Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 492 The Ancestral Land of the Ancestral God

Chapter 492 The Ancestral Land of the Ancestral God
Owner?totem?Diko frowned when he heard this: "Does it look like the God of Fire? What is the identity of the God of Fire in the world of mountains and seas?"

"The God of Fire is a great ancient god, possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth. He is one of the earliest gods born in the world of mountains and seas," the flaming horned giant continued.

"Ancient God? You mean, there used to be many Ancient Gods in the world of mountains and seas? How powerful were they? The Lord of the Universe?" Dikolian asked.

The flame horned giant shook his head slightly and said: "No, the ancient gods are not necessarily all powerful, but some ancient gods are indeed very powerful, no less than some cosmic sages in the universe, or even stronger. And my master Huo Although God is not the most powerful among these ancient gods, his identity is very special because he is the son of the ancestor god."

"Ancestral God? Who is the Ancestral God? Is he the strongest person in the mountain and sea lineage?" Diko asked with an eyebrow raised and becoming more and more curious.

"Yes! The legendary ancestor god created the world of mountains and seas and created the civilization of the mountains and seas. He is omnipotent and can even resurrect gods." The flaming horned giant nodded.

Created the world of mountains and seas?Resurrection of gods?Diko's eyes shrank when he heard this, and he was shocked: "Lord of the universe? That ancestor god is actually the Lord of the universe? Created the mountain and sea world? Created the civilization of the mountain and sea lineage? Such a strong man should also be a member of the human race. The real high-level people are. What did he do to cause the entire world of mountains and seas to be resisted and suppressed by the original will of the universe? Has he really fallen?"

"Ancestral God, what is his name? This Ancestral God should have a name or a title, right? Could it be that everyone just calls him Ancestral God?" Diko then asked.

"Name?" The flaming horned giant seemed to be thinking for a moment after hearing this, and then frowned with some uncertainty and said: "The ancestor god seems to be called Hongjun!"

"What did you say? Hongjun?" Diko suddenly stared and looked at the flaming horned giant with some surprise. Why did Taoist Hongjun come out?Is it possible that the ancient gods of this mountain and sea lineage are all legendary powers in prehistoric mythology?
Under Diko's curious questioning, the flaming horned giant also thought about it and named some ancient gods of the mountains and seas. Houtu, Nuwa, Taiyi, some powerful names in myths and legends were almost gathered together. .

"It's not nonsense to co-author some characters from prehistoric myths on the earth. What's the origin? So, the earth lineage and the mountain and sea lineage are really closely related. But why is the mountain and sea world so far away from the earth? What is the connection between the two?" Diko became more and more surprised and suspicious.

While speaking, the Fire God Temple also approached the huge Vulcan statue that was higher than a mountain peak and looked like the Optimus Pillar.It was just a statue, but Dico felt an invisible oppression suppressing the world, just like a statue of a god in the Kingdom of God.

"The Lord of the Universe... with such aura and pressure, the person who left this statue must be a powerful Lord of the Universe. The statue... this statue seems to contain the mysterious laws. Could it be something similar to the statue of the beast god?" Look. Looking at the majestic statue and feeling the invisible aura fluctuations contained in the statue, Dico couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Under the statue of Qingtian Vulcan is a huge valley surrounded by mountains, in which are located a large number of ancient palaces... However, these palaces full of ancient vicissitudes of life seem to have been uninhabited for a long time, many of them are dilapidated, as if they are a desert. remains.

"Master..." Seeing this scene, the flaming horned giant also shouted in an increasingly depressed tone, shaking his head and saying: "It's gone, it's gone... Everything is gone..." "This should be the Vulcan's lair. Well, just looking at so many palaces here, we can imagine that there must have been many powerful people practicing here. But now, the powerful people such as Immortal and Universe Venerable from the Shanhai lineage have probably fallen away. Even if there are some survivors "...If I really survived, I have been in the mountain and sea world for a long time, and it is impossible that no one has noticed the movement and came to investigate." Looking at this dilapidated scene, Diko became more and more sure of the current situation of the entire mountain and sea lineage. .

