Chapter 505 Ambush
The reminder from the Lord of Mountains and Seas also made Dico suddenly calm down: "Yes! The earth's ability to change the soul's understanding is so exciting to the masters of the universe at the top of mankind. The world of mountains and seas is even more special, Just talking about increasing the birth rate of geniuses, its value is no less than that of the earth, or even higher, not to mention that the mountain and sea world is still like a moving small universe in a sense, which is equivalent to the most powerful treasure."

"If the top human beings know the true value of the Mountain and Sea Realm, I'm afraid even the founder of Giant Axe can't help but be greedy, right?" Thinking of this, Diko became more determined to keep his wealth secret and could no longer let others know about him. Controlled the world of mountains and seas.

While the thoughts in Diko's mind were spinning, Zhu Rong on the side suddenly said: "Well, Diko, can I go with you to your home planet, which is the earth?"

"You want to go to Earth?" Diko reacted after hearing this, and immediately couldn't help frowning and looking at Zhu Rong, why is this guy going to Earth?Could it be that he wanted to think of Diat's identity as the reincarnation of Zhu Rong, and Zhu Rong's true relationship with many people on the earth? Dico's face couldn't help but darken again.

"What? Isn't it possible?" Seeing Diko's sullen face and not speaking, Zhu Rong continued to ask with some apprehension. Diko, who took a deep breath, thought that even if he didn't take him there, would it be possible for Zhu Rong to do so with his strength? No one could stop him from going to Earth, so he could only reluctantly nod in agreement.

Seeing that Di Ke agreed to take Zhu Rong to the Earth, the Lord of the Mountains and Seas on the side couldn't help but smile even more on his face: "Earth, my former mother planet, I haven't been back for a long time. Now that I have just been reborn, the mountains and seas are also in ruins. I’m afraid I won’t have time to leave the mountain and sea world for the time being. When I have the opportunity in the future, I will bring the strong men from the mountain and sea lineage back to the earth to have a look.”

"By the way, Diko, if you need anything, tell me. It's just a small matter for me to send a few cosmic lords from the mountain and sea lineage to the earth. Don't be polite to me," the Lord of the Mountain and Sea said with a smile. .

"I know, let's talk about this later. I haven't been back for thousands of years, and I don't know what the earth is like now," Diko responded casually. As he spoke, he became more and more anxious to go back, so he just Without further chatting with the Lord of Mountains and Seas, Zhu Rong was sent to the Fire Temple to select his treasure, and then he easily left the Mountains and Seas Realm in the Fire Temple, which had been freed from the suppression of the original will of the universe.

Di Ke, who has already refined and controlled the mountain and sea realm, is not afraid that the Lord of the mountains and seas will regret it and take back the mountain and sea realm.Moreover, even if the Lord of Mountains and Seas has that intention, he may not be able to do it.

What's more, when the Lord of Mountains and Seas asked Zhu Rong to go to Earth with Diko, why didn't he intend to hand over a hostage in Diko's hands to make Diko feel more at ease?In addition, in order to help the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Mountain and Sea Secret Realm absorb more of the original energy of the universe and restore the rich cosmic energy of their heyday, Diko also left a Blood Sea clone in the Mountain and Sea Realm.

"Huh?" However, Diko, who had just left the mountain and sea realm, felt the invisible power of void sweeping across the Fire Temple. At the same time, the wide-ranging dark void space fluctuations in the mountain and sea secret realm outside disappeared.

"Space blockade? Such a large area, is it the Lord of the Universe? The secret realm of mountains and seas has long been abandoned and dilapidated. Even if the energy of the universe becomes strong again now, it is impossible to attract a Lord of the Universe so quickly. Could it be that you are here for me? "Dike was thinking a lot. As soon as he arrived at the door of the Fire Temple, he saw a stream of flames falling from the sky and turned into a very familiar figure: "Huh? Kodi?"

