Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 501 Treasure Storehouse

Chapter 501 Treasure Storehouse
The surging auras rushed towards his face, suffocating the incarnation of Diko's divine power: "So many treasures and materials? I'm afraid there must be thousands of heavy treasures, and there must be two or three hundred treasures, right? And there are so many There are many kinds of materials, many of which are no less valuable than some valuable treasures.”

"As expected of the Shanhai lineage with the inheritance of treasure refining, the Fire God Zhu Rong should also be very good at refining treasures in the Shanhai lineage, otherwise it would be difficult to have such a collection! And these treasures are probably only the treasures of the entire Shanhai lineage. Part of it. The power with the inheritance of treasure refining is powerful." Seeing so many treasures, treasures and massive amounts of refining materials at once, even with Diko's knowledge, he was a little shocked.

You must know that in the human race, the vast majority of cosmic lords do not have any treasures.Even the overlords of the universe are only the top ones who can own three or two ordinary treasures, and those who possess high-level treasures are rare.As for the top treasures and the pinnacle treasures, they are standard equipment that can only be possessed by the Lord of the Universe.

However, in this huge secret room, which is comparable to a stadium, although most of the heavy treasures and treasures are relatively common, there are still dozens of high-level treasures, including many high-level palaces, realms, etc. that are more precious and rare. A high-level treasure.

But what really concerned Diko was the treasures placed in the most conspicuous and central position of the entire secret room. Their powerful auras completely overwhelmed the auras of other heavy treasures, treasures and various materials.

"A top treasure?" Feeling the aura of those treasures that were far superior to other treasures, Dico was also a little trembling.As for the pinnacle treasure, it is not that easy to refine, and Diko does not believe that the Vulcan Zhu Rong would leave a treasure of that level here casually.

A top-notch treasure is already amazing.And among those top treasures, in addition to the five attack treasures of swords, axes, war hammers and long sticks, there is also a set of top treasures armor, a basin-sized treasure like a golden palace model, which is obviously a palace type treasure, and there is also a The football-sized crystal ball that seems to have flames burning inside is obviously more special.

"A top-level treasure?" Looking at the fiery red crystal ball, Dico's eyes became a little hot.

You must know that Qianbaohe, the most famous domain treasure used by the Lord of Chaos City in the original universe, is only a top domain treasure. This treasure is enough to make many universe lords excited.

As for the top palace treasures, the Heavenly Wolf Palace owned by the weaker Lord of the Demon Clan, the Heavenly Wolf, is only a high-level treasure.

Of course, the reason why the Heavenly Wolf Palace is famous far and wide is not only because of its identity as the Lord of Heavenly Wolf, but also because the Heavenly Wolf Palace is also top-notch among the high-level palace treasures, and its value is much higher than the top treasures in the ordinary attack class.

But now, Fire God Zhurong is just a universe venerable, but he actually has a collection that makes many universe masters jealous.Many of these important treasures, treasures, and even top treasures were probably refined by Zhu Rong himself. Thinking about it, Dike actually admired him a little.

"If the Lord of Mountains and Seas hadn't been too ambitious and created the world of mountains and seas to challenge the original will of the original universe, I'm afraid that the Shanhai lineage would have risen to become the most powerful race in the human race. Even if it breaks away from the human race, it will still be in the universe. Those who have a foothold will definitely do better than Emperor Yan's Yan Shen Clan. It is worthy of being developed under the guidance of Mountain Guest. I guess Mountain Guest also spent a lot of thought on the Shanhai lineage, "Di Ke An said: "But if there were no changes in the Shanhai lineage, I'm afraid there would be no rise of the Earth lineage later. Without my appearance, the Shanhai lineage is doomed to die completely, and even the mountaineers would be hard-pressed to save it. After all, Even though the mountain guest was once a god king, he could only keep a low profile in the original universe and did not dare to directly confront the original will of the universe." "These heavy treasures and treasures are almost all refined by the master. A large number of various rare The materials were all collected by the master when he traveled across the universe and killed everyone. In terms of collection, the other cosmic sages in the entire mountain and sea lineage cannot compare with the master. In terms of the method of refining treasures, the master is second only to the old master. It belongs to the Lord of the Mountains and Seas. Unfortunately, in order to save the mountain and sea lineage, the Master spared no effort, but these things and his treasure refining methods are of no use." The curling flames condensed into the flaming horned giant at the side, looking at the huge secret. It was also quite sad to see the large amount of treasure materials collected indoors.

