Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 487 Dicko’s strength and determination

Chapter 487 Dicko’s strength and determination
"Clone? You are actually gifted with the ability to clone? And it is a very powerful clone. No wonder you dare to take action so desperately," Lord Eclipse Fire, who resisted Diko's knife, lost a lot of his divine power, and his aura was much weaker, was still covered in blood. His breath was violent, he gritted his teeth and stared at Diko with red eyes: "Is that bloody sword a top treasure? Or a top treasure? I didn't expect that the Lord of Huangjian would even give you such a treasure. He is so kind to you as a disciple. Too much!"

"Are you jealous? Eclipse Fire, I know that you dote on the only son of King Nightmare Candle. But it is precisely because of your doting that he acts so crazy and unscrupulously to take away my earthly life. My home planet, the Earth, was so insane that he killed tens of billions of innocent Earthlings all at once. If I don’t kill him, I won’t be worthy of being an Earthling.” Dico sneered and looked at the Fire Eclipse Lord with the same sharp eyes. Or, the whole person is like an unsheathed sword stained with blood, releasing cold evil aura and murderous intent:
"Eclipse Fire, the world lord level can kill the immortal prince, become the king directly after becoming immortal, and become the Lord of the Universe in just a few hundred thousand years. It is indeed amazing! But you should also know very well that you can't kill me. Think about it. I welcome you to avenge your son at any time, but you must also be prepared to fall into my hands."

After hearing Diko's words and seeing his crazy and confident look, Lord Eclipse Fire's face suddenly changed, but he frowned and fell silent... The death of his son, King Nightmare Candle, indeed made Lord Eclipse Fire crazily lustful. He wanted to kill Dico, but after the brief confrontation just now, Lord Eclipse realized how difficult and terrifying Dico was, and he slowly calmed down.

If you continue to attack, it will be almost impossible to kill Diko. The power of the blood knife, the Lord Eclipse Fire does not want to continue to see.What's more, there is Lord Yanhuang watching from the side, how can he be allowed to kill Diko?

"Nie Zhu made a mistake first, and it is indeed justifiable for you to kill him. However, you also killed several of my disciples, as well as the immortal gods who were kings and lords under my command. They are all from my human race. The important immortal combat power..." Lord Eclipse Fire said solemnly.

"So what? They are bullying others and have already come to kill them. Do they want me from the Earth lineage to stretch their necks and die?" Diko sneered: "When the robbers enter the house, they will naturally be beaten to death. This matter Son, even if it comes to my teacher, the Master of Huangjian, or even the founder of the giant axe, I have reason."

"Okay, even if they deserve to die, you have already killed them and handed over everything they had on them," Lord Eclipse Fire continued: "And the purple soul on my son Nightmare King..."

"Haha... Lord Eclipse Fire, if you want to get back that valuable treasure from your son, just say so! Why beat around the bush?" Diko laughed, but then his tone became colder: "Your son, When your disciples and subordinates died, you wanted to get back their relics. But what about the people on Earth who were killed by your son? When they died, there was nothing. Perhaps in your eyes, their lives are as insignificant as ants and feathers. . But in my eyes, let alone a mere valuable treasure, even a treasure is not as important as their lives."

"For the sake of the earth, you have indirectly killed tens of billions of my people on the earth. Do you really think that I don't know the origin and value of the earth?" Diko sneered and continued: "We people on earth have a saying, 'Ning' I want nothing more than a piece of jade. I want a hometown of my earthlings. Dream! Unless my earthlings are dead! I am desperate. Even if I destroy the earth directly, I will not let you take advantage of it. !”

Upon hearing Diko's words, Lord Eclipse Fire couldn't help but his brows jumped, and his heart skipped a beat. He had no doubt that Diko had the courage to defeat everything.As soon as he broke through and entered immortality, Diko dared to kill the Nightmare Candle King in front of him, and even directly fought with him, the famous High Lord of the Universe. Lord Eclipse Fire had already seen Diko's madness.

