Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 481 Nightmare Candle King

Chapter 481 Nightmare Candle King

Looking at the bald and burly immortal god in silver armor in front of him, Yi Feng also frowned slightly: "The Burning Heart Houbu Na of the Giant Ax Arena?"

"Feng Xinhou, you are an immortal prince from the giant axe fighting arena. You suddenly came to the hometown of the core members of the Virtual Universe Company and the Universe Mercenary Alliance. Moreover, you were teleported from the Kingdom of God. Obviously you left a token on the earth in advance. , What do you want to do? Could it be that you are controlled by a foreign soul and come specifically to kill me?" Diko frowned and asked directly.

Upon hearing this, Yi Feng's expression suddenly changed, and he instinctively looked at Buna opposite him nervously.After all, when he accompanied Diko to complete the points mission issued by the Space Mercenary Alliance, he had hunted down the immortal gods controlled by the mechanical race. It is not impossible that Buna was controlled by the alien soul.

After hearing this, Buna's expression was suffocated, and then he smiled and said: "It turns out to be His Highness Diko from the Universe Mercenary Alliance! Unexpectedly, His Majesty Diko is already the world lord. He is indeed a peerless figure in the Universe Mercenary Alliance." Genius, his cultivation speed is fast enough. However, I came to Earth specifically not for His Highness Dike, but to find Luo Feng."

"Looking for Luo Feng? Do you want to kill him first?" Diko raised his eyebrows noncommittally and asked. Bunna's brows jumped when he heard this, and his face turned slightly dark: "Your Highness Diko, I am not controlled by a soul, and I am not a foreign race. I'm a spy, Your Highness, it's better not to talk nonsense."

"Really? Then why are you looking for Luo Feng when you are a noble and immortal prince?" Di Kelian asked: "Besides, even if you have something to do with Luo Feng, you need to leave a token on the earth in advance and directly go to God. Will the country be sent here? I'm afraid your rhetoric can only fool yourself, right? Do you think I will believe it?"

Bunna, who was speechless when he heard Diko mention the teleportation from the Kingdom of God again, could not help but frown and said: "I do have something to ask His Highness Luo Feng, and this matter has nothing to do with His Highness Dike. Wait until His Highness Luo Feng comes back. , I will naturally explain my purpose."

"Okay, let's wait until Luo Feng comes back. I want to see what kind of excuse you have," he said with a thought. After taking Xu Xin into the inner world, Dike walked straight away not far away. He sat down at the stone table.

Seeing Di Ke's calm look, Bunna was stunned for a moment, shook his head and smiled, walked over and sat opposite Di Ke, and at the same time thought to himself: "The direct disciples of the Lord of Huang Jian are different, they are full of confidence! Fortunately, , the ownership of the earth is in Luo Feng's name, not in his name. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to get the earth."

Although Buna was a little unhappy with Dike's attitude, he had to admit that as a direct disciple of the master of Dike's Huangjian, his status was not lower than his.Let alone him, not even the Nightmare Candle King or even the Lord Eclipse Fire behind him dared to do anything to Diko.

"Your Highness, I have contacted the ancestor of the clan, and she will be here soon via teleportation from the Kingdom of God," Yi Feng, who then sat down next to him, said to Diko.

King Qinglan?When Di Ke heard this, he glanced at Yi Feng. It seemed that just as Dylan, the immortal god guard beside Luo Feng, could summon his teacher, the Bloodthirsty King, at any time, Yi Feng had already stayed behind just in case. If something happens to Diko, King Qinglan can come to the rescue as quickly as possible.

With the strength of King Qinglan, even if Diko provokes the more powerful Immortal King, at least she will be able to save Diko after she shows up and takes action.If it doesn't work, King Qinglan can also invite more powerful people, even her teacher Lord Yanhuang.

Not long after, Luo Feng and Dylan quickly rushed back through the Kingdom of God and arrived at the Luo family's old house.After seeing Diko, Luo Feng also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.With Dico here, at least his relatives should be fine.

"Hunt Fen Xin, Luo Feng has come back, can you tell me why you came?" Di Ke said, and Luo Feng also looked at Nabu Na.

