Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 499 Who is your grandson?

Chapter 499 Who is your grandson?
Buzz.. The space was distorted and oscillated, and a massive amount of cosmic origin energy appeared out of thin air. It surged like a wave, but then most of it was absorbed by the mountain and sea world like a whale. The entire mountain and sea world also erupted with an invisible surge of power. The power resists the equally terrifying counterattack force of the universe.

"Huh?" Feeling the vibrations and violent power fluctuations in the original space of the entire mountain and sea world, and looking at Diko who was also absorbing the original energy of the universe and quickly recovering his divine power, Nuwa was also busy absorbing the surging and rich energy around her. The original energy of the universe restores the divine power, and at the same time directly burns the divine power, speeding up the return of time, in order to resurrect the Lord of the Mountains and Seas as soon as possible.

"The backlash of the rules of the universe is too terrible. No wonder it is difficult for the Lord of the Universe to resurrect the Universe Overlord and the top universe overlord." Feeling the power of the universe's backlash coming in waves like an undercurrent, he used all his strength to control the mountains and seas to resist it. Diko couldn't help but feel secretly shocked.

The Mountain and Sea Realm had just absorbed a large amount of the original energy of the universe, and in the blink of an eye it had been exhausted again, forcing Diko to grit his teeth again and use the innate secret method 'Origin Arrival'.

In this way, Diko, who used Origin Advent three times in a row, and Nuwa's divine power, which she exerted with all her strength, was also consumed and recovered, and finally the figure of the Lord of Mountains and Seas returned to the current time node, quickly solidified, and then a wave of The same surging divine power fluctuations spread out...
"Such a strong fluctuation of divine power? Even if he has not reached the perfect genetic level, I am afraid he has surpassed some unique special beings in the universe. Is this Lord of Mountains and Seas a special life itself?" Feeling the emanation from the resurrected Lord of Mountains and Seas Diko couldn't help but be a little surprised by the powerful fluctuations in divine power: "No wonder, it's so difficult to resurrect him!"

"Teacher" finally resurrected Nuwa, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas, after desperate efforts. Feeling the familiar fluctuations of divine power on her body, she suddenly cried with joy.

"Am I resurrected?" The newly resurrected Lord of the Mountains and Seas was slightly stunned, as if he was surprised. Then he felt the stronger divine power fluctuations on Nuwa's body and the powerful surging life breath belonging to the Lord of the Universe. He couldn't help but feel more and more excited. Surprised: "Nvnuwa, you"

Before the Lord of the Mountains and Seas finished speaking, the space above his head was already distorted. At the same time, with a rumbling sound like a wave, the original law of the universe descended, and the surging divine power was like a waterfall pouring down from the nine heavens, directly towards the body of the Lord of the Mountains and Seas. Instilled...
"Lord of the Universe? I...I broke through? I actually stepped into the realm of the Lord of the Universe? Could it be?" The Lord of the Mountains and Seas looked up in surprise and joy, and then noticed Diko, feeling the body and the mountains and seas on Diko The origin of the world is like a mysterious aura, and he can't help but look at it: "You are you?"

"What? Did the Lord of Mountains and Seas forget it? But you gave me the world of mountains and seas," Di Ke said with a smile. Hearing this, the Lord of Mountains and Seas was stunned. He closed his eyes as if feeling the mystery, and then opened his eyes after a moment. , looked at Di Ke with shining eyes and smiled: "That's it! I didn't expect that the ray of consciousness I left behind, just holding the last glimmer of hope, let you try to refine the mountain and sea world, and it actually succeeded. Well, you actually solved the crisis of my mountain and sea lineage. Incredible, really incredible, how on earth did you do it?"

"It's just some chance and luck. You'd better transform your divine power as soon as possible and complete the breakthrough first!" Dike said casually with a smile. The Lord of Mountains and Seas also smiled and nodded, suppressing his excitement and began to focus on transforming his divine power to achieve a breakthrough.

On the other hand, a breakthrough had been completed. In order to resurrect the Lord of Mountains and Seas, she had consumed most of her divine power and absorbed a large amount of the remaining original energy of the universe in the original space. Nuwa, who had recovered most of her divine power, looked at Diko curiously, her eyes There was a hint of doubt in it, and it was obvious that it was hard to believe that Diko, a mere cosmic venerable, could actually help the Shanhai lineage solve this almost unsolvable and desperate situation.

