Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 506: Battle for Universe Overlord

Chapter 506: Battle for Universe Overlord
Hearing the familiar roar, Dico couldn't help but look helpless.At the same time, a figure with a violent aura flew out from the Fire Temple and appeared in the dark void under the vigilant eyes of Lord Mingchan.

"Huh? Horns? It doesn't look like a tauren among humans!" Seeing the burly horned giant bathed in flames and feeling the violent aura on Zhu Rong's body, Lord Mingchan couldn't help but frowned and wondered: "Universe Venerable? He clearly looks like a human being, but among the thousands of Universe Venerables in the human race, there seems to be no such figure! Even among the Universe Venerables of Hongmeng, there seems to be no such number one figure. What is his origin? "

"A mere cosmic lord of the Zerg tribe dares to come to the territory of the human race. Little girl of the Zerg tribe, you are so courageous," Zhu Rong looked at Venerable Mingchan domineeringly, completely ignoring the aura of Venerable Mingchan. Like the surging Zerg Legion, it seems that they don't pay much attention to the famous Zerg Universe Master, Lord Mingchan.

Seeing Zhu Rong's posture, Lord Mingchan couldn't help but laugh angrily. Except for the Lord of the Universe, even the top overlord of the universe would not underestimate her so much.

You must know that as the overlord of the universe of the Zerg tribe, once the Insect Sea tactics are launched, the outburst Venerable Ming Chan can completely rival the top overlords of the universe. This is why Venerable Eclipse Fire is so afraid of her and does not dare to take the initiative to fight with her.

"Seeking death!" Lord Mingchan shouted coldly. Suddenly, the auras of some Zerg warriors burst out from the Zerg army under his command. There were hundreds of Zerg warriors whose auras had reached the level of the Lord of the Universe, and then they joined forces to launch an attack. Under the control of Lord Cicada, dazzling and sharp rays of light gathered in mid-air, turned into terrifyingly powerful laser pillars, and shot toward Zhu Rong.

Boom...Zhu Rong, who was not dodging, suddenly saw a black heavy hammer in his hand. He swung the heavy hammer casually, as if it burned instantly. He hit it hard with one hammer, and the space suddenly became stagnant and dented. The hill-like hammer head collided with the energy beam that also froze for a moment.

The next moment, a dazzling and violent energy storm erupted like a volcanic eruption. Zhu Rong, who was slightly shaken all over, just stepped back slightly and steadied his figure in the void. At the same time, a set of dark red armor appeared on his body.

"The top treasure? Are the hammer and armor top treasures?" Feeling the violent breath of the hammer in Zhu Rong's hand and the surging breath naturally emanating from the armor on his body, Lord Mingchan couldn't help but stare in disbelief: "Could it be that he Is he the top overlord of the universe?"

In fact, it is possible for even a top cosmic overlord to possess top treasure weapons, but possessing top treasure armor is a bit exaggerated.What's more, Zhu Rong actually possesses top-notch armor and weapons at the same time. This is almost the standard equipment of many weaker universe masters!

"Haha... they say that the Zerg's sea of ​​​​insect tactics are powerful, but that's all! Are you tickling me with this little attack?" Zhu Rong grinned. He has always been warlike, but for a long time I haven't really had a good fight anymore, I just feel like my bones are about to get rusty, but it's rare to meet such a good training partner!
So Zhu Rong, who had just finished speaking, took the initiative to wave the divine hammer and turned it into a stream of flames to kill Lord Mingchan...
"Damn it!" Venerable Mingchan was also angry with an ugly face. Since she became the Universe Venerable, she has rarely been defeated in battles with Universe Venerables from other ethnic groups. After all, ordinary Universe Venerables are even the overlords of the universe. , having a high-level attack treasure is not bad, but there are very few people who can have high-level treasure armor, let alone top-notch treasure armor!

Seeing Zhu Rong approaching, Venerable Mingchan suddenly released rays of light visible to the naked eye, connecting to the Zerg warriors with the strength of the Universe Venerable. At the same time, Venerable Mingchan's body also became bright and transparent. Like jade.Roar... Roar... Immediately afterwards, in the crazy sharp roar, rays of light shot out from the mouthparts of the Zerg warriors of the Universe Venerable. They gathered together in the blink of an eye and turned into an increasingly dazzling... Like a point of light, he greeted Zhu Rong.

