Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 504 The finishing touch

Chapter 504 The finishing touch
In the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm, Diko, who had just come out of the Fire Temple, noticed the strange look that the Fire God Zhu Rong was looking at him. He couldn't help but frowned slightly, and then said: "You want to go back to your Fire Temple?" And the Bloodfire Knife?”

"No, no need, give it to you, give it all to you," Zhu Rong shook his head and said, seeing Di Ke frowning more tightly, he couldn't help coughing lightly and said: "Well, I mean, you You have saved the world of mountains and seas, and saved the entire mountain and sea lineage. We, the mountain and sea lineage, should be rewarded. My father gave you the world of mountains and seas, let alone the Fire Temple. As for the Blood Fire Sword, I really can’t control it. Now, The crisis in the Shanhai Realm has been resolved, and I no longer need the Blood Fire Sword."

"You are so generous," Di Ke looked at Zhu Rong with a strange expression, while Zhu Rong smiled awkwardly and said, "Well, there is a top-notch magic hammer in the Fire Temple, can you give it back to me? That's what I'm used to. The most precious treasure is also the casting hammer I use to refine and forge it.”

"Okay, you can get it yourself later," Diko nodded directly. After all, the treasures in the Fire Temple, even the Fire Temple, originally belonged to Zhu Rong. Unexpectedly, Zhu Rong then smiled and said: "Also, the topmost treasure armor, palace-type and domain-type treasures are all used by me. See if you can do it."

Diko, who was a little dumbfounded, couldn't help but said: "Otherwise, if you want something, you can get it yourself. Just take the Fire Temple back!"

"No, no, in the Fire Temple, only the materials for refining treasures, heavy treasures, and treasures are more precious. I can find more materials, and I can continue to refine heavy treasures and treasures. It's not of much use to me," waved his hand and smiled. Zhu Rong said, "As for the Fire Temple, it is more useful to you. After all, you will have to fight with some powerful aliens in the universe in the future, and even the Lords of the Universe. And I am still It’s just that the Lord of the Universe has a top palace-like treasure, so it’s enough to protect himself.”

"Okay! Diko, you two don't be so polite here. The Fire Temple is indeed more useful in your hands. If you really feel sorry for it, just give him two more pieces if you get a treasure suitable for him in the future," he said with a smile. The Lord of the Mountains and Seas stood there, and when he saw Diko frowning and looking at him, he couldn't help but change the subject: "Well, have you already refined and controlled the Blood Fire Sword?"

Looking at the noncommittal Lord of Mountains and Seas, Di Ke glanced around and saw that in the original space of the entire mountain and sea world, apart from Nuwa, the Lord of Mountains and Seas and the Lord of Creation, there were only a few cosmic overlords of the mountain and sea lineage such as Zhu Rong and Hou Tu. The other cosmic sages and immortals in the upper echelons and mountains and seas had all left at some point, and then with a sudden thought, the blood-fire sword appeared directly in mid-air.

Suddenly, a fierce and terrifying aura that was completely comparable to the original power of the Mountain and Sea Realm spread out from the Blood Fire Knife, causing the entire original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm to tremble slightly.
"This" Zhu Rong couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that the aura had become much more restrained, but the Blood Fire Knife felt even more terrifying. Even the Lord of the Mountains and Seas looked at Dike with a surprised and surprised expression: "What are you doing? Did you perfect the secret pattern on the Blood Fire Knife?"

"Fortunately, it was the secret pattern in the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm that inspired me. Then, I learned some about the origin of the original universe, and in the process of perfecting the secret pattern in the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm, I gained a deeper understanding of the secret pattern. Only then can I try to perfect the secret pattern on the Blood Fire Knife. To be honest, this is also the accumulation of the Shanhai lineage, I just put the finishing touches on it," Dike shook his head and said casually.

"That's it! The finishing touch, well said, well said!" The Lord of Mountains and Seas suddenly smiled and praised: "Boy, you are quite humble! But the finishing touches are easier said than done? I, the Shanhai lineage, have pondered After a long time, I finally went astray. It is really remarkable that you can innovate on this basis and find the truly correct path. Now, I finally understand why you can save my mountain and sea lineage."

