Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 484 Longyu and Phantom

Chapter 484 Longyu and Phantom

"King Qinglan? What a terrifying sword. Her strength is by no means just the rumored junior level of a feudal king. The power of that sword almost killed a feudal lord. It is definitely the combat power of a high-level feudal king." The immortal feudal lords gathered together and looked at King Qinglan in surprise.

"What? King Qinglan? She is so strong?" After the Nightmare King and the other six immortal kings, who had joined forces to entangle the Bloodthirsty King from a distance, discovered what had happened here, their faces changed with shock and surprise. Get anxious.

A bloodthirsty king has already given them a headache, and here comes the equally powerful Qinglan King.Although the Qinglan King is not as powerful as the Bloodthirsty King, even the Waterfall Gold King and the Thorny Heart King are not absolutely sure that they can defeat the Qinglan King.

"Haha... King Qinglan is here, Nightmare Zhu, your people can't do anything to Luo Feng, I think you should give up!" The bloodthirsty king said with a smile, waving a strange-shaped sword, slashing wantonly The six immortal kings directly tore apart the space with a violent and sharp sword, slashing the Nightmare Candle King until he vomited blood and retreated hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

"Brother, what should I do?" The other five kings were all anxious. After King Nightmare Zhu saw the strength of King Qinglan, he also gritted his teeth and secretly resented it.They never expected that the Bloodthirsty King and Qinglan King would arrive one after another, and they would come so quickly.

Just when the Nightmare Candle King and others were anxious, a golden light suddenly appeared next to the dark golden flying saucer in the distance. Under the misty golden light, an extremely huge pressure spread out, covering thousands of kilometers around it in an instant, causing the fierce battle to break out. The Bloodthirsty King and others stopped.

"Teleport from the Kingdom of God?" King Nightmare Candle's face turned livid, and he saw a large number of densely packed figures in the misty golden light. Each figure exuded amazing pressure. When they were gathered together, even though they were millions of miles away, they still could see each other. It's heart-warming.

The starry sky became quiet, and the twelve feudal immortals who had besieged the flying saucer-shaped spacecraft flew back behind the Nightmare Candle King and others, nervously looking at the immortal army under the command of the Nine Swordsmen of the Virtual Universe Company with lingering fear.

In the spaceship, Di Ke and Luo Feng were convinced, and flew out of the opened hatch one after another. Facing the densely packed figures standing in the void, they were also a little shocked.

At a glance, there are thousands of immortal gods, and the aura of each of them is no less than that of Dylan and Yi Feng. They are obviously more powerful immortal gods. There are even dozens of immortal gods, with the leader carrying two gods on his back. The woman in green armor holding the sword is none other than King Longyu, the most powerful person under the command of the Lord Nine Swords.

"King Longyu, her strength may be weaker than the invincible kings like King Zhenyan, but she is definitely the pinnacle of the immortal kings," said Long, who is equally famous in the Virtual Universe Company. Of course Di Ke has also heard of the Jade King.

King Longyu, who exuded an icy aura, glanced at Di Ke, then looked at Luo Feng and said: "Luo Feng, we are here to protect you on the order of the Lord."

"Thank you, venerable sir, thank you all," Luo Feng quickly saluted respectfully. King Longyu also turned to look at King Nightmare Candle and shouted coldly: "King Nightmare Candle, Luo Feng is a member of my Virtual Universe Company. Why do you have a giant ax fighting arena? Take action against members of my Virtual Universe Company?"

"Humph, you've bullied me to the core. You wantonly attacked the hometown of the core members of our Universe Mercenary Alliance, and you even tried to kill me, the direct disciple of the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, Lord Huangjian. King Nightmare Candle, who gave it to you? How dare you be so unscrupulous?" A sudden cold and pleasant voice sounded, and then a purple silhouette appeared in the starry sky not far away, with the slightly swaying purple tail, full of charm.

"Phantom King?" Diko was a little surprised when he saw the Phantom King suddenly appearing. Apparently he didn't expect her to come. King Qinglan who flew over with a smile on his side explained in succession: "Your Highness, I invited the Phantom King." Senior Sister Ling is here."

