Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 486 Immortality, outbreak

Chapter 486 Immortality, outbreak

At this moment, Diko, who was filled with anger and murderous intent, no longer wanted to hide or wait any more. He broke the shackles in one fell swoop and communicated with the ocean of endless flame laws at the origin of the universe, directly attracting the divine power of endless flames to descend on him. The starry sky above our heads turned into a waterfall of flames.
For ordinary world masters to break through and become immortal gods, they don't need much divine power, and the movement is not too big. The main thing is that the fluctuations of the origin law are quite shocking.

But how abnormal is Dicko's body in the sea of ​​blood?Even if this body is just a blood sea clone now, it is still comparable to a powerful special life.

Therefore, the movement of him stepping into immortality was too great, even more exaggerated than the movement of becoming the Lord of the Universe. It was as if the starry sky of the universe was overturned, and the water of divine power like a sea of ​​fire poured into Dick's bottomless pit-like body, and was Diko kept absorbing it crazily, making King Longyu and everyone else dumbfounded.

"You have entered immortality? How is this movement possible?" Not to mention those immortal gods, even Venerable Yanhuang and Venerable Eclipse were stunned. Looking at the extremely shocking scene in front of them, they simply couldn't believe their eyes. What kind of body does this have to hold so much divine power?

You know, Dicko is human!Compared with some other powerful alien races in the universe, humans are notoriously weak. Even if they become the master of the universe and improve their genetic level, their divine bodies are still weak compared to other alien races or the masters of the universe with special life forms.

But now, the endless divine power of flames pouring out like a river was easily absorbed by Diko. At the same time, Diko's body quickly transformed into a divine body. The aura of divine power exuded from his body also made all the immortals around him The god felt his whole body tremble and become weak.That aura was so terrifying, even more powerful than ordinary Universe Venerables.

"With such a powerful aura of divine power, could it be that he directly broke through and became the Lord of the Universe?" Lord Eclipse Fire's face suddenly changed, and his heart was full of shock and disbelief: "No, that's not right! This is obviously just the understanding of the law of fire, the arrival of the divine power of fire. That’s it, it’s not the movement of understanding the laws of space or time. He has indeed just stepped into the immortal realm. But how can there be such a powerful immortal god? What secrets does he have? "

"Immortality? Impossible...impossible, this is absolutely impossible!" The Nightmare Candle King was even more dumbfounded, stunned, and frightened. He stared with a distorted expression as he bathed in the divine power of flames. His aura was no more than that of the Flame Phoenix. Dico, who was much inferior to the Venerable and the Venerable Fire Eclipse, shook his head like a fool.

"King Nightmare Candle, suffer death!" Accompanied by a low voice of anger, Diko, who had just completed the transformation of his divine body, started to burn like a fire, and his figure appeared in front of King Nightmare Candle in a blurry instant.

"No." Feeling the terrifying aura that hit his face like a wave of fire, the Nightmare Candle King came back to his senses. Seeing Diko punch out, the twisted and stagnant space was instantly torn apart, and he couldn't help but feel in his heart. He roared madly in horror, and a purple light glowed on his forehead.
However, as soon as the purple vertical eye between Nightmare Candle King's eyebrows opened, the stagnant space around him collapsed. Diko's shocking punch, which was as powerful as a volcanic eruption, almost instantly tore apart the obstruction of the purple light, and landed on it. On the body of Nightmare Candle King
In an instant, the Nightmare Candle King was shaken all over, as if he were a soybean crushed by a stone mill, and his perfectly transformed divine body was instantly turned into powder...
"Chaluo!" Diko took action too quickly. The Lord Eclipse Fire, who was still shocked and confused, only reacted when he saw his son being smashed to pieces by Diko's punch. Black flames surged around him as he waved his hand in shock and anger. It turned into a black dragon and swept away thinking about Dicko.