Suddenly seeing the figure that only appeared in the dream world in reality, Dico almost exclaimed in surprise.Immediately afterwards, with the appearance of Kedi, a large number of golden streams of light were seen flying like meteors in the dark void in the distance, transforming into Zerg warriors with surging aura.

"Zerg?" Dico's face changed, and he saw the Zerg warriors all over the sky attacking together. The dazzling light gathered and turned into a ball of light with violent power and dazzling like a star, causing the space to shatter like glass. , and couldn't help but frowning: "How come there are Zergs here? Is it the Zerg strongman who controls Keti? He dares to come to the human territory. Are you crazy, or are you just arrogant?"

At the same time, the Fire Temple was glowing brightly, with flames rising all over its body. The invisible surging power caused the space that was shattered and shaken by the joint attack of a large number of Zerg warriors to freeze.Rumble... The dazzling energy attack passed through the stagnant space almost instantly and landed on the Fire Temple. For a moment, the Fire Temple was like a reef in the huge waves. Despite the impact of the violent energy, it was It still stood firmly in place, as if it had invisible tentacles tightly grasping the surrounding space.

"A treasure like a flying palace?" The beautiful girl Lord Mingchan appeared silently above the Zerg warriors with overwhelming aura. When she saw the palace standing still in the terrible energy storm, she couldn't help but frown. Wrinkled: "I didn't expect that he had just entered immortality and got a flying palace-like treasure. It seems that the top leaders of the human race really value him."

But then, Lord Mingchan sneered and took out a black sphere from his hand. Under the urging of his divine power, he tossed it casually. The black sphere quickly grew in size and turned into a huge ball in the blink of an eye. Like a planet, it flew over the Fire Temple, and at the same time, a huge abyss hole appeared below, causing ripples and vortices visible to the naked eye to appear in the surrounding space. An invisible swallowing power erupted, trying to suck the Fire Temple into it.

"Sealing the Flying Palace Treasure?" In the Fire Temple, seeing the huge black sphere like a planet, Diko couldn't help but narrow his eyes: "Such power, a high-level treasure? A black sphere-like high-level flying palace treasure. .Is it Lord Mingchan of the Zerg tribe?”

After entering the immortal level, Diko's strength is already comparable to that of the Lord of the Universe, and his status in the human race is not low. Naturally, he has higher authority and can detect the information of all powerful people in other races in the universe, especially It is the information of the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of the Universe, and the strongest person in the Universe.

Venerable Mingchan is also very famous among the universe lords of the Zerg tribe, because her sister is the Lord of Minglan, one of the only universe masters of the Zerg tribe.Therefore, even though Venerable Mingchan is not considered to be the top among the universe lords of the Zerg race, the treasures he is equipped with are comparable to those of the top universe overlords.

But what really makes Venerable Mingchan remembered by the human race is that, under the calculation of the Zerg, it was Venerable Mingchan who used his soul to control Ke Di, the direct disciple of the Lord of Chaos City, completely destroying this peerless genius of the human race.

"Why did she appear here? It seems that she is really here for me. Could it be that she also wants to control my soul?" Diko sneered in doubt, and then became surprised: "But how did she know about me? Who came to the secret realm of mountains and seas? No one has told me my whereabouts!"

Just when Di Ke was confused and confused, he tried his best to activate the black sphere to suppress the palace-like treasure, but Lord Mingchan, who was unable to swallow the Fire Temple and suppress it, was also surprised: "Can't swallow it? Why? Possible? Could it be that his palace treasure is also a high-grade treasure, even better than mine? Then the Lord of Huang Jian is too partial to this disciple, right?"

"Or is it that this palace-like treasure is not actually his at all, but belongs to another mysterious strong man who is here to protect Diko?" Thinking of this, Lord Mingchan also became wary: "Is it a trap? "

Just when Venerable Mingchan looked at the Fire Temple with vigilance, a sudden angry shout came from the Fire Temple: "The abominable Zerg race, how dare you come to the secret realm of mountains and seas to act recklessly, are you seeking death?"

(End of this chapter)

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