Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 503 Ming Chan and Eclipse Fire

Chapter 503 Ming Chan and Eclipse Fire

"Huh? I'm no longer struggling to resist. Could it be because of my body of blood sea?" Diko, who was a little surprised, also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and began to refine the Blood Fire Knife with all his strength, hoping to truly control this thing that was comparable to the A powerful and extremely powerful weapon.

The most powerful treasure!The entire human race does not have one now, and the mountain and sea world can barely match the power of the most powerful treasure.

But a blood-refined magic weapon like the Blood Fire Sword is also offensive. When its true power explodes, it can definitely reach the level of the most powerful treasure, even stronger than some ordinary power of the most powerful treasure.

"With such ferocious soldiers in hand, and the mountain and sea realm, my chances are no less than those of Luo Feng who owns the Star Tower, and I won't be quickly surpassed by Luo Feng in the future." Thinking of this, Di Ke couldn't help but feel excited, With the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Blood Fire Sword by his side, and with the support of the Mountain and Sea lineage, Diko has the confidence to grow up quickly and become a truly top powerhouse in the original universe and even the universe sea.

With the "active cooperation" of the Blood Fire Knife, Diko quickly completed the process of refining and identifying its master, truly controlling this peerless weapon, but he also felt more and more clearly the invisible force in the Blood Fire Knife. The impact of the fierce and vicious energy on one's own soul and will.

"No wonder Zhu Rong went crazy in the end. Under the influence of the Blood Fire Knife, no matter how firm and strong his will is, over time he will become bloodthirsty and ferocious, and he will be unable to control the manic murderous intention in his heart. ," Feeling the influence of the Blood Fire Knife, Diko couldn't help but frown slightly.

At the same time, Diko, who was moved by his thoughts, tried to use his divine power to activate the blood-fire knife in front of him. The fierce and terrifying aura and sharp sword aura suddenly became more manic and terrifying, making the core suppression space of the Fire Temple tremble and become unstable...
"What a terrifying Blood Fire Knife." Diko felt the power of the Blood Fire Knife more clearly, and became increasingly frightened. At the same time, he also keenly noticed the mysterious and complex secrets looming on the Blood Fire Knife's blade, which seemed to be flowing with blood and flames. Pattern: "These secret patterns...flame, gold, time and space, thunder and lightning, and wind actually contain so many laws, so complicated and chaotic. No wonder the breath of the Blood Fire Sword is as manic as a volcano. If these secret patterns can be straightened out, The Bloodfire Knife should be easier to control, right?"

With rich experience in perfecting the secret patterns in the original space of the mountain and sea world, Dicko focused all his attention on sorting out the secret patterns on the Blood Fire Knife... Often a random inscription seemed to be the finishing touch. Like this, making the messy secret patterns more perfect and perfect
In fact, those messy secret patterns were not left behind when refining the Blood Fire Sword, but were naturally derived during the growth of the Blood Fire Sword.However, in this process, due to the lack of correct guidance, the growth of the Blood Fire Knife was somewhat brutal and rough.

Now, with a little guidance from Dico, those secret patterns are naturally woven and perfected under the influence of the rules of the universe, just like the blood-fire knife was naturally conceived and born by the universe.

Buzz... As the secret patterns on the Blood Fire Sword continue to improve, the slightly trembling Blood Fire Sword's originally violent and ferocious aura has also weakened a lot, but the sharp sword energy with the same restrained power is still there. Visible cuts appeared in the space affected by the suppressive power of the surrounding Fire Temple.

"So strong!" Feeling the invisible sword intention that made people's minds and wills tremble, Diko couldn't help but his eyes were burning with enthusiasm: "This is the true way for the blood-refined magic weapon to grow and evolve! Now this blood The fire knife has restrained power and ferocity, just like a volcano that is silent and accumulating energy. Once it explodes, its power can be imagined."

