Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 482 Bloodthirsty King

Chapter 482 Bloodthirsty King

King Nightmare Zhu said with an evil smile, and then said: "Your Highness Dike, you are the direct disciple of Lord Huang Jian. I don't dare to kill you, but it is different for others."

"Luo Feng, I give you two ways," King Nightmare Candle then looked at Luo Feng and shouted coldly: "The first way is to agree to transfer the ownership of the earth, and you can get 10 billion Hunyuan units and all the humans on the earth. The second way is to agree to transfer the ownership of the earth. If you reject me, all the people on earth who are taken into this world by me will die."

Luo Feng's face was ashen and his heart was filled with rage, but he was still able to calmly think about the situation in front of him.Obviously, the Nightmare Candle King was worried about Diko.If the ownership of the earth is in the hands of Diko, King Nightmare Candle may really have some headaches.But since the ownership of the earth is not in Dico's hands, the Nightmare Candle King doesn't have much to worry about.

As a direct disciple of the Lord of Huangjian, Dike has a noble status, a talented demon, and is valued by high-level humans.But so what?Identity and talent do not represent strength. Without enough strength, there is no room for resistance in the face of the powerful Nightmare King.

When Luo Feng's mind was spinning and he mentioned the Immortal Lord, trying to use the Immortal Lord to frighten the Nightmare Candle King, Diko looked at the Nightmare Candle King with murderous intent hidden in his eyes.When the Nightmare Candle King took action, Dico had already sentenced him to death, which also gave Dico a reason to kill him.

In the history of the human race, there are many monster geniuses who can kill princes and even immortal kings at the realm lord level, so why can't Diko?What's more, he also has a powerful trump card in his hand. King Honghe is a monster genius of the mechanical tribe. He will be crowned king as soon as he becomes immortal, and his strength is the top among the crowned kings.With such helpers, it is not too difficult to crush or even kill the Nightmare Candle King.

When Di Ke's thoughts were racing and he had murderous intentions towards the Nightmare Candle King, the Nightmare Candle King, who was upset because of the Immortal Lord, quickly calmed down and began to send a message to Luo Feng, threatening to arrange for someone to kill him secretly. Killing him would also make Luo Feng's expression change again.

Just as Luo Feng secretly sent a message to the Lord of Nine Swords, and at the same time deliberately softened his words and continued to delay time, suddenly a powerful immortal power swept across the earth, shocking King Nightmare Candle and others.

Immediately afterwards, a burly figure teleported and appeared. It was the bloodthirsty king of the Nakamon tribe, a super being with two blood-red horns and silver scales on his skin. He was also the most proud disciple of King Zhenyan, with a bloodthirsty and crazy name. The head is even better than King Zhenyan.

The bloodthirsty king who stood there looked like a majestic sacred mountain. The invisible evil energy on his body was surging and spreading. The invisible aura directly enveloped and oppressed a group of immortal gods such as the Nightmare Candle King, which also caused their faces to change drastically.

"Tiejun?" Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw the bloodthirsty king. The Nakamon tribe is a very powerful race among the billions of human races. It has a sparse population but is extremely warlike. The bloodthirsty king, Tiejun, is He is one of the top three super beings in the Nakamon tribe. As a disciple of King Zhenyan, he is relatively young among the immortal kings. He has great potential, but it is not something that a guy like King Nightmare Candle who relies on trickery to gain the power of king can do so. Than.

With a sweep of his golden eyes, the invisible evil aura had already frightened the Nightmare Candle King and the other six bloodthirsty kings who were crowned immortals. When he turned to look at Luo Feng, a smile appeared on his face: "Junior brother!"

"Third senior brother?" Luo Feng was surprised and happy to see the bloodthirsty queen. Dylan on the side also quickly saluted respectfully: "Greetings, teacher!"

"Meet the Bloodthirsty King!" While shocked and surprised, Yi Feng was even more excited after reacting. As if he had seen an idol, he bowed and saluted the Bloodthirsty King with admiration on his face. "Huh? So it's you. I didn't expect that the little guy who was a world lord at the time is now an immortal." Seeing Yi Feng's reaction, the Bloodthirsty King seemed a little surprised, and then looked at Diko He smiled and said: "Are you Dike? I never expected that two peerless geniuses would be born on this small earth all at once, and you are even better than my junior brother Luo Feng. It seems that this living planet It’s really extraordinary!”