"It seems that the Purple Soul cannot be brought back," Lord Eclipse Fire felt a little helpless. His son died, and at a sufficient price, he could also ask the Lord of the Universe to resurrect the Nightmare Candle King, but under the influence of the heavy treasure Purple Soul However, the cost of resurrecting the Nightmare Candle King is no less than that of the Universe Venerable, and is more valuable than a heavy treasure.Therefore, Lord Eclipse Fire wants to return the valuable treasure to his son, King Nightmare Candle, in the hope of recovering some losses.

At this time, Venerable Eclipse Fire undoubtedly felt very regretful. After knowing the value of the earth, he originally wanted to take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, he failed to take advantage and suffered such a big loss. Even his son and several The lives of the disciples were all at stake.Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this universe. Once something happens, there is no room for recovery.

"Dico..." Luo Feng, Bloodthirsty King and others who were in the distance were also shocked by Diko's unyielding attitude. Lord Yanhuang also looked at Diko with a slightly changed expression and was about to speak. Suddenly, A powerful and overbearing terrifying aura came down, and then the hearty laughter of the Lord of Huangjian could be heard: "Haha... good disciple, the matter has not reached the point of life or death, but it doesn't have to be like this. Tragic." After the words fell, a majestic and domineering figure also appeared in the starry sky in front of him, as if the law was incarnate. For a moment, the surrounding time and space froze, and the natural breath of life alone made everyone's heart tremble.

"Teacher!" Venerable Yanhuang was the first to salute respectfully. Venerable Eclipse Fire, Bloodthirsty King, Longyu King, Phantom King and others also quickly saluted respectfully: "Greetings to the Master of Huangjian!"

"Disciple Diko, pay your respects to the teacher!" Diko knelt down in front of the Lord of Huangjian in the void, and when he saw him kneeling respectfully, his face still had a look of firmness and determination. The Lord of Huangjian He couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, and said with a helpless smile: "You little guy, don't worry, with your teacher here, no one will take away your home earth of the earthlings."

"However, since you know the secret of this earth, you should understand its value. I haven't discovered it before, but this time when the founder of the giant ax came to investigate, he discovered that the earth is special," Huang Jianzhi followed. The Lord sent a message to Diko and said: "So, the ethnic group must make better use of the earth. The masters of the universe have decided to build a floating city on the earth. The five major forces will also arrange for some people to come to the earth."

"Teacher! Is it necessary to do this? Earthlings are also members of the human race, and the earth has given birth to earthlings. I believe that the earthlings will have unlimited potential in the future. How many people can the small earth accommodate? Even if All parties are trying their best to arrange for people to live on the earth. The number of children that can be born on the earth is also limited. How significant is it to the entire human race?" Dico couldn't help but ask.

"Dico, with your current strength, you can be regarded as the pillar of our humanity. You must learn to consider the entire human race." The Lord of Huangjian frowned at Diko and said, "In this way, I will resurrect the demons on the earth. How about you give in to the tens of billions of people on earth killed by King Zhu, just to give me, the teacher, some face?"

Upon hearing what Dico said, Luo Feng's eyes suddenly lit up in the distance, and he subconsciously looked at Dico with some excitement.And Di Ke also hesitated slightly as his expression changed: "Okay! Teacher, I can agree to let all forces arrange for people to live on the earth. But there is one thing. People from all forces coming to the earth can only live in floating cities on the ocean. , cannot disturb the lives of people on Earth. If they dare to bully people on Earth, don’t blame me for killing people."

"You! Okay, I agree," the Lord of Huangjian shook his head helplessly, while Diko continued: "Also, teacher, if I become the Lord of the Universe in the future, I hope to take back the Earth and let the Earth Belong to the people of Earth completely. For this, I am willing to pay some price."

"Huh? Are you planning to take back the Earth in the future? I can't promise you this! Matters about the Earth are decided by the masters of all universes in my human race..." The Lord of Huangjian frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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