Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 488 Resurrection and aftermath

Chapter 488 Resurrection and aftermath

Before the Lord of Huang Jian finished speaking, Diko said firmly with firm eyes: "Teacher, the earth is the hometown of my earthlings. As long as I have enough strength, I must take back the complete ownership of the earth. Otherwise, I am not qualified to say that I am an Earthling, and I have no face to face people of the Earthling lineage. No one can stop me from this matter!"

"Hey! Let's wait until you are strong enough to talk about this!" Seeing Di Ke's determined look, the Lord of Huangjian was helpless. Now he really likes Di Ke, a disciple with great talent and unlimited potential. Moreover, Dicko's personality is actually very to his liking.

But regarding the issue of the ownership of the earth, the Lord of Huangjian really cannot make a choice.Even if other universe masters of the human race knew about Dicko's thoughts, they would just remain noncommittal and ignore it for the time being.Before Dicko became the master of the universe, he was not qualified to discuss the ownership of the earth with them.

After all, strictly speaking, the entire human territory belongs to the human race.Therefore, unless Diko takes a lineage of earthlings and learns from the Yan Clan and breaks away from the human race in the future, it will be difficult to go against the decision of the highest level of the human race.As for influencing the decisions of the highest level of the human race, that requires Dicko to be strong enough.

Seeing that Di Ke was so determined and refused to bow his head when facing the Lord of Huang Jian, Lord Eclipse Fire and others, who were as silent as a shudder, secretly burst into laughter in their hearts.Although Venerable Eclipse Fire is a high-level Venerable of the universe, he can't help but feel nervous and apprehensive when facing the Lord of the Universe.

As for King Longyu and other immortal gods, it is extremely difficult for them to meet the Lord of the Universe. Most of them have never even seen the Lord of the Universe.Facing the Lord of Huangjian at this time, one can imagine how they feel.

"Okay, Dico, I will go to Earth with you first and resurrect the tens of billions of Earthlings who were there before," the Lord of Huang Jian said.

"Teacher, please!" Dicko, who nodded respectfully, led the way and turned into a bloody stream of light and headed towards the earth. The Lord of Huang Jian then disappeared out of thin air, and when he reappeared, he was already outside the earth's atmosphere.

After the Master of Huangjian left, Lord Eclipse Healed a sigh of relief and then looked at the place where his son Nightmare King was killed with a complicated and sad expression, and then teleported away directly with a thought.

"Let's go! Let's go to the Earth and have a look," Lord Yanhuang, who greeted the Phantom King, Longyu King and Bloodthirsty King, also flew directly to the Earth.

After Venerable Yanhuang and others approached the earth, they saw that the Lord of Huangjian in outer space had also activated the power of time and space with a thought, making the entire earth go back in time and return to the tens of billions of earths. Before the people were taken away by the Nightmare Candle King, he then began to take them back to normal time and space.
"This is the first time I have seen such a large-scale reversal of time and space. It is incredible to resurrect tens of billions of people on earth at once!" The Bloodthirsty King stared in surprise, but deliberately lowered his voice.

Luo Feng on the side also looked with excitement and anticipation, and also some shock.Reversal of time and space and resurrection is indeed rare.Not to mention Luo Feng, even immortal gods such as King Longyu, unless they are the ones who are resurrected by you, it is not easy to see such shocking scenes.

"When will I be able to have this kind of ability by reversing time and space and resurrecting it?" Diko, who was hanging in the starry sky behind the Lord of Huangjian, became increasingly eager for the strength at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

To reverse time and space and resurrect, neither the main god of the world of Panlong nor the controller of Hongmeng who transformed the world from stars have such strength.Although the Lord of the Underworld in the Panlong World can restore the memories of the dead, it is just a trick to regain life.

At the same time, Diko was also keenly aware of the fluctuations in the original laws of the universe around the Lord of Huangjian, which was the backlash of the laws of the universe against the Master of Huangjian's reversal of time and space and resurrection of life.

