Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 493 The sleeping strong man

Chapter 493 The sleeping strong man

The mist was hazy, and corpses of gods lying or standing could be seen everywhere on the vast land, as if they were the tombs of gods from the mountains and seas.

"Is the ancestral land and important place in the mountain and sea realm actually a tomb of gods?" Di Ke secretly murmured in his heart, and then couldn't help but shake his head: "No! Even if the immortal gods of the mountain and sea lineage fall, it will not be so simple. Just place the corpses randomly. Moreover, this place is full of rich energies, and are those secret patterns of laws the origin of this mountain and sea world?"

The Fire Temple travels through the vast mist-filled mid-air. As far as the eye can see, there are more and more corpses of immortal gods. As you go inside, the remaining auras of the lifelike divine bodies become stronger and stronger, even except for human beings. corpses, as well as many animal divine bodies.

"It seems that the civilization of the mountains and seas was indeed very prosperous and powerful in the past. There were so many immortal gods, and even many strange beasts, gods, and plant life... Huh?" Dike, who was watching all the way, and was increasingly surprised, suddenly With a look on his face, he flew out from the Fire Temple and landed in front of a jade-like body standing upright on the vast land below, looking up at the sky: "Is this... a jade? Could it be a special rock-like life?"

"What a strong aura! I'm afraid he must have been a powerful Immortal King during his lifetime, right?" As he spoke, his eyes swept around Diko, and then he noticed a statue not far away that was hundreds of meters long and had a The green fox-like divine body with six tails: "Six-tailed fox with green hair? What kind of monster is this? The immortal beasts of this mountain and sea lineage are really weird."

"Huh?" As he said this, Dico stepped closer and suddenly noticed something. He couldn't help but look at the green-haired six-tailed fox: "There is still a faint breath of life, but he is not dead? Could it be that he is just sleeping? ?”

Diko once again ducked back to the beautiful body of life. After getting closer and sensing it carefully with his eyes closed, Diko suddenly became more and more surprised: "The breath of life is so weak, it almost hid it from me, but it didn't even exist." die?"

However, when Diko flew back a certain distance and inspected some divine bodies that were approximately the immortal level gods, he found that those immortal gods had indeed fallen, and there was no longer any life aura fluctuations in their bodies.

"The weak ones are dead, and the strong ones are still alive." This discovery made Diko's heart move, and he quickly accelerated and continued to fly forward. Soon, some divine bodies of humans or orcs with stronger auras, and various kinds of things that seemed to be in the legendary Shan Hai Jing The divine bodies of animal life introduced in the novel appeared in front of Dico one by one. Some of them were really dead, but many of them still had a faint breath of life left, as if they had almost exhausted their divine power in some way. A special way of sleeping to extend your life.

"Hibernation?" After thinking of this word, Diko's figure flying in mid-air froze, and suddenly thought of something. He subconsciously turned around and looked at the large number of divine bodies sitting or standing on the ground: "No injuries? Those who died There are no injuries on the corpses of the gods? From the looks of it, these powerful men from the mountain and sea lineage seem to have gathered here to wait to die together."

"No, there are still many people who are not dead, but are just sleeping. However, they all seem to have one thing in common, that is, their divine power has been exhausted." Diko, with flashing eyes and racing thoughts, then looked up at the sky. , looking at the various looming secret patterns of laws in the sky, as well as the colorful energy mist that is so rich that it turns into substance, I can't help but think: "Could it be that these energies are... The mountain and sea world has been suppressed and sealed by the original will of the universe, and it is difficult to escape from the outside world. Absorbing energy, but still maintaining the operation of the entire world and the reproduction of life, the source of its energy..."

"You guessed it right. They dedicated their divine power and even their lives to maintain the operation of the entire mountain and sea world, so that the people of my mountain and sea lineage can still thrive..." A sudden sound sounded, as if every inch of this ancestral land was The sound echoing in the space made Dicko suddenly excited: "Who?"

