Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 494 Lord of Mountains and Seas

Chapter 494 Lord of Mountains and Seas
At the same time, Diko also clearly felt the fluctuations of various laws and auras on the other seven strong men. Although he did not understand the laws of time and space like the snake-tailed woman, and there were many other laws that he understood, he still understood almost all of them. At least two or three more laws.

Different laws of enlightenment also make the breath of life in them different. It may be gentle and full of vitality, or it may be like a rushing river, or it may be majestic and bright like the vastness of the sky, or it may be elegant, or it may cause the mountains to collapse and the earth to crack. potential.

"It seems that they should be the most powerful cosmic sages in the mountain and sea lineage. They are probably all at the level of universe overlords." Diko, who secretly judged the strength of the eight strong men in the mountain and sea lineage, glanced at the surroundings and The Bagua platform in the middle was empty, and I couldn't help but think to myself: "Where is the ancestral god of the mountains and seas? Isn't he here?"

Just as Di Ke's thoughts moved, suddenly the colorful light dazzled in the mid-air, and the rich colored mist-like energy surged, and then a phantom floated down and landed on the Yin and Yang diagram in the center of the Bagua platform, turning into a slightly illusory figure. .

This person looks no different from an Earthling. He is middle-aged, wearing a gray robe, with long gray hair hanging behind his shoulders. His eyes are deep and wise. His whole person exudes a sense of vicissitudes, and at the same time he seems to be integrated with the surrounding space. As if they were one body, as if they were the incarnation of this ancestral land.

"Are you Hongjun? Was it you who was talking before?" Diko looked at this person with some vigilance and caution. At the same time, he felt some inexplicable familiarity. For a moment, he couldn't figure out where this familiarity came from. He couldn't help but murmured with more doubts in his heart. .

"Hongjun? It's been a long time since anyone mentioned this name. It's been so long that I almost forgot it." The middle-aged man in gray robe who also looked at Di Ke curiously couldn't help but sighed with a slightly complicated expression after hearing this: " In the world of mountains and seas, everyone prefers to call me the Ancestral God. But in the outside world, other powerful people in the universe call me the Lord of the Mountains and Seas."

Lord of mountains and seas?Is he really the Lord of the Universe?Just as Diko was thinking about it, the middle-aged man in gray robe seemed to have guessed his thoughts. He shook his head and said: "Actually, I am not the Lord of the Universe. To be precise, I have reached the realm, but I will never have the chance to become the Lord of the Universe. .”

"You have reached the realm, but you have no chance to become the master of the universe? Is it because the mountain and sea lineage violated the original will of the universe, so the original will blocked your breakthrough?" Diko's expression changed.

"That's right! It's not just me, but also Nuwa. She is extremely gifted and intelligent. She has an amazing talent. She has understood the eight basic laws of origin and the laws of space and time early, but she cannot become the master of the universe. ," the middle-aged Lord of the Mountains and Seas in gray robe said as he glanced at the snake-tailed woman in red.

Nuwa?Even though he had known for a long time that many of the ancient gods in the mountains and seas were characters from myths and legends, Diko still felt dumbfounded and absurd when he suddenly learned that the woman in red with a snake tail was called Nuwa.

"That's wrong! If you are not the master of the universe, how can you reverse time and space and resurrect life?" Diko, who reacted immediately, couldn't help but frown and asked.

"Reverse time and space and resurrect? Did Xiaohuo tell you?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas said and looked at the approaching Fire Temple. At the same time, clusters of flames condensed in the air in front of the Fire Temple and turned into a flaming horned giant. Seeing the Lord of Mountains and Seas, he was also a little excited: "Ancestral God..."

"Xiaohuo, you are still here, but he has not come back. It seems that he will not be able to come back..." The Lord of Mountains and Seas sighed sadly, and then looked at Diko.

And Diko also suddenly thought of something, and suddenly stared at the Lord of Mountains and Seas: "You look like you." Diko remembered, that feeling of familiarity was precisely because of the appearance of the Lord of Mountains and Seas.His appearance is somewhat similar to Dicko's cheap dad Diat on Earth.

"Appearance is born from the heart, and a person's appearance is determined by the soul. There will always be some similarities between father and son. Even if they use the secret technique of reincarnation and become a new life, they will not be able to hide it from the universe. The original will. Therefore, his bloodline will still be recognized by the original will as a person of the mountain and sea lineage, so that he can easily enter the mountain and sea realm that is suppressed and sealed by the original will." The Lord of the Mountains and Seas looked at Diko with an increasingly complicated look.

