Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 502 Zhu Rong, Blood Fire Knife

Chapter 502 Zhu Rong, Blood Fire Knife
Di Ke was thinking with a sigh in his heart. The Lord of the Mountains and Seas, who had locked his son Zhu Rong back in time, also began to carry the God of Fire from the past back to the current time and space...
"Hey, it really is such a strong counterattack force." Feeling the counterattack force that quickly penetrated into the mountain and sea world, Dike sighed helplessly. He could only use the innate secret method 'Original Advent' again, and then use the power of the mountain and sea world to Power to resist the counterattack force.

But this time, the backlash was unexpectedly large, forcing Dico to use the innate secret method 'Original Advent' nine times in a row. The Lord of Mountains and Seas also tried his best to recover quickly by absorbing the original energy of the universe. After consuming most of his divine power, he finally succeeded in bringing the Fire God Zhu Rong back to the current time and space.

Ah... the resurrected Fire God Zhu Rong quickly let out a roar of pain and madness. At the same time, a violent aura and terrifying evil energy radiated from his body, shocking many strong men from the surrounding mountains and seas. He lost color and hurriedly retreated, which also caused the Fire Temple in mid-air to tremble, as if a peerless evil demon was about to awaken from within.

"Huh?" Diko also felt the blood knife in his body stirring, and the aura was violent and fierce, wanting to burst out of his body. The blood knife that had been refined by him was somewhat uncontrollable, and even hurt Diko and consumed him. Some of the divine power in his body.

"Zhu Rong..." The Lord of the Mountains and Seas, who had just resurrected his son, breathed a sigh of relief. While absorbing the original energy of the universe to restore his divine power, he couldn't help but frown when he saw his son who seemed to be crazy in front of him.

Boom... However, the Fire God Zhu Rong seemed to have lost his mind. He punched out with a violent aura and landed directly on the Lord of the Mountains and Seas.

Caught off guard, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas trembled and flew back in embarrassment. At the same time, he shouted to Diko: "Dico, activate the original power of the mountains and seas to suppress him!"

However, the next moment, the crazy Vulcan Zhu Rong was swept over by Diko's invisible will. Suddenly, his whole body froze and his momentum stagnated, and his whole body fell backwards as if in confusion.But then, he suddenly woke up and stood firm again. Although his aura was still violent, he became more awake: "Where is this? What's wrong? What happened? Father...Father? You "

Looking at the Lord of Mountains and Seas who came with a joyful smile on his face, the Fire God Zhu Rong was stunned for a moment, while the Lord of Mountains and Seas excitedly supported his son and said: "Zhu Rong, my son, you are finally back. Father did not expect that there would be someone else." A chance to meet you again.”

"Father, what is going on? Have you made a breakthrough? Lord of the Universe? How is it possible?" Vulcan Zhu Rong was still a little confused and didn't believe it.

"Haha...Zhu Rong, it's all thanks to you for giving birth to a good son!" The Lord of Mountains and Seas laughed, but Diko's face turned slightly dark when he heard it. Vulcan Zhu Rong was even more confused: "My son? Father, What did you say? When did I have a son?"

"Of course you don't have a son. How can a person like you deserve a son?" Di Ke's cold voice sounded, which also caused the Fire God Zhu Rong to frown and turn around: "Who are you? When did my Shanhai lineage appear? A strong person like you?"

"Hmph," Diko hummed. He looked quite similar to Diat in appearance, but the Vulcan Zhurong was more rough and domineering. However, he was too lazy to say anything to him. He entered directly as soon as his mind moved. In the Fire Temple.

"Fire Temple? How could he have a Fire Temple?" When he saw the Fire God Zhu Rong, he seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but his expression changed and his eyes became complicated: "Could it be that he is from the mother planet? He entered The world within the Vulcan Ring has received the inheritance I left... No wonder, no wonder he has such an attitude." "Huh? Nuwa, Fuxi, Suiren, are you all awake?" Then he noticed something. Zhurong, the god of fire, turned around and saw Nuwa and others, as well as more cosmic lords from the mountain and sea lineage and many immortal gods behind him. He couldn't help but become more surprised: "Reverse time and space and resurrect?"

