Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 496 Refining the Mountain and Sea Realm

Chapter 496 Refining the Mountain and Sea Realm

When Dico talked about Diat on Earth, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas, who was originally smiling and listening curiously, couldn't help but smile away from his face when he heard what happened, and the illusive figure trembled slightly, and his expression There is also some grief and complexity: "He is still so stubborn, even if he knows there is no hope, he is unwilling to give up the last possibility, this stupid boy! Why bother to force yourself so much?"

"I can feel that he was really crazy in the end. He was desperate and resorted to any means. I didn't understand it before. I even guessed that it might be the influence of the sword that was suppressed in the Fire Temple. But now, I understand a little bit. "Dico also said with some sigh.

"No, you guessed it right. He was affected by the Blood Fire Knife." The Lord of the Mountains and Seas shook his head and said seriously: "I'm afraid you still don't know the origin of the Blood Fire Knife. This is a very heavy-killing knife. , almost all ethnic groups and forces in the universe have been subjected to its massacre attacks, stained with the blood of countless strong men, devouring divine power, and have been able to grow so fast. It is the ferocious aura of the strong men who killed a large number of living creatures that makes The repressive power of the original power of the universe cannot restrain it. But similarly, the ferocious aura will also devour the master. What's more, Zhu Rong used it to kill too many people. Lord Blood and Fire, the original evil name was enough to match that evil temperament He is as famous as the Master of Bloody Cloud Palace."

Lord of Bloody Cloud Palace?Di Ke's expression changed when he heard this. Isn't this an identity created by Mountain Guest?Could it be that the Fire God Zhu Rong once gained a great reputation in the universe as the Lord of Blood and Fire?With the strength of the Lord of the Universe, Feng Ming can be compared with the Master of the Blood Cloud Palace, the Lord of the Universe. You can imagine how crazy he was.

The fact that he was able to achieve such a great reputation without being killed like the Lord of Blood Cloud Palace is enough to show that the Fire God Zhu Rong must be very strong. He is probably at least the overlord of the universe, and his life-saving ability is also very powerful.

"Did the Vulcan kill a lot in order to increase the attack power of the Blood Fire Sword?" At this time, Dico felt the madness of the Vulcan Zhu Rong again.How brave and cruel it is to dare to make enemies of many ethnic groups in the universe and kill so many living beings and strong men!

"Not only killing, in order to let the Blood Fire Sword grow as quickly as possible, Zhu Rong also let the Blood Fire Sword consume and refine many special materials, even treasures, including other blood-refined magic weapons. Therefore, he desperately used the Blood Fire Sword to destroy When the power of suppressing the seal in the mountains and seas is opened, under the influence of the original will of the universe, the blood-fire knife that has not been truly perfectly integrated will split. The blood-fire knife in your body is only part of it. What is suppressed in the Fire Temple is another part. The most ferocious one," said the Lord of Mountains and Seas.

"That's it! No wonder they have such a big connection with each other. It turns out they are one and the same," Diko said suddenly, and the Lord of Mountains and Seas reminded him seriously: "The Blood Fire Sword is too ferocious and difficult to control. .So, it’s best not to let it fuse and recover before you can truly control it.”

"But your soul and will are really strong, maybe because your divine body is too strong. When you break through and become the Lord of the Universe, you will probably be comparable to the Lord of the Universe. By then, you should be able to control the Blood Fire Sword. "The Lord of Mountains and Seas said with emotion: "Fortunately, your will is strong enough, so you can hope to refine the origin of the mountains and seas world and truly control the mountains and seas world."

"Refining the Mountain and Sea Realm still requires will?" Diko raised his eyebrows in surprise. It seems that among the treasures, only some truly powerful and special peak treasures and supreme treasures have such harsh refining requirements!