However, before the fire dragon could get close to Dico, the dazzling red-gold light turned into the claws of some kind of bird and grabbed it, crushing it and exploding, causing the black dragon to turn into black flames and scatter all over the sky...
"Yanhuang..." Venerable Eclipse Fire stared at the Venerable Yanhuang who stopped him with eyes that were about to spit out fire. However, Venerable Yanhuang said coldly: "Eclipse Fire, in your capacity, Isn’t it a little too much to take action against an immortal junior who has just made a breakthrough?”

"Go away!" Seeing the silhouette of his son Nightmare Candle King condensed again in the distance, but with a weakened aura, and seeing Diko kill King Nightmare Candle again, Lord Eclipse Fire roared suddenly, and his aura became violent, and he did not hesitate to The burning divine power was used to drive away the Flame Phoenix Lord, and then it transformed into a black sea of ​​​​fire and rushed towards Diko and the Nightmare Candle King.
"Want to save him? It's too late!" Looking at Lord Eclipse Fire who rushed towards him like crazy and desperate, Diko's mouth curved with a cold arc, and his aura became violent with the same look of madness in his eyes. In an instant, The whole person turned into a sea of ​​blood burning with blood flames, filling the vast starry sky.At the same time, the raging bloody wave was like a rising flame, carrying violent and terrifying power, overwhelming the horrified Nightmare Candle King, causing his divine body to collapse again, and at the same time, the monstrous bloody wave followed. Together with the collision of the needle tip of the sea of ​​black fire that also spread quickly against the wheat...
"Be careful! Back away!" Feeling the terrifying power of the bloody wave and the black sea of ​​fire, after the two collided with each other and erupted into terrifying waves of destruction, the horrified Longyu King, Phantom King and other immortal gods all The instinctive panic turned into streams of light and flew into the distance.

King Longyu and the others still had a chance to escape. The Bloodthirsty King also hurriedly took action to protect Luo Feng, Dylan and Yi Feng and fled away. King Baojin and other seals from the giant ax fighting field were staying next to the Nightmare Candle King. The powerful king and the twelve immortal feudal lords had no time to escape under Diko's targeted and crazy attack, and they were all swallowed up by the bloody wave in horror.

"Lord Fire Eclipse! Since you want to take action, let's try the power of my blood knife!" Immediately afterwards, the scattered waves of blood condensed again, and after condensing into Diko's figure, a huge blood knife also appeared through Appeared in front of him out of the body, and under the crazy infusion of its burning divine power, the strong and terrifying evil spirit and sharp edge breath swept out from the trembling and humming blood sword, and in an instant, a terrifying bloody sword light followed the The blood knife swung seemingly slowly towards the majestic figure of the Fire Eclipse Lord revealed after the black sea of ​​fire collapsed in the distance.

Lord Fire Eclipse, who had the same cold and twisted look on his face and flashed with crazy murderous intent in his eyes, also roared with burning divine power and waved a black giant stick to meet the bloody sword light.

Amid the roaring sound of gold and iron clashing, the sword light and rolling shadows collapsed. Lord Eclipse Fire, who was trembling all over, immediately staggered and flew away, his aura weakening at a speed that could be felt.

Diko's figure collapsed and turned into a bloody stream of water. The blood knife also turned into a bloody light and merged into the large amount of bloody water that quickly gathered.Then the bloody water quickly gathered and solidified in the twisted starry sky with chaotic energy, and turned into a human form again, with the same weak aura.

However, while the figure solidified, Diko's aura quickly became stronger at a perceptible speed. Supplemented by the sea of ​​​​blood in the inner world that had not yet fully transformed its divine power, the blood sea clone's depleted divine power Recovering quickly.

In the short battle just now, although Diko did not hesitate to burn his divine power crazily, and in the end he used the blood knife, the divine power consumed was enough to cause pain to the cosmic lords, but for Dico, it was just a drop in the bucket. His vast The sea of ​​​​blood senses the origin of the universe and can be restored after a moment of absorption.

The starry sky slowly returned to calm. Except for Diko and Lord Eclipse, who were still confronting each other, Lord Yanhuang came closer, and King Bloodthirsty, King Longyu and others retreated into the distance in embarrassment. This chaotic place However, there is no trace of the Nightmare Candle King and the immortal kings and princes under him in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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