Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 497 The Perfect Gene

Chapter 497 The Perfect Gene
Similarly, the original will of the original universe also sensed Diko's consciousness. First, he was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to feel the energy riot in the entire mountain and sea world. Suddenly, more powerful original energy of the universe circulated on the outer wall of the mountain and sea world. , the terrifying force of suppression made Dicko instantly feel as if his head had hit a wall and his whole body was being squeezed.

"Let me go...this original will of the original universe does not care whether the master of the mountains and seas has changed, but it still wants to suppress it without hesitation." Dike became a little depressed and helpless: "It seems that it still doesn't work! The idea of ​​​​the Lord of the mountains and seas does not work. Yeah! Huh? Where is the Lord of the Mountains and Seas? Has the last remaining consciousness in the origin of the mountains and seas dissipated because I forcibly invaded the refining origin?"

"What should I do? Am I going to be suppressed here together with the Shanhai Realm, and eventually consume all my divine power and disappear together with the Shanhai Realm? Isn't this just rushing into the cage and sitting on the wax!" Thinking about it, Dick suddenly felt a little confused. My head hurt.

"Damn, why don't you knead your hair? Where are you kneading the dough?" Feeling the surging cosmic origin energy that was constantly restraining and shrinking like a rope on the outer wall of the mountain and sea world, Diko cursed in his heart, and then his expression changed: "So much cosmic origin energy , is it really impossible to absorb and refine it?”

Thinking of Diko here, he suddenly decided to directly control the entire mountain and sea world to absorb the original energy of the universe from the outside world.However, the original energy of the universe seems to be affected by an invisible force. No matter how Diko tries to absorb it, it just won't come inside the mountain and sea realm!
"Can't you?" In the world of mountains and seas, under the original energy light ball, Dike, who was sitting cross-legged in the air, opened his eyes and looked up at the brilliantly shining original energy light ball, which was faintly covered with a layer of blood-colored halo. After a slight thought, his mind moved. In an instant, his body collapsed and turned into a torrent of bloody water. It instantly filled the entire ancestral land, wrapped up the original energy light ball, and even began to penetrate directly into the entire mountain and sea world...
Not long after, the endless mountain and sea world in the mountain and sea world was covered with a layer of blood, making the remaining people of the mountain and sea lineage who had just felt the restless energy in the mountain and sea world become even more panicked...
But soon, mist-like energy seeped out of the blood-colored sky, turned into clouds, and then turned into drizzle composed of pure energy all over the sky, falling down.
"Huh? Is it really possible? Can I absorb the original energy of the universe that suppresses and seals the mountain and sea world? Now that I have refined the mountain and sea world, it means that I am one with the mountain and sea world. Doesn't it mean that the mountain and sea world can also absorb it? The energy from the outside world?" Diko, who had divine power passing through the mountains and seas and easily refining and absorbing the original energy of the outside universe, was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

The extremely pure original energy of the universe was like a masterless divine power. Dicko easily absorbed a lot of it, and then with his powerful blood sea body, the speed and efficiency of absorption and refining became even faster...
A moment later, as the power of the universe's origin continued to surge and flow on the outer wall of the mountain-sea boundary, the universe's origin will seemed to be aware of something strange, but it seemed not to react and continued to mobilize more universe's origin from the universe's origin space. energy..
"This silly boy, you want to give me a big gift package? In that case, I will accept it unceremoniously. With this kind of supply, maybe my blood sea body will be able to expand several times soon. After I have accumulated enough divine power, , transformed into a human form again, I guess the genetic level is expected to reach the perfect level, right?" Diko, who was secretly happy in his heart, started to look forward to it.

At the same time, Diko, whose consciousness sensed the entire mountain and sea world and the terrifying suppressive power of the original energy of the universe outside the mountain and sea world, soon discovered something interesting: "Huh? There are a large number of secret patterns of laws in the original space of the mountain and sea world, and they are mysterious. It’s complicated, seems not perfect, and is still being perfected. The evolution and perfection of the secret patterns, could this be the real secret of the blood refining method? The process of the blood refining magic weapon constantly becoming stronger is exactly the process of the perfection of the secret patterns on it."

"Moreover, this method of sealing and suppressing the surge and flow of the original energy of the universe seems to also contain the mystery of the secret pattern. It is a very complete and perfect secret pattern. It seems to contain the most essential mysterious truth of the origin of the universe..." The two faced each other. In contrast, Dico, who was touched in his heart, suddenly couldn't care about anything else. Most of his consciousness was completely immersed in comparing and pondering the secret patterns of the two.

Time passes quietly. In comparison, Diko is also manipulating and adjusting the secret patterns in the original space of the mountain and sea world, so that the ever-changing secret patterns in it evolve and perfect towards a more correct and reasonable way of the universe. At the same time, this is like a jigsaw puzzle. After trying to adjust again and again, Diko's understanding of the secret pattern also improved rapidly.

By analogy, through the fluctuations of various laws revealed by a large number of secret patterns, Dicko's understanding of the laws is also increasing, as if he is constantly analyzing the essence of the universe.
In fact, it is normal for Dicko to be touched and inspired.After all, in the world of stars, he has already created and evolved a universe. He once stood at the top, and his vision has long been different.From a high vantage point, it is natural to be able to see through and understand some of the essential mysteries of the origin of the universe.

In this way, for Diko, it was just some cultivation and enlightenment, but to the outside world, thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye.For such a long time, it has been constantly absorbing the original energy of the universe that is constantly being replenished outside the realm of mountains and seas. One can imagine how quickly the sea of ​​blood that Diko transformed has grown and grown.
At a certain moment thousands of years later, the sea of ​​​​blood that was still absorbing the original energy of the universe suddenly trembled. Dicko, who woke up from the realization of the secret pattern with a spirit-like consciousness, turned into a human form almost instinctively and returned to the world. In the original space of the mountain and sea world.

The body of the blood sea, which is more than 9 kilometers high, is full of beauty. At the same time, the invisible original will wave of the universe comes, everything in the original space is stagnant, and the large number of secret patterns that have become more and more perfect also stop changing and fluctuating...
Buzz... Invisible power penetrated into Dicko's body, carrying endless pressure, making Dicko unable to resist, and at the same time, his consciousness was instantly brought to a space filled with countless light spots.

Every point of light contained incredible power, more terrifying than the Lord of the Universe, but they all deliberately avoided Dico.

"Is this... the origin space? It seems that my divine body has reached 10081 times the perfect genetic level. Am I going to get the innate secret method given by the origin of the universe?" Diko thought, and then felt An invisible attraction came from the depths of this magical space full of light spots, causing Dicko's subconscious mind to drift closer: "What a strong attraction, could it be some powerful talent and secret method that is attracting me?"

With this thought in his mind, Dico also took the initiative to avoid some of the approaching light spots and quickly moved towards the direction from which the mysterious attraction came.

After a while, Dico finally saw the most dazzling light spot among the large number of dense light spots in front of him.To be precise, it was a ball of light, attracting a large number of light points like a light bulb attracting mosquitoes.

"That's it! If every light point here represents a powerful innate secret method, then how abnormal and terrifying is the innate secret method represented by this light ball?" Thinking of this, Diko was almost speechless. Without hesitation, he moved towards the mysterious ball of light.

At the same time, an invisible will swept over like a tide, trying to stop Dicko, but after the mysterious light ball trembled slightly, it suddenly flew towards Dicko's consciousness at a faster speed.

(End of this chapter)

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