Yi Feng also sent a message to Diko and explained: "Your Highness, when I was still the Realm Lord, I went to the battlefields outside the territory and saw the Bloodthirsty King take action. He single-handedly fought against eight alien immortals. Back then, the Bloodthirsty King It was no more than the strength of a feudal lord. In the face of a siege, a bloody battle, with crazy burning divine power, he directly annihilated and killed a strong alien feudal lord, seriously injured and suppressed a feudal lord, and killed three immortal military leaders with peak strength. From the foreign race, the remaining feudal lord saw that the situation was not going well and immediately separated from the other two foreign races with the peak strength of the Immortal War Lord and fled for their lives."

"Had it not been for the timely action of the Bloodthirsty King, I would have died in the melee between my human race and the alien army, and many of my companions would have died too. It was that battle, where I almost survived, that benefited me a lot , and then I had the opportunity to break through and step into immortality," Yi Feng said with some excitement.

"The Bloodthirsty King! I have heard of your reputation for a long time," Diko was stunned after hearing this, but he just gestured to the Bloodthirsty King with a smile on his face. After all, he is the direct disciple of the Lord of Huangjian. , in terms of status, he is not inferior to the bloodthirsty king at the peak of his title.

"Haha.. Nowadays, among the five major forces of the human race, you Di Ke is the most famous! Your Highness Di Ke, Junior Brother Luo Feng, don't worry, as long as I am here, no one in the Giant Ax Arena can do anything to you. "The Bloodthirsty King laughed loudly, and then turned to look at the Nightmare Candle King and others who looked not so good-looking: "This is the hometown of Junior Brother and His Highness Dike, what are you people from the Giant Ax Arena doing here? No matter what How should I put it, this is the hometown of the core members of my Virtual Universe Company, and it is also the hometown of the direct disciple of the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, Master Huang Jian, so this is not a place where you can be so arrogant."

Listening to the Bloodthirsty King pulling the tiger skin to make a banner, the handsome face of the Nightmare Candle King suddenly became even more ugly. The green-haired old man with one horn on the side said in a high-pitched and sharp voice: "The Bloodthirsty King, the six of us are here. It’s not your turn to be arrogant!”

"Oh? King Waterfall Gold," the Bloodthirsty King glanced at the green-haired one-horned old man and said calmly and casually: "You mean that you six king-level people here can defeat me if you join forces, right?"

"Hmph," the lizard-headed King Immortal beside the green-haired one-horned old man snorted coldly, and said hoarsely: "As long as I'm here, Bloodthirsty King, you can't even think about teleporting."

The Bloodthirsty King looked at the lizard man, his expression still calm, and he said noncommittally: "It turns out to be the Thorny Heart King who is proficient in space blockade. When you use the space blockade, I really can't teleport, but the Waterfall King can't teleport either. . No one can teleport, just me and the six of you. Who will die in a real fight?"

Hearing the casual words of the Bloodthirsty King, the faces of the Waterfall King and the others changed slightly, and even the Nightmare Candle King frowned. Seeing Diko's eyes flickering, he thought to himself: "Know how to teleport and space blockade. The Waterfall Gold King and the Thorny Heart King should be the strongest among them. Of course, this is unless the Nightmare Candle King uses the important treasure on his body, otherwise even the Bloodthirsty King will suffer."

"But the Bloodthirsty King is indeed very strong. These kings are all elites under the command of Lord Eclipse Fire. The weakest ones should also be high-ranking kings. However, the Bloodthirsty King is confident that one can defeat six. His strength suppressed them, he is indeed the Bloodthirsty King who is famous for his bloodthirsty killings!" When Diko secretly admired him, the Bloodthirsty King had already started to chase them away.

After all, Di Ke and Luo Feng were still on the side, this was on Earth, and the Bloodthirsty King did not want to take action casually.Moreover, King Waterfall Gold and King Thorn Heart are nothing more than that. King Nightmare Candle is the only son of Lord Eclipse Fire. He had fought with King Zhenyan for a period of time. Although he was tortured miserably by King Zhenyan, there is no need. The Bloodthirsty King didn't want to get entangled with him.

(End of this chapter)

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