"To be able to refine a top treasure, his treasure refining method is probably comparable to that of the Lord of Craftsman God. It is indeed amazing." Dike also nodded and said sincerely: "Don't worry! The Lord of Mountains and Seas will resurrect him. It's just that , I don’t know if this Vulcan is still crazy. Otherwise, a resurrected madman, no matter how great he was in the past, will hardly achieve great achievements in the future."

The flaming horned giant was silent, as if he had thought of something. A look of sadness flashed across his eyes, which made Diko even more stunned: "As the treasure spirit of the Fire Temple, this guy is quite wise. The spirituality is too high, almost comparable to real living beings. Fortunately, it cannot cultivate, otherwise it would become a spirit like the most powerful chair of the Hell Clan, the Hell King."

"Huh? The Lord of the Mountains and Seas, he really can't help but want to resurrect the God of Fire. He really can't wait." The incarnation of Diko's divine power couldn't help but frowned slightly after sensing it, and then shook his head: "That's right, after all, it's him. My son! How can a father not care about his son?"

At the same time, in the original space of the outside world of mountains and seas, due to the resurrection and awakening of a large number of powerful people from the mountain and sea lineage, the place became more and more lively, and everyone was emotionally excited and complicated.

After all the fallen immortal gods of the mountain and sea lineage were resurrected by reversing time and space, under the spotlight, the Lord of the Mountain and Sea, who absorbed the original energy of the universe and restored his divine power to its peak state, finally took action to resurrect his son, the God of Fire Zhurong...
"In addition to humans, there are so many strange beasts and even plant creatures in this mountain and sea lineage. It seems that the early mountain and sea lineage is really like the world described in the world of mountains and seas. There are many strange creatures in the mountain and sea lineage. The human beings are the ones who slowly rose up to dominate the entire mountain and sea lineage." Di Ke looked at the large number of resurrected strong men of the mountain and sea lineage who gathered lively, and even saw the big tree with a large number of baby-like fruits hanging on it. The life of the big tree has also fallen, and the fruits on it are all shriveled. Dicko didn't recognize it. Now he looked at it and thought, oh, isn't this a ginseng fruit tree?
Not only the ginseng fruit trees, Dico even saw a large number of peach trees gathered together, with peaches hanging or peach blossoms in bloom. Among them were immortal-level trees, and many were only talented master-level ones.But they are obviously special beings. Even world lords are born with endless life spans like immortal gods, and their bodies contain powerful vitality.

At this time, these equally intelligent plant life from the mountain and sea lineage, as well as a large number of strange and strange beasts, as well as a few weird-looking human beings, and more powerful human beings from the mountain and sea lineage who are very similar to people on earth, are all full of energy. They looked at the Lord of Mountains and Seas with expectant worship, waiting nervously for the Lord of Mountains and Seas to resurrect the God of Fire.

"It seems that the Fire God Zhurong is also very influential in the mountain and sea lineage!" Seeing this scene, Diko murmured in his heart, and also noticed a group of powerful immortal kings and cosmic sages at the front. Several of the most powerful cosmic sages in the mountain and sea lineage, headed by Nuwa, the Lord of Creation, especially one of them, a grey-robed woman who looked compassionate and kind: "Houtu? I didn't expect that there really is a Houtu in this mountain and sea lineage. !”

"Fuxi, the Venerable Destroyer, is really Nuwa's brother. There is also the Suiren clan, the legendary ancestor of mankind on earth. In this world of mountains and seas, Suiren is actually the son of Fuxi, a disciple of the God of Fire. His strength is close to Fuxi. The ethnic group should also be the overlord of the universe. Venerable Heavenly Fire, Suiren Emperor, has a resounding name." Diko glanced at the strongest cosmic lords of the mountain and sea lineage one by one: "There is also Haotian Venerable. The God of Thunder, the Golden Mother, the God of Thunder, the Eastern Emperor... they are all the overlords of the universe! When will my earth lineage also have such a foundation?"

(End of this chapter)

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