Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 479 Enlightenment and Breakthrough

Chapter 479 Enlightenment and Breakthrough

Diko, who was a little stunned by this surprise, then noticed the trembling space around him that was about to collapse, and suddenly realized something. Feeling the terrifying power contained in this new body at this time, he couldn't help but sigh. Staring: "I, my body, have such a strong power, how many times the genetic level must it be? Is it thousands of times more afraid than a normal human being?"

"Could it be that the influence of the original power of the sea of ​​blood that transformed the world from the stars makes my body of the sea of ​​blood somewhat special? As the saying goes, all the essence is concentrated. If such a large sea of ​​blood turns into a normal human body, I want to carry it. Such powerful energy naturally requires a very high genetic level. Therefore, even if some special beings are not too big, they still contain a lot of divine power after becoming gods." Diko, who was thinking about it, also quickly guessed When it comes to transforming into a human form, it is equivalent to thousands of times the special life at the genetic level.

"In this way, the way to improve the level of life genes through body training should be to absorb enough energy and store it in the body. After storing energy and making the body strong enough, the level of life genes will naturally be able to break through," thought Here, Diko couldn't help but his eyes shone: "Theoretically speaking, it can be achieved. However, this method of improving the genetic level seems to be different from the "Nine Tribulations Secret Code". The "Nine Tribulations Secret Code" is a direct improvement The genetic level is undoubtedly more mysterious and profound. Only after the genetic level is upgraded, the physical body will absorb a lot of energy at once and become huge."

"My method of improving the genetic level is a bit tricky, but different paths lead to the same goal. It is indeed a great secret method that can really improve the body-refining method of improving the genetic level," Diko, who murmured to himself, couldn't help but look sternly. Looking forward to it: "Perhaps it is not that easy to perfect the creation, but the difficulty is more challenging and interesting. I can cultivate myself into a special life with thousands of times the genetic level, and sooner or later I will be able to create a more perfect improvement gene Level body training method.”

In fact, there are not no treasures that can enhance the genetic level in the original universe.The masters of the universe can almost easily increase their genetic level to more than a thousand times.

This shows that it is possible for external forces to improve the genetic level.Moreover, the stronger the cultivation level and the more powerful the divine body, the easier it is to break through the genetic level.

Just when Dicko was pondering the feasibility of the body-refining method to promote genetic evolution, suddenly clusters of flames condensed in the air in front of him and turned into the flaming horned giant. He stared at Dicko angrily and said: "You are so wanton. Do you want to destroy this world by releasing your breath?"

"Huh? Is this world so easy to destroy?" Diko looked at the flaming horned giant with raised eyebrows and asked meaningfully. He still restrained his breath with a thought, but the powerful genetic level naturally released The breath of life is difficult to conceal.

"I didn't expect that the strong men from the Shanhai lineage were pondering the imaginary cultivation method. So many strong men failed to succeed, but you were able to succeed." The flaming horned giant felt the breath of life on Diko's body and had a complicated look on his face. He sighed: "Such a powerful breath of life can only be possessed by some unique and special beings. It is really unbelievable. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be really unbelievable!"

"What are you talking about? The strong men of the Shanhai lineage have also tried the cultivation method similar to the blood sea?" Di Ke asked in surprise.

The flame horn giant nodded slightly: "That's right! Just like the blood refining method, the blood refining magic weapon can absorb energy and various rare materials and continue to grow stronger. The human body has unlimited potential, so why can't it grow as powerful as the magic weapon? Woolen cloth?"

"That makes sense! But didn't you say you can't remember many things? Why do you know all this all of a sudden?" Diko's eyes lit up after hearing this, and then he looked at the flaming horned giant and asked.

"I have indeed forgotten a lot of things." However, the Flame Horned Giant did not feel embarrassed about having his lie exposed. Instead, he said calmly: "Before, there seemed to be invisible forces that were influencing and suppressing me. However, I found that this time After you came back with the blood knife, the invisible suppression seemed to have weakened. So, I slowly remembered some vague memories." "Invisible suppression? Is it the influence of the original will of the universe?" Dico's heart moved and he couldn't help it. Lian asked: "What did you remember? Do you know the real refining method of the blood-refined magic weapon? By the way, what is the origin of the blood sword in my body and the sword in the Fire Temple?"

"Blood Refining... That knife..." The flame horned giant murmured with furrowed eyebrows, suddenly cried out in pain, and his whole body was trembling as if it was about to collapse: "Wrong... wrong, wrong way! Dead end!" , that is a dead end, a dead end abandoned by this universe!"

After saying that, without waiting for Dico to ask any questions, the flaming horned giant turned into a stream of flames and disappeared into the Fire Temple in the distance. Dico frowned and said, "Wrong path? Dead end?"

"It seems that the blood refining method of the Shanhai lineage has not been truly perfected..." Thinking of the scene where the original energy of the universe came to suppress the blood knife when he first saw the blood knife in the sea of ​​blood mist on the prison battlefield, Dico was probably a little agitated. I understand why the Flame Horned Giant said that was a dead end.

"So many powerful people in the mountain and sea lineage have not been able to perfect the blood refining method. Can I really do it?" At this moment, Diko couldn't help but doubt his previous idea of ​​trying to figure out the real blood refining method. .

But thinking that he could actually transform into a sea of ​​blood, and that he had suddenly cultivated a body of blood that was comparable to the unique and special life in the universe, Diko couldn't help but become more confident: "If I can't transform, then the entire original body will be transformed." I’m afraid no one can do the universe and the cosmic sea, not even a mountaineer. In any case, I stand on the shoulders of those who came before me..."

"...By the way, there seems to be some weapon refining stuff in the messy memories of the Vulcan inheritance." As he said this, Diko suddenly thought of something. He quickly closed his eyes and carefully recalled the complicated things that had accumulated in his mind. Memory information deep in consciousness.

This sensory investigation lasted for a long time, but the memories were really too complicated and confusing.However, Diko, who was slowly thinking about it, hadn't found any useful clues yet, but he had some unexpected gains, which were memories of various complex secret patterns.

After an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes again, and Diko's deep eyes suddenly filled with joy: "I didn't expect that this Vulcan had studied so many various secret patterns. Moreover, He is indeed looking for a way to perfect the blood refining method, and he even has a direction..."

"Secret pattern, yes! This secret pattern was originally born in the universe. No matter how powerful the strong man is, he cannot create the secret pattern. He can only learn to use it. But no matter how well they learn and how cleverly they use it, they can't create it." How can it compare with the perfection of natural birth? Only what is nurtured and born by the universe has unlimited potential, rather than a dead weapon that is refined. Therefore, the most correct direction for blood-refining magic weapons should be." Thinking of this, Di Codon suddenly became a little excited: "It seems that it's time for me to break through and step into the World Lord level, and really go out into the universe to experience it. Working behind closed doors, you will never be able to truly find a way to perfect the blood refining method."

So, without hesitation, Diko's mind moved, and the singularity in his body that had grown to the extreme began to tremble, and complex bloody secret patterns appeared on its surface. At the same time, the soul crystal in his mind and the force crystal in his dantian merged together. Under the influence of the invisible force, they directly melted into a torrent of liquid, touched and merged with each other, and the first ray of world power was born...
At the same time, Dicko's consciousness seemed to be in resonance, sensing the origin of the vast universe. While clearly sensing the fluctuations of various laws in the origin of the universe, the singularity also seemed to be connected to the origin of the universe, and a massive amount of energy from the origin of the universe poured in. The singularity made it feel as if the world was created, and a world rapidly evolved and was born...
(End of this chapter)

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