Chapter 498
Hmm... The speed of the mysterious light ball was so terrifying that it hit Dicko's consciousness almost instantly, making him seem to see the origin of the universe. Through the origin of the universe, he saw the most essential framework and structure of the original power. Everything source of mystery
Many pictures flashed through his consciousness in a trance, but soon these pictures became blurred again, and Dico's consciousness was kicked out of this space in an instant.

The next moment, Dicko's body in the sea of ​​​​blood suddenly came back to his senses and stared in shock: "That was... huh? The origin came? This innate secret method"

After regaining consciousness, Dicko quickly discovered the message that appeared in his consciousness. It was a terrifying and terrifying talent secret method. Once used, it could directly trigger the original energy of the universe to descend, just like the strongest person in the universe using his small... Like the original energy in the universe, it can not only assist in attacks, but also has the ability to suppress the field. Under the control of Diko, the original energy of the universe that comes down is like a godless power that can be easily absorbed by people.

Moreover, the innate secret method that comes from the origin has a large range, which is enough to easily cover the origin space of the mountain and sea world.In other words, as long as Diko wants to, he can completely help the many cosmic sages and powerful immortal kings of the mountains and seas who are sleeping here to quickly restore their divine power and return to their peak state.

"This is more powerful and perverted than any source treasure that can speed up the recovery of divine power! Origin Advent is indeed the most abnormal and powerful innate secret method. It can be eaten all over the world with one move!" Thinking back to the word 'Origin Advent' in the consciousness message Dico was really shocked by the information about the purpose of the secret talent method, and felt like he had won a big prize.

At the same time, the moment Diko regained consciousness, the touching insights about the secret pattern and the law in the past thousands of years also came together like a tide in an instant, making his understanding of the law "swish, swish, swish". Ascension, among them, the teleportation of space, space blockade and space strangulation were also understood one after another like an epiphany, and even integrated well into one, making Dico instantly understand the laws of space.

This also led to the rapid improvement of Dicko's understanding of several laws such as gold, earth, water, and wood that are more consistent with the laws of space, and he is close to understanding them.Although the law of time is worse, he has also understood the acceleration of time and the stasis of time. He is not too far away from fully understanding the law of time. The three laws of wind, thunder and light are also quite comprehended.

"Unexpectedly, meditating and understanding the secret pattern map has such a good assisting effect on improving my understanding of various laws." Diko was pleasantly surprised, and then raised his eyebrows and looked up: "I have fully understood the laws of space. Why, the origin of the universe didn’t react? Does this mean you don’t want me to break through and enter the realm of the Universe Master?”

"Hmph, how can it be so easy to stop me?" Diko sneered, and then with a thought, he directly consumed a lot of divine power, making the breath of the blood sea body weaker, and then used that The heaven-defying and terrifying secret method of "original arrival" instantly connected the consciousness to the origin of the universe, causing a large amount of the original energy of the universe to descend to the origin space of the Classic of Mountains and Seas.

"Absorb it for me and transform it into divine power." Diko directly absorbed the vast amount of surging universe source energy to enhance and transform into divine power. He even controlled the origin of the mountains and seas to absorb those source energies.

Under the condition of using the innate secret method, even the original will cannot prevent Diko from absorbing the original energy of the universe.This secret method is simply to forcefully seize the original energy under the nose of the original will, but it falls within the rules. Even the original will cannot change the rules that already exist in the universe.Therefore, Dicko took advantage of the loopholes in the rules and used each other's spears to attack each other's shields, making the original will of the universe to suppress the seal on him and the Shanhai Realm ineffective, which became a joke.

Moreover, with such unscrupulous absorption of the original energy of the universe, Dicko's powerful blood sea body also quickly completed the transformation.Even though this innate secret method has a time limit, at most it only takes a few more uses of divine power to absorb energy and convert it with the efficiency of the body of the sea of ​​blood, and it will soon be completely transformed into divine power at the level of the Lord of the Universe.As for the divine power consumed to perform the secret technique, it seems insignificant.