At the same time, the invisible sword intent of the Blood Fire Sword erupted, penetrating the Fire Temple and the Mountain and Sea Realm, and even penetrated the obstacles of layers of space, causing space shocks in the secret realm of mountains and seas outside, and even several buildings in the Mountain and Sea Continent. The suspended continent with a diameter of light years was torn apart by invisible sword energy, and an abyss appeared that almost ran through the entire land.
The next moment, a beautiful girl with a translucent body like butterfly wings appeared out of thin air over the continent. Her beautiful eyes under her delicate eyebrows looked at the narrow abyss that had just appeared with some surprise: "This is...the remnant of... The sharp aura is so strong, could it be that some powerful attacking treasure was born? It seems that the Shanhai lineage of mankind was famous for being good at refining treasures, could it be... hmm? "

The beautiful girl's eyes flickered, as if she was surprised and expecting something. Then she suddenly turned her head and looked into the distance sharply as if she noticed something. At the same time, with a wave of her jade hand, a dazzling light attack with restrained energy like a laser ripped apart. The space caused the large area of ​​dark void in the distance to tremble and collapse, revealing a burly figure quietly hidden in it, bathed in black flames. "Lord Fire Eclipse of the human race? I didn't expect you to be here. Could it be that you released the news that the peerless genius of the human race, Dicko, is here?" Seeing the burly figure, the beautiful girl suddenly raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"Venerable Mingchan of the Zerg tribe, I didn't expect you to be so bold. If you dare to go deep into the hinterland of my human race, aren't you afraid that the super being of my human race will kill you?" Lord Eclipse Fire couldn't help but see this beautiful girl. His brows furrowed slightly.

The stunningly beautiful girl, Venerable Ming Chan, said with an inexplicable smile: "Could it be that your human race deliberately spread the news to lure me here? But just based on your words, you can't keep me. Don't say it's you, even if it's you. The Chaos City Lord of your human race personally tried to kill me back then, but he failed!"

"Hmph! If you weren't lucky enough to have the sister of the Lord of the Zerg Universe, how could you have survived under the hands of the Lord of Chaos City?" Lord Eclipse Fire snorted disdainfully: "In that battle that year, your sister The Zerg army under the Lord of Minglan was almost completely lost, and she just barely managed to save her life. I am afraid that when she thinks about it now, she still has lingering fears, right?"

"Eclipse Fire, you are seeking death!" Upon hearing this, Venerable Ming Chan's pretty face turned cold and wanted to take action directly, but Venerable Eclipse Fire disappeared in an instant, with only a sneer echoing in the dark void: "Ming Chan, I It’s not Kodi!”

"Haha... Kedi?" Seeing that Venerable Eclipse Fire ran away without even a fight, Venerable Mingchan couldn't help but smile strangely. As he waved his hand, a handsome man in red-gold armor and a dark red sword appeared on his back. The hot and surging aura of the human man made the surrounding space slightly distort and tremble.

At the same time, on another suspended continent in the secret realm of mountains and seas, in a valley filled with dark red blazing flames, Lord Eclipse of Fire, bathed in the flames, was looking into the distance with a changing expression: "This cicada, Relying on her sister being the great master of the universe of the Zerg race, she is really confident. But it’s okay, she was able to defeat Kodi in the first place, and maybe she can really deal with Dicko this time.”

"It's just, what's going on in this secret realm of mountains and seas? Why is the energy of the universe so rich again? And the previous attack... Is a powerful attack treasure about to be born? And that Diko, after disappearing for thousands of years, where is it? What happened in the mountain and sea world? Are all these changes related to him? Could it be that he got some great opportunity in the mountain and sea world?" Thinking of the Lord Eclipse Fire here, his eyes became gloomy.

"Hmph! Even if he gets some great opportunity, he may not be able to get away from the Venerable Mingchan. When the time comes, maybe I can be a fisherman and make a profit," thinking of Venerable Eclipse Fire here, I couldn't help but feel. Get excited.

There are so many strong people in the human race, but it does not mean that everyone puts the interests of the human race first. There are also a few who are selfish, unruly, and even use any means to achieve their goals.

Lord Eclipse Fire is not easy to deal with, and Lord Mingchan of the Zerg tribe is even more notoriously difficult to deal with. They are all waiting for Diko to show up.But Diko, who was still in the Shanhai Realm at this time, didn't know anything about it. Even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

(End of this chapter)

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