Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 489 Servant, Kingdom of God

Chapter 489 Servant, Kingdom of God

In the world inside the body, there is a vast sea of ​​blood with a diameter of billions of miles. The hot divine power is surging, as if the entire sea of ​​blood is burning, and the divine power like flames is faintly visible rising and falling.

Such a large sea of ​​blood, an ocean completely composed of the divine power of fire, was still a blood-red flame-like color. Seeing this made Diko's heart surge: "Such a huge ocean of divine power means that I have a divine body with infinite divine power. With my Nowadays, with a powerful soul and an even more terrifying will, even if the Lord of the Universe wants to kill my soul, there is almost no possibility of it. The value of this ocean of divine power alone is enough to rival the peak treasure, right?"

"However, it's not enough! Now I have only understood the law of fire. Although I have also understood the law of space and time quite deeply, and even have some understanding of other laws, my state is still a little bit behind. At least I have to become the universe. Your Majesty, when the time comes to face the Lord of the Universe, you will have enough power to protect yourself, so that you can truly stand in the forest of strong men in the universe, and be called the super being of the human race, the pillar of strength," Diko said to himself: " But it is not that easy to understand the laws of space or time in a short period of time, and it requires practice and accumulation."

"It is difficult to improve the law quickly, and it is unrealistic to create such a powerful secret method. What I can rely on now is mainly my powerful divine body. I have to let my ocean of divine power continue to absorb the divine energy in the original space of the universe. , just continue to expand, and strive to have 10081 times the perfect genes after the divine power ocean turns into a human form as soon as possible, so that I can get a powerful secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe given by the origin of the universe." Feeling that I am absorbing the origin of the universe at all times Diko couldn't help but look forward to the ocean of divine power that the flame power in the space was quietly expanding.

"Now, it's time to deal with them." Diko, who was thinking in a flash, dived towards the surging sea of ​​blood below, and then saw a few figures emerging from the sea of ​​blood. It was the green-haired old man with one horn. The Golden King, the lizard-man Thornheart King, and a woman in black armor are three of the five Immortal Kings of the Great Ax Arena who came to Earth with the Nightmare Candle King.

Diko's previous assassination of Nightmare Candle King affected them. Only these three survived, and together with the relics of other immortal gods such as Nightmare Candle King and lords, they were taken into the inner world by Diko.

Although they were lucky enough to survive due to their strong strength and excellent life-saving methods, they also suffered a serious loss of divine power. The weakest among them, the woman in black armor, was so weak that she could hardly stay awake.King Waterfall Gold and King Thornheart, who were barely able to stay awake, also fell into a coma under the impact of Diko's strong will.

Therefore, at this time, these three immortal kings were like meat on the chopping board. They had no power to resist and could only be slaughtered by Diko.

"King King Powerful, there are even peak King King Immortals who can perform teleportation and space blockade. Killing them is indeed a loss to mankind. Then use the waste instead, don't blame me! I blame you for coming to Earth with the wrong person. ," Diko, who looked at the three figures indifferently, suddenly thought, and instantly the virtual divine power invaded their bodies, easily penetrated their divine bodies, and controlled their souls.

At the same time, Diko's soul attack penetrated, which also stimulated King Waterfall Gold and King Thorn Heart to wake up, but the woman in black armor who had lost too much power and was granted the title of Immortal King was still unconscious.

"Among them, even the Waterfall Gold King and the Thorny Heart King have lost most of their divine power, and their strength has been greatly reduced. If I don't spend a lot of money to help them restore their divine power, they will only help teleport and seal the space by my side in a short period of time. I Although the understanding of the laws of space has not yet fully understood teleportation and space blockade, with the soul's keen sense of space fluctuations, it is still possible to perform teleportation..." Thinking of this, Dicko suddenly felt that these three soul slaves had some accumulation. Well, even if he helps to look after his family on Earth, he still feels that his strength is not that good!

"That's all, let them recover slowly first." At this time, Diko was too lazy to pay much attention to the three soul slaves of King Waterfall Gold. He had more important things to do, which was to find a suitable place to establish a god. country.

