Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 483 Take action, 1 sword

Chapter 483 Take action, one sword

"I came to Earth on the order of my father. How could I just leave like this before things are done?" Facing the Bloodthirsty King who directly drove people away, Nightmare King couldn't help but gritted his teeth with an ugly face and said: "Master Tie, don't force me. , makes me anxious, even if I don’t want to give up, I will use some special skills, even if I can’t kill you, it will not be difficult to injure your immortal god.”

"Really?" The Bloodthirsty King looked at him indifferently. He naturally knew that Nightmare Candle King had a powerful treasure. After all, Lord Eclipse Fire was too fond of Nightmare Candle King's son and once gave him a continuous treasure. It is a treasure that the Lord of the Universe values ​​​​more. This is something that many powerful people know. Otherwise, the strength of the Nightmare Candle King that can barely make him a king, how would a slightly more powerful king-conferring king not care too much?

However, once the Nightmare Candle King uses the precious treasure in his body, he can explode into the peak strength of the King, even surpassing the Bloodthirsty King.But the Bloodthirsty King himself is very strong. He is not afraid even if he really faces some powerful king-level experts. How can he be afraid of the Nightmare Candle King?
The Bloodthirsty King was too lazy to talk nonsense. After talking to Dike and Luo Feng in Chuanyin, he suddenly wanted to activate the power of the world in a world ring on his body. He wanted to kill Dike and Luo Feng first. Included in the world ring.

"Bloodthirsty King," accompanied by a harsh voice, the lizard-like Heart-Striking King directly used the space blockade. In an instant, the space fluctuations within a million miles around him disappeared, and he easily blocked that wave. The power of the world was shaken away.

The Nightmare Candle King, the Waterfall Gold King and other five other kings were also staring at the Bloodthirsty King, each with a rainbow of momentum. The Nightmare Candle King even sneered and said: "We are here, you can't even think of Luo Feng." A world of income.”

"Bastard!" The Bloodthirsty King looked ugly. He didn't have a good temper. If he hadn't been worried about Di Ke and Luo Feng being nearby, Nightmare Candle King and the others were so provocative, the Bloodthirsty King would have taken action directly and taught them a lesson. A meal.

But the Bloodthirsty King would not forget the purpose of coming here today, so the Bloodthirsty King roared and took out a huge dark golden flying saucer with a wave of his hand. At the same time, two big hands suddenly stretched out from the edge of the flying saucer. They grabbed Dico, Yi Feng, Luo Feng, and Dylan respectively, and like two shields, while protecting Dico and the others, they were directly fished into the spacecraft.

"Seize Luo Feng!" King Nightmare Candle roared in anger and eagerness when he saw this scene. Many immortal gods also reacted quickly and took action almost at the same time.

The six immortal kings rushed towards the Bloodthirsty King, while the remaining twelve immortal gods at the feudal level rushed towards Diko, Luo Feng and the others...
But the dark golden flying saucer reacted faster. After getting Dico and the others inside the spacecraft, it rose directly into the sky, broke through the atmosphere in an instant, and rushed into outer space.

"It is indeed a spaceship that incorporates immortal metal life, and its performance is really excellent." Inside the spaceship, Luo Feng and Dylan were still a little frightened, but Dico looked at the simulation screen outside that appeared around the cabin of the spacecraft. The blue earth is shrinking at a perceptible speed, and I can't help but admire it in my heart.

"No, they're catching up!" Yi Feng, who was on the side, suddenly became nervous as he saw the twelve immortal feudal lords turning into phantom streams and chasing after them rapidly.

There is no doubt that the speed at which the immortal gods erupt is also very terrifying, not to mention a group of immortal lords who can easily accelerate to the speed of light and enter the dark universe.Although the bloodthirsty king's spaceship explodes fast enough, acceleration also takes time. Those immortal feudal princes will not give the spacecraft a chance to accelerate into the dark universe.