Such a large-scale resurrection, even if most of the people on earth resurrected by the Lord of Huangjian are apprentices, with only a few planet-level experts, and even many ordinary people who are not even apprentices, the backlash is still huge. It is enough to easily wipe out tens of billions of people on earth countless times.For the Lord of Huangjian, this resurrection is no less than resurrecting a Universe Venerable. The cost is high enough to make the Universe Venerable physically ache.Diko could even feel that the aura of Lord Huang Jian was a little weak.But the Lord of Huangjian, who has more than one clone, can still afford this loss of divine power.

"Thank you, teacher!" A moment later, the return of time and space ended, and the reversal of time and space was successful. With a thought, Diko sensed the surprised and unbelievable reactions of the large number of resurrected humans on the earth. He couldn't help but feel surprised and grateful and saluted the Lord of Huang Jian. .

Although reversing time and space and resurrecting is not difficult for the Lord of Huangjian, it is a big loss for the entire group to allow the Lord of the Universe to lose his divine power, and the Lords of the Universe will not use such methods at will. .

"The higher-ups of the human race will send people later, so you don't have to worry about the earth's affairs. Just focus on your cultivation! Strive to grow into a super being and a strong pillar in our human race as soon as possible," said the Lord of Huang Jian. Looking at Diko expectantly, he couldn't help but said curiously: "I didn't expect you to have such a powerful divine body. Judging from your ability to transform into a sea of ​​blood, you must have received the inheritance of the mountains and seas. ? I want to remind you that the cultivation methods of the Shanhai lineage are on the wrong path. Some methods may seem powerful, but they are a dead end at the end. Therefore, the Shanhai lineage, which was once strong for a while, will quickly decline and die. You can never Don’t make the same mistake again.”

"Teacher, don't worry. Of course, the disciple will not take it hard even if he knows it is a dead end. But if he does not dare to take the risk, it will be difficult for the disciple to gain what he has today," Di Ke said calmly and confidently.

"Oh? It seems that you have indeed received a great opportunity and a great harvest! Okay, I'll wait and see how far you can go," said the Master of Huangjian with a raised eyebrow and a bright smile. Then he teleported away and returned to the core of the Space Mercenary Alliance through the Kingdom of God.

As soon as the Lord of Huangjian left, Venerable Yanhuang and others naturally came over to greet Diko and left one by one. Before Venerable Yanhuang left, he couldn't help but look at Diko with a strange look and said with a smile: " Junior Brother Dike, I really didn’t expect that you could reach this point so quickly. As soon as you entered immortality, your strength was comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe. When you become the Lord of the Universe, you will probably be at least the Overlord of the Universe, or even the top Overlord of the Universe. Maybe. , our Universe Mercenary Alliance can have another Universe Master!"

"Senior Sister is overrated! Now that our earth lineage has just experienced a turmoil, I will not keep Senior Sister. I will visit Senior Sister another day," Di Ke said.

After a few polite greetings, Dike watched Lord Yanhuang leave. Facing the starry sky that was now empty in an instant, he breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at Luo Feng aside and said, "I just broke through. You may have to stay in seclusion for a while after you come down. Then, the earth will be handed over to you."

"Don't worry! It's important for you to cultivate and establish the Kingdom of God. I will handle the matters on earth," Luo Feng said while nodding, and couldn't help but look at Diko with even more excitement and admiration.Seeing that Diko had such great strength after breaking through and entering immortality, Luo Feng, who was proud of him in his heart, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

With an immortal fighting force with unlimited potential at his disposal, the Earthlings will have more confidence to stand in the forest of the human race in the future, which also makes Luo Feng feel that the pressure is greatly reduced.

"Dylan, Yi Feng, I have to ask you to take care of Luo Feng and the Earth during my retreat," Dico then said to Dylan and Yi Feng.

"Don't worry, your highness!" Dylan and Yi Feng both responded respectfully and were somewhat flattered. Not to mention that Dico had a higher status than them before, and now he is so powerful that he can easily kill them, but it is equivalent to what they used to do. The Master of the Universe feels unattainable.

(End of this chapter)

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