At the same time, in Diko's divine kingdom, the moment he understood the laws of space, a colorful space vortex appeared, and a massive amount of divine power poured out, which was quickly absorbed and transformed by the reduced version of the blood sea in his kingdom. After the breakthrough was completed, , the transformation of divine power is almost complete.

"Is this how you become the Master of the Universe?" Even though his strength is already comparable to that of the Master of the Universe, Dicko still feels a little confused and unreal when he understands the laws of space and becomes the Master of the Universe so quickly.

Soon, Diko discovered that the original will of the universe seemed to be helpless by his rogue exploiting loopholes, and actually gave up the suppression and restraint of the Shanhai Realm: "Leave now? Hey, what about the previous suppression of the Shanhai Realm?" Suppression and restraint have been at a stalemate for so long, why bother?"

Just when Diko felt a little dumbfounded, a sudden wave of divine power came, causing him to turn his head and look. He saw the woman in red with a snake tail opening her eyes and looking up towards the mysterious Bagua table. It seems to him
At the same time, the original law of the original universe arrived, and the endless pressure enveloped the original space of the entire mountain and sea world. A huge black and white vortex appeared above the head of Nuwa, a woman in red with a snake tail. Circles of black and white ripples exuded monstrous power. , one of the passages is connected to the ocean of laws of the universe, and the divine power begins to pour out. After absorbing the divine power, Nuwa's aura is also getting stronger...
"She also broke through? Lord of the universe? The original will actually allowed her to break through? It seems that as I took control of the mountains and seas, I knew that I could no longer suppress the mountains and seas. After giving up the original will, Nuwa understood the laws of time and space. , and finally got the recognition of the original law of the universe, and was able to break through and enter the level of the Lord of the Universe." Looking at this scene, Diko was surprised and shocked, and at the same time he also sighed: "The Lord of the Universe! Shan Haiyi The Lord of the Universe has also been born. Unfortunately, the Lord of Mountains and Seas has already merged with the Mountains and Seas Realm for the sake of the Mountains and Seas lineage and to maintain the Mountains and Seas Realm. Now, he has fallen and cannot see this scene... No, the Mountains and Seas Realm Although the Lord has also understood the laws of time and space, he has never been recognized by the original laws of the universe and has been unable to break through and become the Lord of the universe. He is still the Lord of the universe! In other words, he can be resurrected by reversing time and space. Once resurrected, If you understand his laws, wouldn’t he be another...Lord of the Universe?"

Thinking of this, Diko's joy surged into his heart, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and his eyes looking at Nuwa who was making a breakthrough became even more intense: "She broke through and became the master of the universe. I wonder if she can resurrect the goddess of mountains and seas." Where is the Lord? The Lord of Mountains and Seas is at least the top overlord of the universe. It is estimated that Nuwa, who has just broken through and became the Lord of the Universe, cannot do it. I am afraid that the Lord of Chaos City does not have that ability, so it seems that we have to ask the founder of the giant axe to take action."

Just as Diko was thinking about it, Nuwa, who had quickly completed the breakthrough, frowned and glanced at him, and then the surrounding space and time fluctuated violently, and the surrounding pictures were flashing and regressing rapidly.
"Reverse time and space? What is she going to do?" Seeing this scene, Nuwa quickly locked onto the Lord of the Mountains and Seas who was full of aura in the past time and space and wanted to merge with the origin of the mountains and seas, and then wanted to return to time and space, Di Ke His face suddenly changed: "Resurrection of the Lord of Mountains and Seas? What is she crazy about?"

Immediately afterwards, he felt the obviously weakened aura of divine power on Nuwa's body, as well as the backlash of the invisible cosmic law that had penetrated into the mountain and sea world. The helpless Diko could only burn his divine power and use all his strength to mobilize the power of the entire mountain and sea world to resist the cosmic law. The counterattack power, and at the same time consume divine power to cast the innate secret method 'Origin Arrival', to provide himself and Nuwa with a source of supplementary divine power consumption.
(End of this chapter)

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