"Congratulations, Empress Nuwa! You and the Lord of Mountains and Seas have been able to break through and become the Lords of the Universe. The Mountains and Seas lineage suddenly has two Lords of the Universe. Even in the vast universe, they are considered powerful and profound. It's so gratifying to have formed a clan!" Diko took the initiative to say to Nuwa.

"Empress Nuwa? I am not an empress. I am Emperor Wa, the ancient god of the mountains and seas. You can also call me Creation Lord..." Nuwa said with a frown, realizing that she was now the master of the universe. The voice couldn't help but pause. "So your title as the Lord of the Universe is the Lord of Creation! What a good name! Now, if you call him the Lord of Creation, it will be very loud." Diko continued with a smile: "You don't know, on earth, In ancient myths and legends, you are the mother of mankind, and it is said that you are the one who created mankind!"

"Earth?" Nuwa murmured in confusion, then nodded as if she thought of something: "You are talking about the mother planet, right? I have indeed been there and helped the indigenous humans there. But if we talk about creation In terms of life, I don’t have that ability yet.”

"Have you been to the Earth?" Diko was a little surprised and curious when he heard it. Nuwa nodded slightly: "That's right! Not only me, many strong men from our mountain and sea lineage have been there. Once, the mother planet was also our survival. Land, but later, we left the earth and wandered in the universe, and the teacher even opened up the world of mountains and seas."

As she spoke, Nuwa couldn't help but look at the Lord of the Mountains and Seas who was still making breakthroughs with admiration.Although she became the Lord of the Universe before the Lord of Mountains and Seas, in fact, when she was still weak, the Lord of Mountains and Seas was already the strongest person in the mountain and sea lineage.Especially after the Lord of Mountains and Seas later opened up the world of mountains and seas, in the world of mountains and seas, the Lord of Mountains and Seas was almost omnipotent and could even resurrect dead creatures and strong men.
Not long after, the Lord of Mountains and Seas finally succeeded in transforming his divine power and completed a breakthrough. The increasingly terrifying fluctuations in divine power and the surging divine aura were even stronger than Nuwa!
"Haha.. Unexpectedly, the one who finally saved the Shanhai lineage would be my grandson. Your name is Dike, right? Come on, let me introduce you. This is your Sister Nuwa. She is my Shanhai lineage. The most amazing and brilliant genius, he is also the most proud disciple of his grandfather..." After the breakthrough, the Lord of Mountains and Seas introduced Diko with a big smile.

"Hey, wait, who is your grandson? Don't make random connections!" Diko couldn't help frowning when he heard this: "I don't even recognize that cheap man, who would have thought that he would be the reincarnation of some kind of Vulcan? "

"Haha...don't you want to admit it? You have already inherited my realm of mountains and seas, and you still don't want to admit your identity? Then do you want me to resurrect your father and let him come and recognize you in person?" The Lord asked with a disapproving smile.

Upon hearing what he said, Dico suddenly felt a little dizzy, and then he changed the subject and said: "Don't talk about inheritance, you took the initiative to let me refine this mountain and sea world. Why, you regret it now, and you still want to go back Can’t do it?”

"Don't worry, since I gave it to you, I have no intention of asking for it back again," the Lord of Mountains and Seas shook his head and smiled. After experiencing so much in his life of narrow escape, he had figured it out.Since Di Ke can control the world of mountains and seas, and has also helped the Shanhai lineage resolve the crisis of destruction, I believe that he will definitely achieve great achievements in the future, and the Shanhai lineage will also benefit from it.

"Teacher" Nuwa looked at the Lord of the Mountains and Seas with some eagerness. This realm of mountains and seas is the fundamental lifeblood of the mountains and seas!Just leave it to this boy named Dick?At this time, Nuwa was still full of doubts. How could this boy be the son of Senior Brother Vulcan?When did Senior Brother Vulcan have a son? Why didn’t she know?
After hearing this, Di Ke curled his lips slightly and said secretly: "Aren't you ready to come back? I'm afraid you also know that it is difficult to recover the water, and the things you sent out will not come back, right? Now that I control this mountain and sea world, even if you two masters and disciples are It’s not that easy for the Lord of the Universe to take back the Mountain and Sea Realm.”

(End of this chapter)

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