Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 485: Venerable Universe

Chapter 485: Venerable Universe

Both Di Ke and Luo Feng had met the Lord of the Universe, but no matter whether it was the Lord of the Flame Phoenix, the Lord of the Nine Swords, or the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, they had a restrained aura. But now, the Lord of the Fire Eclipse, But he was extremely domineering and showed no restraint. The terrifying aura was so overwhelming that King Longyu and others felt their hearts tremble and their legs weakened, let alone Di Ke, who was only a world lord, and Luo Feng, who was only a regional master.

The Lord of the Universe can absolutely crush the immortal gods, just like the Lord of the Universe can easily suppress the Lord of the Universe.No matter how powerful the immortal gods are, even if they reach the level of invincible king, they can only barely match the power of the Universe Venerable, and are on par with the weakest elementary Universe Venerable.

Therefore, Di Ke and Luo Feng, who were not even immortal, were like two weak ants in front of Lord Eclipse Fire.

"Huh? Such a strong soul and will! For a world master, the soul aura is no less than that of an immortal god, and the will is incredibly strong. How is it possible?" However, Lord Eclipse, who noticed Diko, couldn't help but feel in his heart He was secretly shocked. While he felt it was unbelievable, he also vaguely understood why the Lord of Huang Jian accepted Di Ke as his direct disciple.

But soon, Lord Eclipse Fire turned to look at Phantom King sharply, and shouted in a low and angry voice: "Phantom Spirit, do you want to capture my son?"

"Lord Eclipse Fire, I was ordered by my teacher to protect His Highness Di Ke. But the Nightmare Candle King actually killed His Highness Di Ke, so I naturally wanted to capture him and hand him over to my teacher," her beautiful eyes narrowed slightly. The Phantom King bowed slightly to Lord Eclipse Fire, and then spoke calmly and calmly.

"Nightmare is my son. Even if she makes any mistakes, it is not her Yanhuang's turn to be punished." Lord Eclipse Fire's thunderous voice reverberated in the starry sky with invisible space fluctuations, making The immortal gods behind the Phantom King all showed pain on their faces, and even the Phantom King frowned slightly.

However, at this moment, an equally domineering and cool voice sounded: "Really? Eclipse fire, your son is leading people to kill my junior brother. Is this your intention or his? Your giant axe fighting arena, is Do you want to challenge the Universe Mercenary Alliance and my teacher, Lord Huang Jian? Your son, King Nightmare, is acting so unscrupulously, so what if you kill him, let alone capture him and hand him over to our Universe Mercenary Alliance for punishment?"

At the same time, a dazzling red-gold light lit up, illuminating the entire dark starry sky. From the golden light that was dimly visible in the distance, a beautiful figure surrounded by golden flames emerged, and an invisible terrifying aura suppressed the starry sky. , and even dispersed about one third of the black flames that spread around Lord Eclipse Fire.

"Yanhuang?" Seeing the extremely dazzling Yanhuang Venerable, Venerable Eclipse Fire couldn't help but frown. In terms of strength, Venerable Yanhuang is also a high-ranking Venerable in the universe. His qualifications are older than him, and his strength and means are also incomparable. Not inferior to his.

But Venerable Eclipse Fire is not afraid of Venerable Yanhuang. Although Venerable Yanhuang is the direct disciple of Master Huang Jian, the founder of the Universe Mercenary Alliance, he is also second only to Giant Ax in the Giant Ax Fighting Arena. The direct disciple of the founder, Lord of Virtual Gold.This Lord of Virtual Gold is no less powerful than the Lord of Huangjian in terms of strength and influence among the human race!
What really gave Lord Eclipse Fire a headache was that Nightmare Candle King actually killed Di Ke and Luo Feng.Just kill Luo Feng, the trouble is not that big.But by killing the direct disciples of Lord Huang Jian and even attracting Venerable Yanhuang, things couldn't get any better.If the Space Mercenary Alliance really pursues the case, King Nightmare Candle will definitely be severely punished even if he is not guilty of death.

"Yanhuang, what do you want?" Venerable Eclipse Fire spoke in a deep voice. He knew he was in the wrong and was obviously ready to bow his head and give in.

