soul slaves cannot be resurrected. Does it mean that living soul slaves cannot be resurrected?So if we don’t resurrect Hu Yanbo, can we only resurrect his soul slave?If you can't do it, then once you become a soul slave, you really can't escape the fate of being a soul slave.

But if Hu Yanbo is not resurrected, his soul slaves can still be resurrected.After the slave is resurrected, the master has long since died. Can the slave without his master be able to regain his freedom?
"I'm afraid it can't be done. Otherwise, it won't become a consensus that becoming a soul slave is completely over." Dicko was thinking. Although he didn't know too much about soul slaves and reversal of time and space, he was still able to analyze it. The approximate result is: "It seems that everything is under the influence of the original will of the original universe, and some rules cannot..."

"But if even the original will of the original universe cannot be affected, can the rules be changed? Luo Feng can practice the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" that directly promotes genetic evolution, but those who are controlled by the soul cannot regain their freedom. Why can't the rules be changed? Can I even think about the secret method of cultivating the body and promoting genetic evolution? Once created, will it be resisted by the rules of the universe?" After thinking about it, Diko couldn't help but his eyes flickered. : "Normally, there is no absolute in everything, and there is still a glimmer of hope under the law of heaven! If the secret method I created myself is still resisted by the original will of the universe, then it would be a bit unreasonable, right?"

Thinking of this, Diko couldn't help but get excited and look forward to it.After all, the soul-burning secret method he created in the Panlong World was not resisted by the origin of the universe!But the secret method of cultivating the body and promoting genetic evolution is different after all. Even if it is created, it is really hard to say whether it can be practiced.

"Also, the immortal strong man can cultivate an immortal body, and can be resurrected with only one cell left. This shows that from the immortality to the strongest man in the universe, the strong man's physical body is transformed into divine power, which is energy. Since If it can be turned into divine power, can it be turned into energy similar to the sea of ​​blood and sea water in the God Realm of the Star-Changing World? If my body can now transform into the water of the sea of ​​blood, wouldn't it be equivalent to possessing an immortal body in advance? Even, I The sea of ​​blood transformed into the flesh can also absorb the energy of the universe and evolve into a real sea of ​​blood..." As he thought about it, Dico couldn't help but his heart beat faster.

However, Dicko also understood that all this was just his imagination.If you want to turn your ideas into reality, the road ahead is not that easy. No matter how many times you try, you may not be able to reach the threshold. Even if you step into the threshold, it is difficult to say whether the road ahead will work. .

But Diko would not be discouraged. Just like after he returned to Earth, he began to try to use some materials to make weapons. He found that the weapons he made might be of good quality, but their power was far from comparable to some force weapons and telekinesis weapons. It's just that his understanding of the law is limited and he can't understand the more profound and powerful secret patterns at all. How can he create a powerful weapon that contains the secret patterns of time and space?

Just like if you don't understand formations in the world of stars, no matter how good your weapon refining skills are, you can only create a prototype, but not a truly good weapon.

Thinking about the third-level telepathy weapon created by Hu Yanbo, who was granted the title of Immortal, it is not that good.After all, he also has limited background and limited understanding of the secret patterns of laws!

Among the powerful people in the original universe who were truly good at refining weapons, which one was not quite accomplished in the secret pattern?The secret patterns on some heavy treasures and supreme treasures are such that even the Immortal King and the Venerable Masters of the Universe have to spend their time to ponder them. Only after they understand them thoroughly can the true power of the heavy treasures and supreme treasures be unleashed!

It can be seen that the understanding of laws is the basis for understanding and comprehending the secret patterns of various laws.Even the powerful immortal gods and cosmic venerables, if they don't follow the secret patterns, their understanding of the law is strong enough, and they can understand that the secret patterns on the treasure of the lifting treasure will be difficult.

Therefore, even for some strong people who are proficient in secret patterns and good at refining weapons, it is difficult to refine heavy treasures and ordinary treasures. It is even more difficult to refine high-level treasures or even more powerful treasures. .

The master of craftsmanship in the original universe who once had the guidance of the mountain guest could only refine top-notch treasures.The original ancestor of the human race was so amazing and talented, and the treasures left behind to suppress the clan were only refined into high-level treasures.

Of course, being able to make high-level treasures burst out with power comparable to the most powerful treasures like mechanical treasures, the original ancestor is indeed a beast. Even Sitting Mountain Guest, a god-king who once originated from the mainland and is good at refining treasures, will have to deal with it. Looking at the three-pointer, it's even a bit unclear.

Relying on secret patterns to refine heavy treasures and treasures is extremely difficult for Diko today.He also tried the blood refining method. Although the refining process was not resisted by the original will of the universe, the weapons refined did not have the special characteristics of the blood refining magic weapons that he expected, just like the blood refining of the mountains and seas. Once the method was in his hands, it was no different from ordinary weapon refining methods.At first, Diko was also very confused and troubled. After several attempts, he probably guessed some reasons. Perhaps this method of refining weapons has been 'shielded' by the original will of the universe.

If you want to find a way to crack it, you probably need to consider the secret pattern, the mainstream avenue of weapon refining.But for a moment, Diko couldn't think of a way to break the situation, and felt that the road ahead was foggy and clueless.

"Master...Master" King Honghe's continuous shouts made Diko come back to his senses from deep thought. When he looked up, he saw her asking respectfully: "Master, if I leave the battlefield outside the territory for too long, it will be too long." If I don’t return to the Machine Clan and keep in touch with the clan, I’m afraid there will be suspicion within the clan. From now on, should I always stay with my master, or should I return to the battlefield outside the territory first?”

"Your true self will return to the battlefield outside the territory first, and try to fight as little as possible with the immortal strongmen of the human race in the future! Let your clone follow me, so that if there is anything important, you can teleport to me at any time through the Kingdom of God," Dicko said thoughtfully.

"Yes, Master!" King Honghe responded respectfully and was about to start teleporting from the Kingdom of God again, but Diko said: "Show me your heavy treasure armor and heavy treasure sword."

Without any hesitation, King Honghe first turned over his hand and took out a ferocious black-purple sword with a strong murderous aura, and then with a thought, the dark red armor on his body separated from the body and floated in front of Diko.

These are just two important treasures, but with Dicko's eyes, he wouldn't be greedy for them.The reason why he asked King Honghe to bring over the two heavy treasures was because he wanted to take a look at the secret patterns of laws on the two heavy treasures and figure out how to refine them.

After reading it, Diko, who had a rough idea, returned it to King Honghe and let him teleport away through the Kingdom of God.

Although the Chongbao is precious, with Diko's current strength, he doesn't need it. Once he has it, he will be guilty of it, not to mention that there is a mysterious blood knife in his body that is even more powerful than the Chongbao!It is still difficult for him to control and use it, and it is useless to be greedy for too much.

The teleportation from the Kingdom of God in the Fire Temple is covered by the Fire Temple, and coupled with the barrier of the World Ring, the immortal gods such as King Qinglan in the spaceship outside cannot sense it.No one knew that King Honghe of the majestic mechanical clan had become his soul slave, so Diko naturally had a powerful trump card.

At the critical moment, if King Honghe teleports directly to Diko through the Kingdom of God, it will naturally have an unexpected effect and make Diko feel at ease.

After all, there were too many powerful people in the original universe. If any immortal god attacked Diko, it would be enough to give him a headache.With King Honghe as a secret bodyguard, he can protect Diko as long as he doesn't provoke the Lord of the Universe.

(End of this chapter)

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