Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 507 Competition in the field

Chapter 507 Competition in the field
"It is worthy of being a top-notch domain treasure that is worth as much as a peak treasure weapon. It is something that even the Lords of the Universe covet. Even the Lord of the Universe cannot bear this power. It is indeed terrifying!" Seeing a field like a sea of ​​fire! Diko couldn't help but be a little shocked by the embarrassment of the Inner Ming Cicada and the Zerg warriors under her command.

If it were not for the protection of the armor treasure, the domain suppression power alone would be enough to cause Venerable Ming Chan to quickly consume his divine power and fall directly.Even though she was protected by a treasured armor, and Venerable Mingchan also owned a high-grade treasured armor, it could only hold her up for a while longer.

But such a little time is enough.In just a moment, Diko was keenly aware of a more terrifying aura in the distance, and then he saw an even more shocking scene... In the dark void of the universe, a large number of colorful petals suddenly appeared, and in the blink of an eye they turned into A sea of ​​flowers even forced the sea of ​​​​fire domain to quickly shrink and retreat.

"Being able to force back the sea of ​​fire and stand head-to-head with Zhu Rong's top-level treasure, is this sea of ​​flowers also a top-level treasure?" With his eyes narrowed, he saw that the sea of ​​flowers and the sea of ​​fire soon occupied half of the sky respectively, and Di Ke Immediately he made a judgment in his mind: "And that breath just now...the Lord of the Universe? Could it be the Lord of the Zerg Universe behind Lord Mingchan? It seems that the Lord of Minglan is here! As expected of sisters, this Lord of Minglan The Lord really values ​​Venerable Mingchan. He was chased and beaten so badly by the Lord of Chaos City, yet he still dared to risk coming to the human territory."

Diko, who guessed that the Lord of Minglan was coming, did not panic, but could not help but frown and hesitate to take action.If he doesn't take action, Lord Minglan may be able to rescue Lord Mingchan.If you want to take action and leave Lord Mingchan behind to steal the food from the master of Minglan, you will inevitably expose some of your tricks.

"Kedi..." Thinking of Kedi, Diko was really unwilling to let the Lord Mingchan leave. Just when he was about to take action with all his strength, the faint sound of water waves suddenly came, and then he saw an endless sea of ​​flowers and Above the sea of ​​fire, the endless water flow was seeping out from the void. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a sea of ​​​​fire and dispersed the sea of ​​​​fire. Immediately afterwards, the endless sea of ​​​​flowers also quickly collapsed and was quickly shrunk by the impact of the monstrous sea water.

"Sister..." Seeing his sister, Lord Minglan take action, Lord Mingchan, who had just escaped from the shackles of the sea of ​​fire and escaped to the realm of the sea of ​​flowers, was entangled and bound by the endless sea water again.

In fact, the sea water was as heavy as a thousand stones, suppressing the body of Lord Mingchan, making her seem to be frozen, making it extremely difficult to move.The suppressive power is much stronger than the top domain treasures of Zhu Rong and Lord Minglan.

"The ultimate treasure in the peak realm?" Even in the middle of the endless sea of ​​flowers in the distance, the cold and beautiful woman Minglan Lord, who was wearing gauze embroidered with a large number of flowers, also stared at the sea-like waves with a changed expression. In the domain of the sea water, peaks of tens of thousands of feet slowly appeared, and then the entire sea surface became like a mirror without a trace of waves, and the suppressive power of the water reached its extreme in an instant.

"Such a terrifying suppressive power! I never thought that the Lord of Mountains and Seas would have such a powerful domain-like treasure!" Feeling the familiar aura of the Lord of Mountains and Seas contained in the terrifyingly powerful sea domain, Diko also felt It was mesmerized.

The ultimate treasure in the pinnacle field!For the human race that does not have the most powerful treasures, these treasures are the top treasures. The entire human race probably only has a few of them, and almost all of them are in the hands of the top masters of the universe.

Diko, who came back to his senses immediately, looked at the Venerable Ming Chan who was trapped in the sea water realm as if he was suppressed and sealed. With a thought, the power to directly control the mountain and sea realm quietly spread, ignoring the sea water realm. He directly brought Lord Mingchan into the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm and suppressed him easily.

