Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 480 Limit, mutation

Chapter 480 Limit, mutation

Endless energy from the origin of the universe poured out, and the world within the singularity continued to expand like a ball. Land and oceans evolved, mountains, lakes, etc. appeared, and vegetation began to grow. The world full of rich energy expanded while Already full of life..
At the same time, the singularity in Dicko's body was slowly transforming. The secret patterns on the surface became more and more complex, but the luster dimmed and turned into a dark red color, full of ancient flavor, giving people an indestructible feeling. .

"The singularity of the core of life in my body has changed like this. Is it because my body in the sea of ​​​​blood is no longer an ordinary human being, but a unique and special life in the universe?" Feeling the changes in the singularity, my mind turned. With a thought, Diko's blood sea body immediately entered the inner world directly. With a thought, it directly transformed into a vast sea of ​​​​blood with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, instantly filling the inner world that had not yet completely evolved.

"As expected of a powerful special life with thousands of times the genetic level, the world inside the body is so big!" Feeling the vast world inside the body that has not yet been completely transformed, and the surging original energy of the universe that is still pouring in, Diko couldn't help but be excited Get up: "Absorb it as much as you like! Let's see how big my sea of ​​blood can become."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to break through to the World Lord level and be able to absorb the original energy of the universe at will, Dicko used his strong will to control the blood sea to condense a large number of clones in an instant, causing the blood sea to absorb the pouring like a whale that had lost a lot of energy. The original energy of the universe under the pressure caused a large number of clones to decompose and merge into the blood sea and sea water. In the blink of an eye, the blood sea expanded in a large circle.

In this way, the sea of ​​blood, which is constantly absorbing the original energy of the universe and expanding, has expanded to the extreme before Dicko's inner world has completed its transformation, with a diameter of 64 billion kilometers, which is simply unbelievably powerful.

"With such a big blood sea, after Luo Feng cultivated the Nine Tribulations Secret Code Nether Sea clone's genetic level to reach the perfect 10081 times in one fell swoop, the blood sea he transformed reached the limit at the world lord level and was only 100 billion kilometers in diameter. It seems that my blood sea There is still a big gap between the genetic level of the body and the perfect genetic level." Dike, who had condensed a blood sea clone of the normal human world master level, looked down at the boundless blood sea below from a high altitude, and then looked at the slowly expanding At the edge of the world, I couldn't help but sigh more and more: "What's even more terrifying is my inner world! The inner world with a diameter of tens of billions of kilometers has not yet completed its transformation. Could it be that the Lord of the Nine Netherworld and his children are at the realm lord level? At that time, was the world inside the body so vast?"

"Fortunately, the inner world is big enough. Otherwise, after I transformed into the blood sea, there really would be no place to put it in this vast sea of ​​blood! But think about it, if the inner world of a world lord level powerhouse can't even accommodate his body. , Isn’t it ridiculous? Therefore, it is normal for powerful beings in the universe, such as the golden-horned giant beast and the even more terrifying Nine Nether Sea, to have a powerful inner world at the realm lord level," Diko thought to himself.

Next, with the passage of time, the transformation of Diko's inner world was finally completed. In the end, the inner world had a diameter of more than 1000 billion kilometers. The remaining original energy of the universe formed tall buildings in this vast inner world. Large cosmic crystal mountains.

"It's really like you've eaten too much, accumulated food, and can't digest it!" Looking at the cosmic crystal mountains deposited in the blood sea and emerging from the sea like a large number of islands, Dico's blood sea clone in the sky couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

So many cosmic crystals are undoubtedly a huge wealth.But for Dicko today, it no longer means much.Real treasures in the universe, such as heavy treasures, supreme treasures, etc., cannot be simply measured by value.

With a thought, the vast sea of ​​​​blood turned into a human form again, but Diko's face changed slightly, and his body expanded uncontrollably. In the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant hundreds of kilometers high. The surging and powerful aura caused the surrounding space to be filled. It's like trembling.

"So strong! I am afraid that even if the genetic level of my current blood-sea body has not reached the perfect genetic level, it should be close to it, right?" Feeling the surging energy contained in this body now, Diko couldn't help but frown. : "It's actually a bit out of control. It seems that we should think about body refining, at least first to truly control the powerful energy in the body."

With that said, Diko, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes and began to practice. The energy in his body suddenly became as violent as a triggered volcano, causing the surrounding space to tremble and distort...
In this way, Diko, who was immersed in practice, slowly weakened the manic energy fluctuations in his body, and his body began to shrink until it returned to normal human height. His aura was restrained, and he even absorbed the pure and rich energy in the inner world. energy.Unknowingly, the several cosmic crystal mountains around Diko's training place had slowly shrunk several times. As if he felt something, Diko suddenly opened his eyes with a trembling brow: " Huh? Such a strong energy fluctuation, could it be?"

A moment later, deep in the Amazon rainforest, somewhere in a forest with dense vegetation, Dico appeared at an extremely fast speed, as if teleporting. Feeling the unstable spatial fluctuations remaining in the forest with some signs of destruction in front of him, he couldn't help but squint his eyes. He paused: "Teleportation from the Kingdom of God? It seems that the Nightmare Candle King really came to Earth. Unexpectedly, this time I practiced in seclusion, so much time has passed without me realizing it."

A stream of light fell from the sky and landed next to Diko. It was the bald immortal god Yi Feng in black armor.After seeing Di Ke, Yi Feng also said in relief: "Your Highness, you have finally finished your cultivation. It has been almost 200 years? Your Highness, have you broken through and become a Realm Master?"

As he said this, Yi Feng noticed the change in Dico's aura and couldn't help but stare in shock.Diko only completed one secret mission and broke through from the universe level to the domain lord level, which was fast enough.It has only been two or three hundred years since he became a Territory Lord, and he has become a Realm Lord. This is absolutely extremely rare among the geniuses at the core of the five major human forces.

After all, even the most evil genius needs enough time to practice and accumulate.But thinking about the speed of Diko's progress in understanding the law, Yi Feng felt relieved.

"Yi Feng, you should have discovered it, right? Someone came to the earth through the Kingdom of God. Who is it?" Diko asked seriously.

"I'm not sure. I noticed the fluctuations in the Kingdom of God's teleportation, and I quickly checked but found nothing." Yi Feng also became serious: "Maybe he felt my divine power to check, and left quickly. So fast The reaction speed of the other party is definitely better than mine. But what I can’t figure out is what the other party is doing on earth. He is obviously very powerful and has great methods, why should he avoid me? "

"Of course he has a guilty conscience," Dico said with a sneer: "It should have teleported to the starry sky near the earth. If the person who comes is not good, then we will wait and see, and the soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth."

"Let's go," Di Ke said and left directly with Yi Feng. After quickly returning to the Di family's old house on earth, they made some arrangements, and then activated the power of the world in the inner world to quickly bring some relatives and friends, the Di family and Luo Important members of the family, important figures on the earth, powerful warriors and spiritual masters were all taken into the inner world, and they were placed on a simply modified island in the inner world.

Not long after Dike started taking action, Burning Heart Houbu Na, who was under the command of Lord Eclipse Fire in the giant axe fighting arena, came to the earth and went directly to the Luo family's old house. He wanted to seize Luo Feng's wife Xu Xin and force Luo Feng to do so. Come back as soon as possible.

"Huh?" On the broad grassland of the Di family's old house, Buna appeared after seeing Di Ke and Yi Feng standing next to Xu Xin. At the same time, he also found that there was no one else in the entire Luo family except them, and he couldn't help but frown. Wrinkled slightly: "His Royal Highness Dico, he is indeed on Earth, he reacts so quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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