"Have you decided? If you are not willing to risk refining the mountain and sea realm, I'm afraid it will be difficult to leave," the Lord of the Mountain and Sea asked. "Okay, I'm willing to give it a try. If I want to refine and control the mountain and sea world, what do I need to do?" Diko also nodded decisively. He didn't want to be trapped in the mountain and sea world forever.Moreover, he is also very eager to have a mountain and sea realm that can rival the most powerful treasures.If there is anyone in the universe who has the hope of obtaining the Shanhai Realm and saving the Shanhai lineage, it could only be him.

"Very good! It seems that Zhu Rong didn't make a mistake." The Lord of the Mountains and Seas, who was a little surprised and expecting, rose directly into the sky: "Come with me..."

Diko, who hurriedly followed, followed the Lord of Mountains and Seas through the area shrouded in dense cloud-like colored energy mist, and soon felt a vast and surging aura fluctuation, which was very similar to the aura of the origin of the universe...
"This is..." Looking at the huge energy sphere glowing with brilliant colors in front of him, Dico couldn't help but feel something in his heart: "Is this the origin of the mountain and sea world?"

"What you see is the origin of the mountain and sea world. It is the core place and energy source of the entire mountain and sea world. If divine power invades it, you can try to refine it. However, although the origin of the mountain and sea world is not as powerful and mysterious as the origin of the original universe, Compared with the strongest person in the universe, the origin of the small universe is not much inferior. Even if I take the initiative to let you refine it, the origin of this mountain and sea world will instinctively resist. This kind of resistance is enough to collapse the soul and will of ordinary immortal gods. You Although it can be resisted, it is not easy to refine the origin of the mountains and seas," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas said, "Actually, no matter how much I say, you still won't be able to empathize with me. So, let's try it first!"

Diko, who nodded slightly, looked seriously at the origin of the mountain and sea world, and then with a thought, the virtual divine power and the invisible powerful will approached directly, trying to invade the origin energy ball...
Buzz...In an instant, as if a very tight string was plucked, the entire source energy sphere trembled slightly, the gorgeous colored light on the surface flashed violently, and the invisible surging power surged instantly as if triggered by stimulation. Come on...
"Huh?" Dicko, who felt an invisible force rebounding, seemed to be acting on his soul and will, couldn't help but trembled and frowned slightly, and then stared sharply at the original energy sphere, more Under the leadership of its strong will, the virtual divine power continues to invade...
Diko, who clearly felt the resistance of the origin of the mountain and sea world, turned a blind eye. He took a deep breath and sat cross-legged in the air. His strong will carried the power of the void and rushed forward, like a drill bit boring into wood, constantly Drilling towards the inside of the original energy sphere
Seeing this scene, the illusory figure of the Lord of Mountains and Seas couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.Without such determination to break through all obstacles, even if Diko was stronger, it would not be so easy to refine the origin of the mountain and sea world.

"Huh?" As Diko's will and virtual divine power continue to erode, he looks at the bloody flames emerging from Diko's body as if all his divine power is exerting force, and then looks at the colorful rays of light that are constantly flashing on the original energy sphere. A touch of blood quietly emerged, and the Lord of the Mountains and Seas couldn't help but be a little surprised and confused: "What kind of power is this?"

Time passed quietly, and after about a meal, Diko, who was full of violent aura and went all out as if his divine power was burning, finally invaded the original energy sphere with his powerful will, as if it was ignited. The entire source energy sphere was filled with light, beating vigorously like a heart. For a time, the energy in the entire mountain and sea world became restless.
"Succeeded? So fast?" The Lord of the Mountains and Seas was surprised and delighted as he looked at this scene, but his figure became more and more illusory, and then quietly dissipated under the impact of the manic fluctuations of the original energy.

At the same time, while refining the origin of the mountain and sea world, Diko's consciousness instantly sensed the situation in the entire mountain and sea world like a tentacle, as well as the surging and vast suppressive sealing power outside the world of mountain and sea world. At the same time, it was stronger than the origin of the mountain and sea world. The conflicting force and the even stronger coercion of will also made Dico suddenly tremble in his heart: "Is it the original will of the original universe?"

(End of this chapter)

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