"Haha, I'm a little ashamed to say it," Buna looked at Dico and said with a smile. There was a faint holy light on his face, and the law of light filled the air: "I came to the Milky Way by chance and wandered around the Milky Way. I am very familiar with this galaxy. Love, I really can’t stand the love, so I personally came to His Highness’s hometown, Earth, and wanted to buy this galaxy with His Highness.”

Luo Feng was startled when he heard the purchase of the Milky Way, but Buna continued: "The normal price of a galaxy is generally less than 1 Hunyuan unit, but I don't want you to suffer a loss, Your Highness Luo Feng, and would rather bid 100 Hunyuan units. I wonder if His Highness is willing to buy this galaxy?" After reacting, Luo Feng glanced at Di Ke and at the same time said through a message: "Before I come back, the Immortal Lord from the Giant Ax Arena came to see me through my teacher, King Zhenyan. , also wants to buy the Milky Way. However, what the Immortal Master really wants is the earth. I think this Burning Heart Hour should be the same."

"Buy the Earth? Sure enough, it's pretty much what I guessed," Diko, who responded through the sound transmission, then looked at Fen Xinhou with a sneer and said, "Feng Xinhou, don't you just want the Earth? Why beat around the bush? I think, You must not be the only one who was teleported to Earth through the Kingdom of God before, right? Let the people behind you who can really make the decision come out. Don’t hide your head and show your tail. Don’t disgrace the name of the Giant Ax Fighting Arena.”

Buena was stunned, obviously not expecting Dico to know their true purpose, and couldn't help but frown.And then, with a powerful aura of divine power filling the air, a group of immortal gods appeared directly next to them.

Luo Feng's expression suddenly changed when he saw the group of people releasing terrifying divine power. Especially the leader, the gorgeously dressed and eerily handsome Nightmare Candle King, shocked Luo Feng.

"Nightmare Candle King?" Diko also looked at the very dazzling Nightmare Candle King. At the same time, Nightmare Candle King also looked at Diko with a slight frown on his face. His face was not pretty, and his heart was filled with jealousy: " Humph, he’s just a boy who was lucky enough to become the disciple of Lord Huangjian!”

"Luo Feng, we meet again," the Nightmare Candle King looked at Di Ke who was slightly silent, then turned to look at Luo Feng with a smile and said: "Now that we have spoken, I will make it clear that I want the earth, just say so The price is good for us to buy and sell easily.”

Luo Feng frowned and said, "The earth is my hometown."

"One price!" Nightmare Candle King interrupted Luo Feng's words and raised a finger gently: "One hundred million Hunyuan units!"

"I said, it is impossible for me to sell my hometown. Let alone 100 million Hunyuan units, even one billion or [-] billion Hunyuan units will not work," Luo Feng shook his head firmly.

Upon hearing this, the smile on Nightmare King's face suddenly faded, and his tone became colder: "Luo Feng, let me tell you carefully, don't be disrespectful!"

"King Nightmare Candle, you don't sound like you're talking nicely, but rather like you're clearly robbing. Don't forget, Earth is not only Luo Feng's hometown, it's also my hometown, and the hometown of all people on Earth. Do you want to buy it? , it also depends on whether we want to sell it. To be honest, we really don’t care about [-] million mixed yuan units," Dike suddenly said coldly.

"Haha... Okay, don't be shameless, then let's play shamelessly!" Grinning and sneering, he glanced at Di Ke's Nightmare Candle King. Suddenly, his aura became violent, and the powerful immortal power instantly restrained Yi Feng and Dylan. , Luo Feng and Diko, at the same time, a force of world spread out in all directions, enveloping the entire earth in an instant.

"Take it!" The Nightmare Candle King with a cold face directly included all the people on the earth into his world ring with a thought.

The moment the Nightmare Candle King took action, Diko also looked at him sharply, his face turned cold: "Nightmare Candle King, you are seeking death!"

"Looking for death? Haha Dick, even if you are lucky enough to become the direct disciple of Lord Huang Jian, you are just a realm master now. Do you still want to kill me with the strength of this realm master? What a joke !” Nightmare Candle King sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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