Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 478: Sea of ​​Blood

Chapter 478: Sea of ​​Blood
"This" Immediately after, Diko came back to his senses with a sudden reaction, and his expression changed slightly: "My body of blood sea, the power base seems to be much stronger than the previous one, and the genetic level has at least improved. Hundreds of times. Could it be that the secret pattern map before is the genetic map of my new body? Could it be that when I tried to transform into the sea of ​​blood, I actually changed my life form and cultivated myself into a brand new special life? "

Cultivating himself into another kind of life, and a new and special kind of life, was something Dico had not thought of before, but it made sense when he thought about it.After all, if you really want to transform into a sea of ​​blood, how can the sea of ​​blood still be an ordinary life?

"I wonder what's so special about my newly cultivated blood sea body?" Diko, who was curious, sensed it carefully, and soon felt that there were faint elements in the bones, muscles, blood vessels, blood and other tissues of this body. The breath of law contains a trace of information. This is a symbol of the creatures born in the original universe and recognized as the origin of the universe.

Diko, whose consciousness absorbed those messages, also knew that the innate secret method possessed by his new special life-like blood sea body was surprisingly similar to that of the Nine Nether Sea, with the ability to 'transform the sea' and In addition to the talent ability of 'Creation', there is also a special combat talent secret method 'Blood Burning'.

Transforming into the sea is easy to understand. It means that the body can instantly turn into an ocean with a diameter of about [-] kilometers, which is as big as the previous blood lake. At the same time, the blood sea it has transformed has the ability to control time and space. The larger the blood sea, the more powerful it is. The stronger the energy, the stronger the ability to control time and space.

Creation is even more magical and powerful. It can actually analyze the genes of living creatures, or recombine life genes to extract energy to create life.Using this method, it is completely possible to create a group of people who are full of respect for themselves and absolutely loyal to themselves.

Although the more powerful and complex life is, the harder it is to create it, having such an ability will have a very good auxiliary effect on taking the path of divine power and studying genes in the future. It sounds like a very coveted ability!

As for the combat talent secret method Burning Blood, as the name suggests, it is an explosion of energy, instantly like a sea of ​​blood burning, but it is not like burning divine power, but like calm sea water suddenly turbulent and rolling like boiling, erupting with terrible energy to assist Attacking is similar to stimulating the potential of blood, but it will not damage the soul.

"Is there such a secret method that is similar to burning divine power? If I combined it with the soul-burning secret method before becoming a god, how powerful would it be?" Diko thought to himself.

Thinking of his thoughts, Diko's blood boiled all over his body. The violent energy aura caused the surrounding air to vibrate. At the same time, blood flames rose all over his body. Then his soul aura also became violent, causing the space in front of him to distort. .
"So strong! Moreover, I didn't expect that my blood-burning secret technique and fire refining can actually complement each other, doubling the power!" At this moment, Diko, who exploded in an instant, felt that he could easily crush the world master at this time, and even at this time Even if he encounters an immortal state, he dares to fight for it: "Now my body in the sea of ​​blood should be stronger than Luo Feng's golden-horned giant beast clone who has had many opportunities and reached the realm lord level, right? Then when I really step into the realm At the main level, wouldn't it be possible to directly fight against the powerful ones who have become princes or even kings in an explosion?"

"By the way, my body in the sea of ​​​​blood continues to ponder the method of cultivating the conjoined body. The genetic level should be able to transform and improve, right?" Diko, with shining eyes, looked at his current huge and perfect body, and then Just as he thought of something, his mind moved, and the bloody knife suddenly came out of the body as if rising from the water, and fell into Diko's hand.

Holding the blood knife in his hand, he felt the surging evil spirit and fierce aura coming from the blade. Seeing that the surrounding space was shaking and becoming unstable, Diko, who shrank his eyes, couldn't help but be shocked in his heart: "What a terrifying blood knife, what level is it on?" The treasure? It feels much stronger than the two treasures of Honghe."

"It seems that my power was indeed unable to control it before, so it hid in my body. Huh? This is..." As he spoke, Diko looked at the blade with a looming look, as if it was alive. The secret pattern slowly squirmed, and I couldn't help but think: "Secret pattern... the secret pattern of the blood-refined magic weapon? Is there a spiritual living secret pattern? This secret pattern seems incomplete and incomplete? It is slowly improving itself. Really? Could it be that the real secret of the blood refining method is?"

Just when Diko was carefully looking at the secret patterns on the blade, suddenly the Fire Temple in the distance began to tremble. The familiar hot, violent and bloodthirsty sword energy spread out everywhere, as if it was going to tear the entire Fire Temple apart. Generally broken.At the same time, in the mid-air above the Fire Temple, the figure of the flaming bull-horned giant condensed and appeared. After seeing the bloody knife in Dico's hand, he instinctively shrank his eyes. With a wave of his hand, the flames on the Fire Temple rose, emitting a radiance that shocked the entire desert world. The terrifying aura that trembled, and the crazy and terrifying sword energy seemed to be covered and suppressed, but it still made the Fire Temple tremble slightly.

"Can't it be suppressed? What does the sword hidden in the Fire Temple have to do with the blood sword in my hand?" Looking at the blood sword in my hand, which was also trembling and even buzzing with excitement, the breath also became sharp and violent. , Diko, who was shocked, hurriedly took back the blood knife in his hand like a wild horse into his body, and the Fire Temple in the distance finally slowly returned to calm, suppressing the crazy and fierce explosion of knife energy.

"Have you been able to control it? Unfortunately, the time has not come yet, the time has not come yet!" Looking at Diko, the flaming horned giant murmured, and once again turned into flames and merged into the restrained fire temple.

Seeing the disappearance of the flaming horned giant, Diko couldn't help frowning slightly, and he became more and more confused and curious: "Could it be that the sword suppressed in the Fire Temple and my blood sword are one, just like the one Luo Feng later obtained? Like Killing Wu Yuyi, was it decomposed for a special reason?"

"It seems that only when the strength is strong enough in the future, can we slowly figure it out." Expecting that the flaming horned man would be confused again, Diko was too lazy to think about it anymore, and continued to think about himself. Come in the body of sea of ​​blood.

With a thought, Diko's mysterious and complex secret patterns appeared all over his body. After using the innate secret method of 'Sea Transformation', his whole body of muscles, bones, flesh and blood immediately melted, turning into a surging sea of ​​blood with a diameter of one hundred thousand miles.

Immediately afterwards, Diko, who had transformed into a sea of ​​blood, used his gift of 'creation' to create a clone that was thousands of kilometers high. Then the sea of ​​blood began to absorb energy and recover, and the clone also melted and returned to the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​​​blood that has been restored continues to expand...
After slowly becoming proficient, Diko created clones faster and faster. The blood sea continued to absorb energy to recover. He even specially applied for a large amount of free cosmic crystals from the Universe Mercenary Alliance to absorb, causing the blood sea to continue to expand. With.

With sufficient energy supply, the blood sea expanded very quickly, and soon it expanded to a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, almost filling the entire world within the Vulcan Ring.

"This world is already big enough, but if my blood sea body really expands to the extreme, it will be bigger than this world." Looking at the boundless sea of ​​blood that filled the entire world, Diko couldn't help but feel helpless. : "It seems that the expansion can only be temporarily stopped."

With a thought in mind, Dicko subconsciously wanted to transform into a human form. Then the boundless sea of ​​blood quickly shrank, and in a blink of an eye he transformed into Dicko of normal human height: "How can I still do this in my body of sea of ​​blood?" Directly transformed into a human form. Doesn’t that mean that my body in the sea of ​​blood can move?”

(End of this chapter)

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