"Father, what is going on? How can you reverse time and space and resurrect so many fallen immortal gods from my mountain and sea lineage, and even resurrect me? And even you are resurrected." He then turned to look at the Lord of the Mountains and Seas. Fire God Zhu Rong was filled with surprise, but also with some faint excitement and expectation.

Looking at the nervous and expectant expression of the God of Fire Zhu Rong, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas also had a complicated look on his face: "You are right, the crisis in my Shanhai lineage has been lifted, so Nuwa can break through and become the Lord of the Universe and resurrect me. I also Only then can you and the fallen immortal gods of our Shanhai lineage be resurrected. Zhu Rong, speaking of it, all of this is because of you. If it weren’t for you, the crisis in the Shanhai lineage would not be resolved, and neither of us would be able to be resurrected.”

"Because of me?" Fire God Zhu Rong couldn't believe it even more, but the Lord of Mountains and Seas nodded: "That's right! It's all because of you that Diko came to the world of mountains and seas, came here, and saved the entire mountain and sea lineage. "

"Him? A Universe Venerable, does he have such an ability?" Fire God Zhu Rong, who was still in disbelief, couldn't help but look at the Fire Temple again, feeling a little dazed.

What he couldn't do despite all his efforts, Dicko actually did it.His descendants saved the Shanhai lineage?The key is, he left a legacy on earth, but he didn’t have any good intentions!He was going crazy at that time... Moreover, what did his father just say, that Dico was his son?Could it be that he was looking for a chance to survive and used the secret of reincarnation to give birth to his son?
At the same time, in the core of the Fire Temple, surging flames containing terrifying power were suppressing a dark golden sword, filled with fierce aura. Even the Immortal King would be annihilated directly when he came here, even the Universe Lord. Those who live here will also lose their magical power, and will perish if they cannot last a productive period of time.

But with Dike's current strength, coupled with his powerful blood-sea body, he can naturally easily withstand the sharp invisible sword energy emitted by the suppressed dark golden sword.

However, the appearance of Diko also caused the dark golden sword to tremble, and the surging ferocious energy turned into a substantial blood mist and attacked, which also caused the blood knife in Diko's body to break uncontrollably. out of body
Buzz.. The two knives were like magnets attracting each other, directly breaking through the repressive power of the Fire Temple. They collided together, and then merged and merged like water. Soon they trembled and turned into a more domineering, more ferocious and terrifying sword. The sharp sword, the invisible sharp sword energy, made Diko feel tingling all over his body, and the entire suppression space trembled.

But then, an invisible force penetrated the violently shaking Fire Temple, thinking that the terrifying sword swept away, it was the original power of the mountain and sea world.

Under the suppression of the original power of the mountain and sea realm, Diko, who could barely suppress the simple dark gold and blood-colored light-flowing sword, felt the aura and fierce power exuded by this fierce weapon, and couldn't help but feel secretly shocked: " It is worthy of being compared to the most powerful treasure of the Blood Fire Sword. It is so powerful even if no one controls it. It is really terrifying! Fortunately, the Fire Temple is the peak palace treasure, otherwise it would really be impossible to suppress it."

"Refine it for me!" Diko squinted at the blood-fire knife. With a thought, the surging divine power turned into bloody water, and with Diko's invisible powerful will, it surrounded and penetrated towards the blood-fire knife.

Buzz... In an instant, the entire Blood Fire Sword trembled and buzzed, as if struggling. But soon, the Blood Fire Sword 'discovered' something, and slowly stopped struggling. It was actually eager for Di. Ke's divine power invades and penetrates
(End of this chapter)

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