"What? The secret of reincarnation? You mean, my father..." Diko looked at the Lord of Mountains and Seas in disbelief. At the same time, he thought of something, and his expression changed: "No wonder the teacher can't revive him. It turns out that he actually He is the god of fire from the mountains and seas!"

"Yes, your father, he is my son Zhu Rong." The Lord of Shanhai nodded slightly, but couldn't help but shook his head and said: "When he narrowly escaped death and left Shanhai Realm, he wanted to find a way to save the Shanhai lineage. I knew it at that time. , his personality is too strong, too crazy and desperate, I am afraid it will be difficult to come back alive. I have waited for too long. Long years have passed, and the strong men of the Shanhai lineage have spent a lot of money in order to maintain the operation of the Shanhai lineage and to inherit the bloodline of the Shanhai lineage. Even though I have tried my best and sacrificed one after another, in the end... Is it still impossible to wait for the last glimmer of life?"

"Sure enough, those fallen immortal gods of the mountain and sea lineage, as well as the sleeping powerful immortal kings and cosmic sages, exhausted their divine power in order to maintain the operation of the mountain and sea world. How long did they hold on? They sacrificed for the entire ethnic group, even if it was obvious. Knowing that it was a desperate struggle, he still kept going without any regrets." Thinking of this, Diko couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

He can imagine that when the entire mountain and sea world is suppressed and sealed by the original will of the universe, and can no longer absorb a trace of energy from the outside world, countless creatures in the entire mountain and sea world are waiting for death as their energy is continuously exhausted, and even the entire mountain and sea world will eventually be destroyed. What despair.How decisive it must be when the gods of the mountain and sea lineage decide to make sacrifices in order to maintain the operation of the mountain and sea world and for the inheritance of the bloodline of the mountain and sea lineage!
"If the earth lineage also faces such a desperate situation and crisis, what will the strong people of the earth lineage choose? Will they and I have the courage and courage to compete with the original will of the universe?" I asked myself in my heart. Diko also sincerely admired the sacrificed gods of the mountains and seas.

The word 'sacrifice' is easy to say, but when it comes to actually doing it, how many of those immortal gods with long lifespans know that they can't do it but are still willing to risk their lives to protect weak creatures, protect their tribe and hometown?
"They are all the real strong men of our Shanhai lineage, the foundation accumulated by the Shanhai lineage over the long years. But now, most of them are dead. Even if I want to resurrect them, I am powerless, because there are no longer any in the Shanhai world. How much energy can be consumed?" Looking at the corpses of the fallen immortal gods of the mountains and seas in the distance, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas sighed.

Di Ke's expression changed when he heard this: "The world of mountains and seas? You can reverse time and space and resurrect life. In addition to understanding the laws of time and space and being able to reverse time and space, you also need to rely on this world of mountains and seas? What kind of world is this? You can actually resist the primitive The backlash of the universe resurrects life?”

"The Mountain and Sea Realm should not have existed in the original universe. It was originally my kingdom of God, but it was transformed by me. It can actively absorb the energy in the universe, even some special energy in the original universe, and naturally evolved into a special The world of the world, even the origin was born like the miniature universe of the strongest person in the universe." The Lord of Mountains and Seas said with eager eyes: "Later... the world of mountains and seas was able to absorb the energy of the origin of the universe to strengthen itself, which caused the original will of the universe. I was too arrogant and too greedy to resist, and I actually wanted to compete with the original universe, which ultimately brought disaster to the Shanhai lineage!"

"Ah? Can the Mountain and Sea Realm absorb the original energy of the original universe? Then if it continues to absorb and absorbs all the origin of the original universe, to what level will the Mountain and Sea Realm grow to?" Dike was astonished. Thinking about it, he understood why the universe was originally The original will would have such a big reaction, directly suppressing and sealing the mountain and sea world, causing the mountain and sea lineage to disappear in the universe.

To put it bluntly, the Shanhai Realm is equivalent to a parasite that appeared within the original universe, a parasite that mutated horribly.If we don't solve it, sooner or later the entire original universe will be eaten. This is definitely against the supreme rules.

(End of this chapter)

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