A moment later, in the desolate starry sky somewhere in the Milky Way, Diko appeared here randomly and teleported. He easily tore apart the space with a wave of his hand, and then stepped into the space mezzanine. His figure avoided large and small space debris like a phantom, and headed towards Go deeper into the space mezzanine
After some searching, Dico ventured deep into the space mezzanine, and finally found a suitable large space fragment, which was enough to accommodate his inner world and meet the requirements for establishing the Kingdom of God. "Let's start!" With a thought, Dico directly activated the inner world and locked onto the huge space fragment with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles. Then, like a combination of reality and reality, the illusory vast inner world projection merged with the space fragment, causing the space to tremble. , all other surrounding space debris retreated away.

Soon an extremely real world was born, that is the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of God belonging to Diko!In the newly born Kingdom of God, the billions of miles of ocean of divine power seemed inconspicuous.

The Kingdom of God is vast and filled with endless divine power.Above the ocean of divine power, a large amount of divine power gathered and turned into a majestic flame temple that exuded dazzling light. The rich aura of the law of fire filled the air... At the same time, the land, mountains, grasslands, etc. that originally existed in the world inside the body were transformed into a temple of flames that exuded dazzling light. The country has also become wider, expanding with the expansion of the vast divine kingdom.

Compared with one world, the Kingdom of God is undoubtedly more perfect, filled with richer and more abundant energy, which can allow living beings to survive and reproduce. It is like an independent cosmic world and can also give birth to a large number of powerful people. Just want to cultivate immortal gods. It's too difficult.

However, the Kingdom of God has just been established and is still evolving and growing. Diko has no intention of letting the earthlings or other creatures survive and multiply in the Kingdom of God.After all, no matter how powerful the Kingdom of God is, it is only in the middle of space. It is difficult to get nourishment from some special energy in the universe, and it cannot cultivate real geniuses and strong men.

After the Kingdom of God was established, Dicko left and returned directly to the earth... In outer space, Dicko, wearing a dark red robe, was hanging in the starry sky, silently looking at the earth, and saw that the floating floats were being assembled above the earth's oceans. Empty city, looking at a towering temple that is as large as the sun standing on the edge of the solar system in the distance, I can't help but secretly sigh: "What a fast speed!"

"Dico..." A stream of light flew quickly, and after approaching Diko, it slowed down and stopped. It was Luo Feng. Seeing Diko, Luo Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he said happily: "You're back so soon. ? How about it, is it going well to establish the Kingdom of God?"

"You have already broken through and become an immortal god. What's so difficult about establishing a divine kingdom?" Diko shook his head slightly, turned to look at Luo Feng, and with a slight hesitation, he turned over his hand and took out an eye-like gleaming weapon. Purple Crystal: "This is the heavy treasure on the Nightmare Candle King, called 'Purple Soul'. Strictly speaking, it is not a real heavy treasure, just a fake heavy treasure. But it is very special. Not only does it have a stagnant space , attack ability, and can also protect the soul, which has a good auxiliary effect on spiritual masters."

"But precisely because it has so many functions, each use is not too powerful. Therefore, even if its real value is comparable to a heavy treasure, it is still just a useless thing to the Lord Eclipse Fire. That's why he will Give it to your son, King Nightmare," Di Ke said, handing the pseudo-heavy treasure 'Purple Soul' in his hand to Luo Feng: "But for you now, it is the most suitable and practical. Take it!”

"A precious fake treasure comparable to a real treasure? Diko, this is too precious..." Luo Feng subconsciously refused when he heard this, but before he finished speaking, Dike had already said: "Luo Feng, it's so precious to me." It's not very useful. And in my lineage of Earthlings, you are the only one with the greatest potential besides me. So, accept it! It's just a fake treasure, it's nothing. If you really feel sorry for it, then work hard Practice, grow up as soon as possible, and protect the lineage of people on earth with me, so that you can share some of the pressure with me."

(End of this chapter)

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