The twelve immortal feudal lords who had just caught up and surrounded the dark golden flying saucer-shaped spacecraft began to attack under the instructions of the Nightmare Candle King. They even used the virtual immortal gods to penetrate into the spacecraft to carry out soul attacks.
"Damn it! They actually used soul attacks directly. Your Highness, they want to kill you as well!" Yi Feng, who also used virtual power to resist those soul attacks, soon trembled all over and gritted his teeth with a pale face: "I'm a warrior, not good at soul methods. I'm afraid I won't be able to resist if this continues!"

"Leave it to me! Yi Feng, you only need to help me resist part of the attack," Dylan on the side was quite calm. After all, he is also an immortal god who is good at soul methods. In terms of strength, he is not inferior to the original Hu Yan. Bo.Although it was still difficult to work together, due to the special material of the bloodthirsty king's spaceship, it had a certain hindering effect on the virtual power and weakened the soul attack, so Dylan and Yi Feng were still barely able to withstand it.

"These bastards have tried to dissipate the power of the world that I have triggered time and time again. Your Highness, there is no way I can bring you into this world." Yi Feng was a little anxious and angry: "They are so unscrupulous in their attacks. It seems they are really going to kill you. Actually It's so bold to want to kill His Highness! They are really unscrupulous in killing the disciples of the Lord of the Universe, how do they feel about doing this?"

"Perhaps they don't dare to kill His Highness Di Ke, but with things like this, I'm afraid they will still dare to kill the junior uncle." Dylan also looked solemn: "Fortunately, I specialize in the soul, and I am also good at soul defense. , we can still withstand it for the time being. However, three of the twelve immortal feudal lords are also good at soul attacks. As time goes by, Yi Feng and I are afraid that we will not be able to hold on."

"Stop doing useless work. They will not allow Luo Feng and I to hide in the World Ring. Otherwise, this battle will be meaningless." Di Ke shook his head lightly and said, "Besides, I am not planning to hide and rely on you either." Come to shelter..”

"Dylan, Yi Feng, please hold on a little longer. I have already contacted the Lord Nine Swords, and his men will arrive soon," Luo Feng also said.

While he was talking, a scream suddenly came, and at the same time there was an explosion outside the spacecraft, but it was the immortal metal life fused in the spacecraft that suddenly made a sneak attack, crushing the explosion and seriously injuring one of the immortals who was good at soul attacks.

"Okay! It seems that the immortal metal life fused in the Bloodthirsty King's spaceship is quite aware of the laws of space. It can block the space with a slap and forcibly annihilate part of the opponent's immortal power, greatly damaging its strength." Sensing the changes outside , Dicko's eyes suddenly lit up.

Immediately afterwards, there was another explosion, and a blue light suddenly shot out from the dark starry sky outside. It penetrated like a laser through the immortal body of another man who was good at soul attack and made the other party scream. Before he even had time to say anything, his body exploded.
"This" Seeing this scene, Dike, Luo Feng, Dylan, and Yi Feng were suddenly stunned. Then they saw the cyan flowing light solidifying into a cyan armor, full of heroic spirit, holding a dark cyan thin weapon. A tall woman with a narrow sword.

"Ancestor? It's the ancestor who's here!" Yi Feng's eyes suddenly brightened when he saw the woman and he shouted in surprise. Dylan on the side also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's King Qinglan! With her here, we are safe. !”

"This is King Qinglan? So powerful! He severely injured an immortal prince with one move. He is worthy of being a powerful king!" Luo Feng was even more amazed, because he had already seen the man who was blasted by King Qinglan and condensed his body again. The frightened look on the face of the green-robed feudal lord Immortal behind him. After gathering his body, he quickly distanced himself from King Qinglan like a frightened rabbit.

And when they felt the aura of the green-robed Immortal Marquis who was much weaker than the purple-haired woman in black robe after the immortal metal life in the spaceship was crushed, the faces of the other Immortal Marquises also changed drastically, and they all hurriedly backed away. No one attacks the spaceship anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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