Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 495: The world of mountains and seas is the ultimate treasure?

Chapter 495: The world of mountains and seas is the ultimate treasure?

The actions of the Lord of Mountains and Seas are not far behind the crazy actions of the original ancestors who wanted to seize the original universe. After all, theoretically speaking, after the mountains and seas absorb the original energy of the universe and continue to grow, it is completely possible to destroy and replace the original universe.

Unfortunately, the ending is similar. The actions of the Lord of Mountains and Seas should have also violated the supreme rules, so they were suppressed and sealed by the original will of the universe, and even brought disaster to the entire mountain and sea lineage.

"I used to be extremely confident, thinking that the Shanhai lineage was uniquely endowed by nature, and wanted to try to lead the ethnic group on a different path. But in the end I discovered that this was a dead end," the Lord of Shanhai said, shaking his head with a complicated expression and mocking himself: "Now It's too late for everything, and it's too late to regret. It's pity that the remnants of my Shanhai lineage are trapped in the Shanhai Realm. Generations of outstanding genius disciples can barely cultivate to the realm lord level at most, unable to become immortal, and they will inevitably die. Even immortals and venerables are destined to slowly die along with the world of mountains and seas as time goes by."

"My child, you shouldn't have come back! In today's world of mountains and seas, it is easy to enter, but it is almost impossible to get out again," the Lord of Mountains and Seas then looked at Dico with a more complicated expression and sighed.

Can't get out?Di Ke's face changed slightly when he heard this, and then he raised his eyebrows and said, "Then how did the Fire God Zhu Rong get out in the first place? Is there really no possibility of lifting the suppression seal of the mountain and sea world by the original will of the universe?"

"If it were possible, the Shanhai lineage would not have fallen to this, and they would not have to die and sacrifice," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas sighed, looking at the fallen or sleeping Shanhai lineage in the distance, a large number of immortals and the Venerable Universe said. : "As for Zhu Rong, the reason why he was able to go out in the first place was partly due to luck. He relied on the terrifying blood-fire knife to forcibly tear apart the suppressive power of the original will of the universe. But in the end, the blood-fire knife was also in the universe. Split under the suppression of the original power."

"Blood Fire Sword? That Blood Sword? Even if it is the pinnacle treasure, it should be difficult to break the suppression of the original will of the universe, right? If the suppression seal of the original will of the universe on the mountain and sea world is so easy to break, the mountain and sea lineage should escape It's not just Vulcan," Diko said doubtfully.

"You should know about the blood-refined magic weapon, right?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas asked back, and then continued: "The blood-fire sword is the most successful and terrifying blood-refined magic weapon in our mountain and sea lineage..."

"Could it be the most powerful treasure?" Diko asked with a look on his face. The Lord of Mountains and Seas nodded slightly: "When the Blood Fire Sword is at its most powerful, it is indeed no less powerful than the most powerful treasure, and even more powerful than ordinary supreme treasures. It must be terrifying. More importantly, it is different from other supreme treasures. Do you know the principle by which the blood-refined magic weapon can continuously evolve and grow?"

"Principle?" Diko was stunned when he heard this and frowned slightly. He pondered for a moment and then said: "The creatures in the original universe can grow from weak to strong through practice. In theory, weapons can naturally do the same."

"That's right! The creatures in the original universe become stronger through cultivation. In fact, they are essentially constantly absorbing the energy in the universe until they become immortal. After that, what they absorb as their realm improves is the purest divine energy in the original space of the universe. Until Become the strongest person in the universe, own your own small universe, and own the origin of the universe. Therefore, what is truly powerful and mysterious is the energy of the origin of the universe, especially the origin power of the original universe." The Lord of Mountains and Seas nodded and said seriously: "The Blood Refining Divine Weapon is Theoretically speaking, it can also absorb the original energy of the universe by absorbing the owner's own energy, the original force, mind power, blood energy, world lord's power, divine power, etc., and even some strange and special energies and materials in the universe. Just like this mountain and sea realm, in a sense, it is also a powerful blood-refined magic weapon."