"Dike, do you know how much effort my Shanhai lineage has spent, and with all our efforts, we have managed to create two special treasures, the Shanhaijie and the Blood Fire Knife, which are comparable to the most powerful treasures. However, with your finishing touches, It is equivalent to turning two semi-finished supreme treasures into real supreme treasures. It can be said that you have refined two supreme treasures!" The Lord of Mountains and Seas sighed even more as he spoke: "Refining the supreme treasures There is only one great being in the entire primitive universe who can achieve the ultimate treasure. If he knew that you had such abilities, he would probably not be able to help but accept you as his disciple and teach you the true treasure refining method."

"It seems that he and the Mountain Guest really have a deep connection!" Di Ke secretly thought in his mind. He noticed that the Lord of Mountains and Seas looked a little complicated when he spoke, and couldn't help but said: "You are talking about the Mountain Guest, right? Could it be that, The treasure refining skills of the Mountain and Sea lineage were taught by Mountain Guest?" "Yes, my Mountain and Sea lineage was able to rise because of the guidance and teachings of Senior Mountain Guest, but hey, these are all old things, no. Just mention it!" The Lord of Mountains and Seas said after a pause, shaking his head with an increasingly complicated expression.

Seeing the way the Lord of Mountains and Seas was hiding something while he was speaking, Dico couldn't help but have the urge to roll his eyes, and then said: "I've been here long enough, and it's time to leave. What's next? , I wonder what your plans are? Nowadays, apart from the Shanhai Realm, the Shanhai lineage has no place outside. If you are ready to join the human race, I can contact the senior leaders of the human race on your behalf."

"Nowadays, apart from us old guys, there are only some weak descendants of the Shanhai lineage. It will take some time to return to its peak. If you are not ready to take away the Shanhai realm for the time being, we will Prepare to establish a foothold in the secret realm of mountains and seas first," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said thoughtfully.

"Secret Realm of Mountains and Seas? A secret realm of the universe is enough for the mountains and seas to thrive. It is no problem to gain a foothold for the time being. However, it is more difficult to survive in the secret realm of the universe and give birth to some geniuses and strong people in the tribe," Shen Yin said Diko frowned slightly.

The original universe was vast and magical, giving birth to countless territories, and a lot of energy beneficial to living beings was also scattered throughout the universe.Although the cosmic energy is rich in the secret realm of the universe, no matter how large the land suitable for the survival and reproduction of living beings is, if there are too many living beings, the special energy of the universe that can be absorbed evenly is less, and it will naturally be more difficult to give birth to true genius monsters.

"Haha... The secret realm of the universe is indeed not the best place for a group to survive, so the real peak group in the universe will occupy a vast territory," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas said with a noncommittal smile: "However, for my mountain and sea lineage, even Without a territory, as long as there is a mountain and sea realm, it is equivalent to having the best living environment in the entire primitive universe. Dicko, don’t you think there are too many strong men from my mountain and sea lineage? So many immortals and universes Venerable Sir, under normal circumstances, how long does it take to accumulate and how much territory does it take to cultivate and give birth to?"

"Is this the Mountain and Sea Realm? Could it be that while the Mountain and Sea Realm absorbs energy from the outside world, it can also actively absorb some special energy in the universe? This has led to the emergence of geniuses from the mountain and sea lineage in the Mountain and Sea Realm?" Di Ke's expression changed after hearing this. asked.

"That's right! This is one of the reasons why I put so much effort into opening up the mountain and sea realm." The Lord of the Mountain and Sea nodded slightly: "Because of the presence of the mountain and sea realm, the special energy of the universe in the entire mountain and sea secret realm is more intense, and many special lives have been born. and precious materials, which is why many strong men come to explore and take risks. The once secret realm of mountains and seas is one of the most famous secret realms of the universe among the human race."

"Oh? So, if I bring the Mountain and Sea Realm to the solar system where the earth is located, the entire galaxy and even a large number of living creatures on the planets in the wider range will benefit, and the birth rate of geniuses will be greatly increased?" Dico suddenly felt confused. His eyes flashed with excitement in his heart.

However, the Lord of Mountains and Seas continued: "Dike, I advise you that until you are strong enough, it is best not to let others know about the special features of the mountains and seas."

(End of this chapter)

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