"Who is talking? Who are you?" Suddenly he turned around and looked at Diko, who was deep in the mist in the distance, and secretly guessed in his heart: "Is there a strong person from the Shanhai lineage awake here? Or is that person The ancestor god of the mountains and seas is not dead?" "If you want to know who I am, come on! Come to me, and you will naturally know who I am." Some ethereal voices came from the depths of the mist, as if carrying a The invisible temptation smelled like it, and Dico couldn't help but want to fly over directly.

After taking a deep breath and suppressing the suspicion and restlessness in his heart, Diko narrowed his eyes and remained silent for a moment before flying into the depths of the fog: "I want to see who you really are and what tricks you want to do!"

Di Ke was also an expert and bold person. He expected that even if there were any strong men alive in the Shanhai lineage, he had come here. If the other party really had any ill intentions, he would have taken action long ago.If you are hiding like this, you will probably be unable to take action.

At the same time, the Fire Temple also crushed all kinds of rich mist-like energy, and followed Diko to fly towards the depths of the ancestral land full of mist energy...
Next, there were fewer and fewer divine bodies that could be seen along the way, but the aura of the divine bodies became more and more powerful. Among them were some divine bodies at the level of King Invincible and even Universe Venerable. They could even be sensed from a distance. The remaining breath of life in the same sleeping god.

"What a powerful divine body, divine dragon?" Looking at the purple-gold divine dragon-like monster hovering in the air in front of him, even though it was sleeping and almost exhausted of its divine power, the divine body still exuded an invisible surging aura. Diko couldn't help but feel secretly in his heart. Shocked: "The divine body seems to be much stronger than the ordinary Universe Venerable, but it does not have the mysterious aura of the Universe Venerable after he has understood the laws of time or space. Could it be that it is just a special life at the immortal level?"

Among the large number of immortal divine bodies that Diko had seen flying all the way before, there were also some special human forms, beasts, and even plant life, but the aura of this dragon was the most terrifying.

"Huh? That's..." Then Dico saw an even more dazzling divine body in front of him, a dark red bird that looked like a three-legged divine bird. It was as big as an asteroid: " Three-legged Golden Crow?"

Continuing to fly forward, Diko gradually became a little surprised by the divine bodies of some powerful and special beings he saw along the way, but he still couldn't help but secretly be surprised: "The light is the divine body of the Lord of the Universe." , we have found twenty or thirty statues, all of them sleeping. The heritage of this mountain and sea lineage cannot be underestimated!"

Finally, the hazy fog in front faded, and the light of various energies gathered became more and more dazzling. A vaguely visible huge stone platform appeared in Diko's sight...
"This is..." After slowly approaching, after seeing the appearance of the stone platform clearly, Dicko suddenly stared in surprise: "Bagua platform? Such a big Bagua platform, what is it? Huh? Someone..."

Diko, who was approaching the huge Bagua platform, finally discovered that in each of the eight directions of the Bagua platform, there was a figure sitting cross-legged. There were men and women. They were almost all humanoid creatures, but they also had some animal characteristics, as if They are like demonic beasts that have become spirits and have not fully transformed, with snake tails, python heads and black scales all over their bodies.
"The aura is so strong even when they are sleeping, the aura of life is so strong. They are definitely not ordinary cosmic sages." Feeling the aura on their bodies, Diko was a little frightened, and suddenly looked at the red-clothed man among them. The beautiful woman with the snake's tail circling has the strongest aura of life on her body. At the same time, she also has various laws of aura fluctuations, and even attracts various energy mist between heaven and earth to gather and surround her, making her holy and fairy-like.

What surprised Diko even more was that he actually sensed the fluctuations of the laws of time and space from the snake-tailed woman at the same time. Did this woman understand the laws of time and space?But it feels like the aura of her divine body is clearly only at the level of the Universe Venerable, not the Lord of the Universe!
(End of this chapter)

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