"The Phantom has made it very clear. Capture the Nightmare Candle King and take it away with me, and hand it over to the teacher." The words of Venerable Yanhuang made Venerable Eclipse Fire look ugly, and he handed over the Nightmare Candle King. To the Lord of Huangjian?The Lord of Huangjian is famous for his bad temper!Knowing that someone is going to kill his direct disciple, King Nightmare Candle may have to shed a layer of his skin even if he survives, and will definitely receive the most severe and terrifying punishment. "Namazhu is at fault, but Dike and Luo Feng are both fine. Yanhuang, there is no need to alarm the Lord of Huangjian about this, right?" Lord Eclipse Fire frowned and said.

"Don't be alarmed? Eclipse Huo, do you think you can hide it from my teacher when your son has made such a big noise on earth?" Venerable Yanhuang sneered: "Eclipse Huo, I know you dote on me and favor me. The only son, but if he makes a mistake, he will be punished, no matter who he is. Even if he is a sage of the universe and tries to kill the direct disciple of the Lord of the Universe, there is no way to expose it easily. "

"Let me take him away! Otherwise, even if we go to the Lords of the Universe, you won't be able to handle it," Lord Yanhuang said and was about to take away the Nightmare Candle King.

"Father..." The Nightmare Candle King's expression changed and he became anxious. The Eclipse Fire Lord snorted and directly stopped the Yanhuang Lord: "Yanhuang, if you want to take away my son, you must first pass my test. .”

Seeing the two Universe Venerables facing each other tit for tat, the starry sky in the vast surrounding area was stagnant and collapsed in the collision of their momentum. Everyone was holding their breath and became nervous. What was going on between Venerable Eclipse Fire and Venerable Yanhuang? Are you ready for a big fight?

"King Nightmare Candle, hand over the humans on Earth in your world ring, and I can let you go," in this tense and depressing atmosphere, Diko suddenly stepped forward and approached King Nightmare Candle and said loudly.

Immediately, everyone, including Venerable Yanhuang and Venerable Eclipse, subconsciously turned their heads and looked over.Obviously, they didn't expect Dico to speak at this time, and they had different expressions for a while.

"Haha... you want those humans on earth that I have taken away? Dreaming!" The Nightmare Candle King was also stunned, and then he laughed wildly, with a sickly and crazy look on his handsome face: "You want to Save them, then I... will just send them to death!"

Before Nightmare Candle King finished speaking, everyone's expressions had changed. Even Lord Eclipse Fire couldn't help but change his face slightly and subconsciously opened his mouth to stop Nightmare Candle King...
But it was too late. Before he could finish his words, Nightmare Candle King had a world ring in his hand. Then with a maniacal smile on his face, he crushed the world ring to pieces.
Suddenly, with the violent energy fluctuations of the collapse of one of the worlds, the surrounding starry sky was suddenly dyed with blood. Astonishingly, with the destruction of one of the worlds, the blood and flesh of all the people on earth were dyed red after the rapid death...
"No!" After hearing King Nightmare's words and looking at his crazy look, Luo Feng realized that something was wrong. He immediately became jealous when he saw this scene.

"This" everyone else was stunned for a moment when they saw this bloody scene. Looking at Luo Feng's red eyes and trembling body, and the cold and ugly face of Lord Yanhuang, they immediately realized that the matter was in trouble. This Nightmare Zhu King, you are really crazy!
Even the equally crazy Phantom King frowned when he saw this scene.Lord Eclipse Fire couldn't help but frown. Looking at his son, King Nightmare, who was laughing crazily, he felt helpless and angry in his heart.

"Nightmare King!" The extremely cold voice, but unable to conceal the anger and murderous intent, rang out like thunder on the ground, causing everyone to subconsciously look at Diko, only to see Diko, who was as sinking as water, and his whole person's aura became violent, like a Like an erupting volcano, blood-red flames burned all over the body.
At the same time, the surging law of the origin of fire came. After becoming the world lord, he practiced meditation for many years. After seeing the scene where the Nightmare Candle King crazily killed all the people on earth in the world ring, Diko became filled with anger and murderous intent. Finally, he understood the original law of fire in one fell swoop, and chose to break through without hesitation.He needs strength now!Let King Nightmare Candle be buried with all the people on Earth who were killed by him!
(End of this chapter)

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