Chapter 491

Space mezzanine?Diko's expression changed when he heard this. If it is located in the mezzanine of space, then this mountain and sea world should be a kingdom of gods, right?I just don’t know, is it the kingdom of God that belongs to the strongest people in the mountains and seas?
"How do we enter the mountain and sea realm?" Diko, who was thinking about it, asked curiously, and the flaming horned giant also said: "The entire mountain and sea realm has been suppressed by the original seal of the original universe. Even the Lord of the Universe and the most powerful person in the universe It is difficult to sense and find existences like strong ones. But there is a chance of survival in everything, and with this Fire Temple, we can still enter."

"The world of mountains and seas that even the Lord of the Universe and the strongest man in the universe cannot find, can you enter with this Fire Temple?" Diko raised his eyebrows in surprise. It seems that this Fire Temple is even more special and powerful than he thought. !
Just as Dico was thinking about it, he suddenly found that the entire Fire Temple was shaking. A terrifying and manic energy wave erupted from a mysterious and unknown location in the Fire Temple. For a moment, the surface of the Fire Temple was filled with colorful energy light. It also caused the fluctuations of time and space in the vast surrounding space to be disordered.
"I have obviously refined the Fire Temple, but this guy is actually able to control the Fire Temple without my permission," Diko looked at the flaming horned giant aside in surprise, feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations erupting from the Fire Temple at this moment. , I couldn't help but feel secretly shocked: "It's such a terrifying energy, even if it's an attack from the Lord of the Universe, it's nothing more than this, right? What secrets are hidden in this Fire Temple?"

Buzz..For a time, the space-time fluctuations in the entire secret territory of the mountains and seas were affected, and the space trembled and distorted. Then in front of the Fire Temple, where the space distortion and fluctuations were the most violent, the suddenly distorted space collapsed, forming an edge with faint colored light. The black hole was flowing and filled with the coercive aura of the invisible origin of the universe, and the flaming horned giant with shining eyes and excited expression was busy controlling the Fire Temple to fly over...
Strangely, the originally large Fire Temple shrank rapidly after approaching the black hole-like vortex, and finally became as big as a fist and disappeared into it.

Soon, the black hole-like vortex quickly shrank and disappeared. At the same time, the violent time and space fluctuations that affected the entire mountain and sea secret realm gradually subsided, and the mountain and sea secret realm returned to darkness and silence again.

However, just where the black hole vortex disappeared, a burly figure bathed in black flames appeared out of thin air just a moment later. It did not even cause the slightest spatial fluctuation, but his appearance made the surrounding space tremble. General.

"The invisible fluctuations of the token should have disappeared here. Where did this Diko go? Could it be the mountain and sea realm of the legendary mountain and sea lineage? It seems that this earth lineage really has some connection with the mountain and sea realm," Low The burly figure who was mumbling to himself had an icy cold light flashing in his eyes:
"Dico, with how evil you are, as long as you grow up, you will definitely become another super being of our human race. But, you kill my beloved son, how can I allow you to grow up with such hatred? I am a murderer. It doesn't matter, but in this universe, there are many people who have the means to deal with you. Even if they can't turn you into a soul slave like they did with Keti, as long as they kill you once, even if your teacher, Lord Huang Jian, reverses time and space and resurrects you, I am afraid that some of your special opportunities will be difficult to retain even if they are many, and your potential will be greatly reduced."

On the other side, Dico, who rode the Fire Temple through a dark and oppressive passage, arrived in another vast world in the blink of an eye. All he could see were boundless mountain peaks and winding mountains, rivers, and lakes.This world is so big that you can't even see it at a glance.

"Is this the world of mountains and seas?" Dike looked at the boundless mountains and seas in front of him with some shock. Some memories of the mountains and seas in the Vulcan inheritance seemed to flash in his mind.

In the past, the mountain and sea world was filled with rich energy from heaven and earth, and there were many kinds of strange beasts and powerful people. But now, it is indeed much more desolate. The mountain peaks have lost their color, the vegetation has withered, and it seems that no powerful powerful people can be sensed. The breath fluctuated.

"No, the energy here is indeed relatively thin, but it is not that the vitality is cut off, it is just that the energy is weakened. Could it be that the master of the mountain and sea world is not dead yet? Moreover, the entire mountain and sea world seems to be incredibly big, and there is no god The invisible divine power of the country, isn’t it the Kingdom of God? If it’s not the Kingdom of God, what kind of world could it be? Could it be a place like a small universe?” Diko, with twinkling eyes, looked at the mountains and seas in front of him, but his heart became more and more confused. Bewildered:

"I can no longer sense the virtual universe. Although I can still vaguely sense the Kingdom of God, there seems to be an invisible obstacle that prevents me from teleporting to the Kingdom of God here. Even the sensitivity to the fluctuations of the original laws of the universe has weakened. I'm afraid it's very difficult to become an immortal god in this world. Is this the suppression of the original will of the universe?" "The world of mountains and seas is back, finally back." The flaming horned giant on the side was also full of excitement, and then he was busy controlling the fire. The temple flew into the distance.

The Fire Temple is like a stream of flames, spanning mountains and a large number of rivers and lakes. Dike, who was conducting sensory inspections along the way, also discovered some human traces. There are also many backward and primitive tribes in the mountains and forests or on the plains between rivers, lakes and seas. Settlements
"In this mountain and sea realm, there are indeed remnants of the mountain and sea lineage. However, they are too weak. Some of the most powerful people in large tribes are only at the universe level and domain lord level. Even domain lords are extremely rare. As for immortality, This journey has covered a vast distance of millions of miles, right? Not even one immortal has been found. Could it be that all the powerful men in the mountain and sea lineage who have reached immortality have fallen? Or are they all? Hidden somewhere?" What he discovered along the way also made Dico murmur in his heart.

"Where are you taking me?" Diko couldn't help but ask after noticing that the flaming horned giant seemed to be controlling the Fire Temple to fly in a certain direction with a clear target.

The flaming horned giant did not answer, but just stared forward, as if very anxious and urgent. Seeing that Diko was slightly helpless, he could only quietly channel his divine power to push the Fire Temple forward at a faster speed.

Finally, after crossing mountains, rivers, lakes and seas that are billions of miles away, there are more and more mountains below, but the various lakeside rivers and other water bodies are becoming less and less, until they are extinct, and the continuous and increasingly desolate groups The mountain appeared in Dicko's sight.

"No wonder it's called the realm of mountains and seas! In addition to rivers, lakes and seas, there are really mountains!" Dike secretly muttered in his heart, feeling the slowly rising temperature outside and the traces of some volcanic eruptions in the increasingly barren mountains below. He couldn't help but look up: "A group of volcanoes? There are more and more volcanoes here. They are inaccessible and even plants are hard to see. However, the energy is quite rich, especially the energy of fire attribute. Could it be that this place has something to do with the God of Fire? Does it matter?"

"Huh? That's it?" Suddenly, Dico noticed that there seemed to be a huge statue standing in the depths of a large number of silent volcanoes in the distance. After slowly getting closer, he saw the appearance of the statue clearly, and Dico suddenly felt a little confused. He turned his head in shock and looked at the flaming horned giant on the side, because the image of the statue was exactly the same as the flaming horned giant: "Is that you?"

"It's the master! It's also the totem and symbol of our Vulcan tribe," the flame horned giant shook his head and said, "My appearance actually imitates the appearance of the master."

(End of this chapter)

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