"Huh? Lord Eclipse Fire? Why is he here? Could it be that... Lord Mingchan was brought here by him?" At the same time, while the power of the mountain and sea realm penetrated through the layers of space and passed through a large area around the mountain and sea secret realm, Di Ke also discovered the Lord Eclipse Fire who was hiding and watching the battle. In a flash of thought, he couldn't help but look coldly and used the power of the Mountain and Sea Realm to restrain the Lord Eclipse Fire and moved him to the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Ming Chan Lord. I went as a companion.

In terms of power, the power of the mountain and sea realm is stronger than the peak realm treasure.Therefore, it is not difficult to restrain and suppress a cosmic lord.Diko, who had guessed that Lord Eclipse Fire had evil intentions, would naturally not be merciful to someone like him who came to seek death. "Sister..." Seeing Lord Mingchan disappear into the endless sea water, the Lord of Minglan couldn't help but become a little impatient. He even controlled the flower sea field to send a message to the sea water field: "I don't know which universe master it is." Lord? Isn’t it a little too disrespectful to take action against the Universe Lord of our Zerg tribe in such a big way?”

"Regardless of status? Fights between ethnic groups have always resorted to all possible means. Have you Zerg done many shameless things?" the Lord of Mountains and Seas responded with a sneer.

"You are hiding your head and showing your tail. Who are you? Are you afraid of showing up because you are afraid of provoking the revenge of my Zerg tribe?" After hearing this, the Lord of Minglan suddenly said coldly: "I advise you to let my sister go, otherwise"

"Otherwise what? The Lord of Minglan, you, the Lord of the Zerg universe, dare to appear in the hinterland of the human race. Do you want to provoke a war between the human race and the Zerg race?" Accompanied by a domineering cold shout, the darkness Suddenly there was a huge wave of blood surging in the void of the universe, as if a sea of ​​blood swept in, causing the flower sea domain of the Lord of Minglan to collapse and shrink again, and even the sea water domain of the Lord of Mountains and Seas shook and began to shrink. range.

"Lord of Huangjian?" Seeing the terrifying and powerful waves of blood, the Lord of Minglan suddenly changed his expression, and the Lord of Huangjian, who was riding the waves like a ferocious beast in human form, grinned sharply. Smiling: "Lord of Minglan, you, the majestic Lord of the Universe, came to my human territory in person. Could it be that you want to take action against my disciple Diko? Just like your Zerg tribe plotted against Chaos' disciple Kodi. What a pity, I The apprentice is not Kodi, and I will not give you Zerg a chance like Chaos did."

"Ming Lan, it seems that your scar has really healed and you have forgotten the pain. I'm here and you haven't left yet, because you think I can't do anything to you? If you don't leave, Chaos will come, and he won't be as easy to talk to as I am. !" The Lord of Huangjian said, with a thought, the monstrous blood wave suddenly condensed into a ferocious beast and flew towards the Lord of Minglan.

Buzz... In an instant, the space was distorted and collapsed. Wherever the ferocious beast filled with evil energy passed, there was a sense of time and space chaos. Violent and terrifying power was accumulating. It was obviously a powerful and terrifying level of the Lord of the Universe. Attack the secret method.

The Master of Minglan, who frowned slightly, also controlled a large number of petals in the field of flowers with a wave of his hand, and quickly gathered them into colorful, layered giant flowers, facing the ferocious beast.

The next moment, the rampaging ferocious beast collided with the huge flower. The flower only stood in a stalemate for a moment, and then the layers of petals collapsed and scattered. A bloody beast's claw mark passed through the petals in the sky with a devastating force, towards the Minglan. The Lord slapped him hard
The rumbling space instantly collapsed and turned into a flow of particles. The Master of Minglan was shocked and was directly shot out. After stabilizing his figure with a groan, he looked at the Master of Huangjian with a cold and unwilling look, and then Akechi's figure disappeared, turning into a stream of light and disappearing in a flash.

Seeing the Lord of Minglan disappear and leave, the Lord of Huangjian did not pursue him, but turned to look at the sea area with the mountains that seemed to be suppressing him. His eyes were slightly condensed and he said loudly: "Mountains and seas, I haven't seen them for a long time. I never thought you were still alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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