Buzz.. The space was distorted and oscillating, and Zhu Rong was hit hard by another hammer. Time and space were instantly stagnated, everything slowed down, and then the space visible to the naked eye collapsed, and the scope of the collapse quickly spread in all directions, instantly submerging Zhu Rong. , which also affected a small number of Zerg warriors, and turned them into gravel and were destroyed one by one.
"So strong! Is this Zhu Rong's true strength?" Feeling the terrifying power of Zhu Rong's hammer, Diko, who was watching the battle in the Fire Temple, couldn't help but narrow his eyes: "The Overlord of the Universe is definitely the strength of the Overlord of the Universe, and it is more than ordinary. The Overlord of the Universe is even stronger. With the help of the power of the topmost treasure, the Divine Hammer, his strength is probably comparable to that of the Top Overlord of the Universe. No wonder he was able to gain the reputation of the 'Bloodfire Lord' in the universe."

"Huh?" Diko, who was a little impressed by Zhu Rong's strength, suddenly turned his head and looked around. Seeing the figure of Lord Mingchan approaching in a blink of an eye, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Shocked: "Such a cunning Lord Mingchan, it seems that her target has always been me. But, how on earth did she penetrate the space and get closer under the aftermath of this chaotic and violent energy?"

When Diko was a little surprised and confused, the aura of Lord Mingchan, who was approaching the roar, was already violent. The burning virtual power swept across like a wave in an instant. The speed was so fast that Diko couldn't even react and dodge. It was already directly invaded his body
The moment the burning virtual divine power invaded Diko's body, it turned into a large invisible net, trying to suppress and control the divine power in Diko's body.

"Huh? What a domineering soul control method. I didn't expect her soul control method to be so strong under the power of burning power. I am afraid it is comparable to the soul control method of the Lord of the Universe. No wonder Kedi was so easily controlled by her. But, she Obviously he is just the Lord of the Universe, why is the attack power of the virtual soul that burns divine power so strong?" Faced with this soul attack that would make most of the Lords of the Universe fearful and difficult to resist, Diko resisted it easily and still had some thoughts. Think about other things.

After all, Dicko's power is too strong.You know, he is also the Lord of the Universe, and he is at the perfect genetic level, and his divine power is comparable to the Lord of the Universe who just broke through.Coupled with his strong will, although Lord Mingchan's soul attack is powerful, how can he be defeated?
"What?" He felt that his proud and confident soul attack method was like a waterfall hitting a mountain peak, unable to shake Diko's incredibly powerful body. Lord Mingchan was also shocked and was stunned for a moment.

"How is it possible for such a powerful divine body? Has he already broken through and become the Lord of the Universe? Or has he become the Lord of the Universe?" Lord Mingchan, who was full of surprise and disbelief, reacted quickly and realized that Diko was not It was easy to deal with, and the almost instinctive figure retreated like a phantom. At the same time, white mist-like energy filled the air, containing powerful binding and suppressing power. In order to stop Di Ke and Na Zhu Rong, he suddenly activated the domain-type treasure.

But then, the curling flames filled the air and turned into an endless sea of ​​​​fire in the blink of an eye. It was like the sun dispersing the fog, causing the white fog field to instantly collapse. At the same time, Zhu Rong's disdainful sneer also echoed in the sea of ​​​​fire. Come: "Playing in the field in front of me is ridiculous!"

"Domain treasure? Such a terrifying power, couldn't it be a top domain treasure?" Venerable Mingchan was really shocked. Seeing that the Zerg army under his command had been wiped out in the blink of an eye, even the Zerg at the Universe Venerable level The warriors also quickly depleted their divine power under the suppression of the domain.

Venerable Mingchan, who was also suppressed by that domain, seemed to be trapped in a swamp, unable to break free. The dark blue treasure armor emerging from his body trembled, and his defensive power was greatly reduced. It also slowed down Venerable Mingchan's divine breath. Slowly weakened...
(End of this chapter)

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