Suddenly, the Fire Temple suddenly accelerated and flew deep into the palace complex below. In a blink of an eye, it had arrived in front of the tallest and most majestic dark red temple.
"This Fire Temple?" Looking at the palace that was almost exactly the same as the Fire Temple, Diko was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the huge light curtain in the square in front of the temple with focused eyes: "This Is it... a fixed channel to the Kingdom of God? There are still energy fluctuations. So, this channel to the Kingdom of God is still running and can still be used. It should lead to the Kingdom of Immortal Gods of the Mountains and Seas. Could it be that there really is a channel of the Mountains and Seas? Are the strong alive?"

"No...even if there are immortal gods or cosmic lords alive in the mountains and seas, why are they all hiding in the Kingdom of God, and no one is sitting in the mountains and seas?" Diko, who had a change of thought, couldn't help but feel doubtful in his heart.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing the flaming horned giant controlling the Fire Temple to fly towards the huge light curtain, trying to enter it, Diko hurriedly stopped and said, "Do you know where the light curtain leads to?"

"That is the passage to the ancestral land, the real important place of the mountain and sea lineage," the flame horned giant said, but still controlled the fire temple to slow down and stop in front of the huge light curtain with flowing light.

Ancestral land?Diko became more and more confused after hearing this. Isn't it a certain divine country?Or is it that the so-called ancestral land is the divine kingdom of the ancestral gods?If it is a kingdom of gods, only the kingdom of the ancestral gods can be called the real important place and ancestral land of the mountains and seas, right?
"Go in and take a look," Diko, who was thinking about it, thought for a moment and then decisively ordered the flaming horned giant. Since he came to the mountain and sea world, he naturally did not come to see the declining mountain and sea world, but to see the declining mountain and sea world. Really explore the secrets of the mountains and seas.

Then, all the secrets of the mountain and sea world, or if there are any powerful people or treasures, should be in this ancestral land.Therefore, when they all arrived at the door, Dico naturally had no reason to return empty-handed after finding a treasure.

Even if there is any danger in this ancestral land, Diko still has some self-confidence to protect himself.Even if some big unexpected crisis does occur, the worst he can do is lose his blood-sea body. Anyway, he still left a small blood-sea clone in the Kingdom of God. No matter how big the loss is, there is still a chance for a comeback.

If he didn't go in because he was afraid, then Dicko would be itching unbearably!Moreover, there are dangers everywhere on the road to becoming a strong person. If you don’t even have the courage and courage to take risks, how can you become a truly peerless strong person?
Buzz... The light from the Fire Temple was flowing, easily penetrating the light curtain, and the scene he saw next, even though Dico had been mentally prepared, he was still stunned.
As far as the eye can see, "this" is a chaotic and foggy world, filled with various energies ranging from rich to viscous. You can vaguely see the various secret lines of light flowing in the distant sky, as if weaving some kind of mysterious and complex... The secret pattern diagram is like the manifestation of the laws of the universe in the initial universe.

But what really shocked Dico was not this, but the figures standing on the vast ground below. To be precise, they were divine bodies. There was no breath of life, and even the remaining breath of divine power had become extremely weak. , as if all of them had been drained of their divine power and perished.

"It turns out that all the powerful men of the Shanhai lineage fell here? How could it be? Why did they all fall in the ancestral land of the Shanhai lineage? Where exactly is this so-called ancestral land? Could it be that this is Shanhai The origin of the world? If this is true, then the mountain and sea world is definitely not a kingdom of gods, at least not a normal kingdom of gods." Diko was really shocked, and at the same time more doubts emerged in his heart: "So many A strong man from the mountain and sea lineage fell here, but where is the ancestor god? He is the master of the universe, did he also fall here?"

(End of this chapter)

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