At the same time, as soon as the Phantom King finished speaking, before the Nightmare Candle King could speak, two or three hundred figures appeared behind him with a wave of his hand. Waves of surging aura filled the air, as if they were one body. The army of immortal gods under the Jade King is not much inferior.Especially the human in dark red armor with blood-red eyes and heavy evil aura, and the mysterious strong man shrouded in black robes with an aura as strange and unpredictable as a black hole. The aura is no stronger than King Longyu. inferior.Behind them, there were more than ten powerful kings ranging from first-level to high-level kings, plus the remaining two to three hundred immortal gods, most of whom were foreign experts.

"Phantom King?" When they saw the Phantom King, Nightmare Candle King and others' expressions suddenly changed, especially after seeing the two to three hundred princes and immortal kings behind the Phantom King, Nightmare Candle King was even more confused. I couldn't help but twitch the corner of my mouth: "This crazy female Phantom King, why is she here?"

King Nightmare Candle relies on his father, Lord Eclipse Fire, to act very crazy and unscrupulously, but compared with the real lunatic King Phantom, he can only be regarded as childish.

The Phantom King's true strength is not as good as some of the powerful Immortal Kings at the peak level of the King, but his reputation is as resounding as that of the powerful Immortal Kings such as King Zhenyan and King Longyu.

On the one hand, this is because the Phantom King is really crazy, and on the other hand, it is also because she is indeed very powerful in terms of soul. She is actually able to control two powerful immortal kings of the same level of strength, and even one of them is also a very powerful alien. The soul master controls many soul slaves under his command.

Therefore, in real terms, there are two to three hundred soul slaves controlled by the Phantom King, including the Immortal King and the Immortal Prince.Such a power is comparable to the top immortal combat power of some weaker Universe Lords. This is the truly terrifying thing about the Phantom King. She alone is equivalent to an elite immortal army.

"King Nightmare Candle, are you going to capture him yourself, or do you want me to take action?" The Phantom King said coldly, looking at King Nightmare Candle with his beautiful eyes.

"Phantom King, please don't bully others too much. I'm pushing you too hard," Nightmare Candle King shouted with an ugly expression. Before he could finish speaking, Phantom King sneered and waved his hand, "So what if you push me too hard? I'm still here." I really want to see the power of that important treasure you are carrying! Take action and catch him!"

And as the Phantom King gave an order, the dark red armored human behind him and the mysterious black-robed alien, the largest and most powerful king named Immortal, charged directly at the Nightmare Candle King with violent auras...
"Go away!" The Nightmare Candle King suddenly roared with a gloomy face when he saw this. The ancient secret pattern on his forehead lit up, and an extremely terrifying aura spread in all directions. It was like a peerless ferocious beast slowly awakening. At the same time, The center of Nightmare Candle King's eyebrows split open, revealing a purple vertical eye.

Purple vertical eyes burst out with purple gaze, scanning the surrounding space, making the space condense. It also made Diko narrow his eyes slightly: "It's very powerful, is it a heavy treasure? It seems that Lord Eclipse Fire is indeed He dotes on this son very much!"

Almost at the same time, ripples appeared in the starry sky, and a terrifying coercion suddenly descended, instantly spreading across the surrounding star field, completely suppressing the momentum of the immortal god army behind Longyu King and Phantom King. The terrifying aura that erupted was also suppressed.

"Father..." The Nightmare Candle King turned his head in surprise and looked at the blurry figure appearing in the starry sky in the distance. Diko couldn't help but look over with a twitching brow. With his strong soul will, he was not affected by the sudden arrival. Diko, who was affected by the coercion of the aura, saw at a glance the towering fuzzy figure bathed in black flames in the distant starry sky. The black flames burning around it spread over a million kilometers around it, and the space was incinerated. Made particle flow.

I am the only one in the universe and starry sky!At this time, everyone had an inexplicable feeling. The majestic figure bathed in the black sea of ​​fire was like the master of the starry sky, more dazzling than the sun and incomparable!

(End of this chapter)

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