"In the realm of mountains and seas, a blood-refined magic weapon?" Diko, who was listening thoughtfully, was stunned for a moment when he heard the last words of the Lord of Mountains and Seas, and then said with a jolt, "Yes! In the realm of mountains and seas, ..So, the Mountain and Sea Realm is actually equivalent to a treasure?"

"Yes! It is actually very similar to the miniature universe of the strongest person in the universe. It has powerful power. It is equivalent to a combination of palace-type treasures and domain-type treasures that suppress the power. The same power that originates from the mountains and seas can also exert and resist soul attacks. "With the power of the mountains and seas, any hit is more terrifying than many peak attack treasures," said the Lord of the Mountains and Seas.

"Could it be that this world of mountains and seas can be shrunk into the body like a heavy treasure or a treasure, so that it can be carried around?" Diko asked with a look on his face. "If it is as immovable as the Kingdom of God and the small universe, then the value of the Mountain and Sea Realm will be greatly reduced, and it is not worth spending so much money to transform it with the Kingdom of God," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas said confidently, raising his head He sighed helplessly: "However, after being suppressed and sealed by the original will of the universe, the current mountain and sea realm cannot move or change."

"Isn't the mountain and sea realm able to absorb the original energy of the universe? Isn't the original will of the universe used to suppress and seal the mountain and sea realm not the original energy of the universe? Why can't it be absorbed? If the power to suppress the seal is absorbed, wouldn't everything be solved?" Di Kelian asked.

"Having said that, under the influence of the supreme rules, the world of mountains and seas can no longer absorb the original energy of the universe," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said, shaking his head.

"But how can the blood-fire sword break the suppressive seal of the original will of the universe?" Diko asked doubtfully.

"That's because the Blood Fire Sword is a treasure. It is not a living thing. It is equivalent to a dead thing. Naturally, it is less affected by the supreme rules." The Lord of the Mountains and Seas said helplessly: "But the world of mountains and seas is different. It is mine. The Kingdom of God is closely related to me. Later, as I desperately resisted the suppression of the original will of the universe, I sacrificed my soul and will to merge with the origin of the mountain and sea world. The mountain and sea world is me, and I am the mountain and sea world. How can I break free from the constraints?"

"However, here you are, my child. If you can refine and control the world of mountains and seas, perhaps the mountain and sea lineage will have hope of breaking free from restraint and suppression," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said, looking at Diko with a burning gaze.

"Me? Refining and controlling the world of mountains and seas?" Diko was stunned when he heard this, and the Lord of Mountains and Seas continued: "Yes! Although this is very dangerous, if you fail, you may be suppressed by the original will forever like me. But Once successful, not only will the mountain and sea lineage be rescued, but you will also receive great benefits. This mountain and sea world has power that is comparable to the most powerful treasure!"

"The most powerful treasure? And it is also a most powerful treasure that can grow." Diko felt hot in his heart when he heard it, but he still remained calm. He looked at the Lord of the Mountains and Seas seriously and asked: "Do you just believe me so much? Mountains and Seas The world is the lifeblood of the entire mountain and sea lineage! If you give me the mountain and sea world, you are entrusting the entire mountain and sea lineage to my hands. Do you think I can bear this burden?"

"Rather than believing in you, it is better to say that I believe in my son Zhu Rong. Although his behavior is a bit crazy and extreme, since it is his choice, you may also be the last hope of my Shanhai lineage, and I have no choice. "The Lord of Mountains and Seas sighed: "How about it, do you want to give it a try?"

Diko was silent for a moment before saying, "Vulcan Zhurong, your son, what kind of person is he? Can you tell me?"

"He is cold, stubborn, and strong. In fact, as my son, he is too stressed, so he works even harder and pushes himself too hard," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas said, who was also silent for a moment, with a vague reminiscence in his eyes: "Actually, he is very similar to me. Both are a bit too stubborn and stubborn."

"On Earth, after he performed the secret of reincarnation, he was very free and easy, as if he didn't care about anything." Dicko, who was shaking his head, paused for a moment before continuing: "Did you know? He stayed in the Fire Temple. The inheritance is actually a trap. It is more like he needs a physical body to carry his own memories and wants to continue living in this way."

(End of this chapter)

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