Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 508 Chaos City Lord

Chapter 508 Chaos City Lord
"It seems that the teacher may be stronger than the Lord of Minglan, but he can't keep him. Even if the Lord of Chaos City comes, it won't be that easy to kill the Lord of the Universe. What's more? , there are only a few universe masters in the Zerg Manchu Communist Party. If the Lord of Minglan really encounters a life and death crisis, he might attract the Queen of the Zerg..." After seeing the Lord of Huangjian take action to force the Lord of Minglan back, Even if he let her go, Dico was not surprised.

However, when he heard the greetings between the Lord of Huangjian and the Lord of Mountains and Seas, Diko couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Do they know each other? A veteran Master of the Universe who is at the top of the human race, and a Master of the Universe who has the realm of the Master of the Universe. He was able to do that before. What’s the intersection?”

"Haha... you, an old immortal, are still alive. Naturally, I won't die that easily." In the midst of the chuckle, the figure of the Lord of Mountains and Seas quietly appeared above the sea water realm, which also made the Lord of Huang Jian His expression changed: "Lord of the Universe? I didn't expect that not only did you not die, but you also broke through and entered the realm of the Lord of the Universe. It seems that I want to congratulate you! But, I am very curious. Wasn't you captured by the Origin of the Universe together with the Mountain and Sea Realm? Was your will suppressed? How on earth did you escape?"

"Of course it's all thanks to Diko. Without him, our mountain and sea lineage wouldn't be able to regain a new life," the Lord of Mountain and Sea said with a smile and glanced at Diko.

"Dico?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas, who also looked at Diko and was surprised and curious, couldn't help but smile: "Although I have long guessed that Diko has a deep connection with your family of mountains and seas, I didn't expect that he could help Your Shanhai lineage has escaped the suppression of the original will of the universe. Shanhai, are you kidding me? Even if Diko makes a breakthrough and becomes the Lord of the Universe, it shouldn't be possible for him to have such an ability, right?"

"Please forgive me for the inconvenience of saying more about the reasons." The Lord of Mountains and Seas smiled noncommittally: "But my grandson is indeed amazingly talented! You are really making a profit by accepting him as your disciple. The entire human race They all made a lot of money.”

"Your grandson?" The Lord of Huangjian stared at him when he heard this, and then thought of something, his expression suddenly changed: "I said why it was so difficult to resurrect Diko's father. It turns turned out to be like this. !Shan Hai, you are so calculating, you still have such a back-up plan."

"My lineage of mountains and seas should not be destroyed," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said with a faint smile, and suddenly looked into the distance with a change of expression: "Someone is coming, this aura...should be the Chaos City Lord of Virtual Universe Company, right? "

"Huang Jian, where is the Lord of Minglan?" Along with the deep and majestic voice, a vague starry sky river suddenly appeared in the dark void in the distance. It was several light years wide and endless in length, as if it led to the starry sky. At the end, there are various strange artifacts suspended in it, each one exuding terrible pressure, and the entire treasure river is even more powerful. It is the famous domain-type treasure Qianbao River of Chaos City Lord.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a towering figure about ten thousand kilometers high, walking on the waves of the Qianbao River, holding a huge stone stick. It was one of the special life clones of the Lord of Chaos City.

Ordinary life is definitely not as tall as tens of thousands of kilometers, and is generally some special life with a very high genetic level.Although some strong men can make their divine bodies larger, deliberately building such a tall body will reduce their strength and affect their combat effectiveness.

"Chaos City Lord? Is this the Chaos City Lord?" Diko looked curiously at the Chaos City Lord with silver-white skin, a large number of tentacles on his head, and eyes as quiet as a lake. Stick, wearing a seemingly ordinary clothes, but there are thousands of artifacts on the clothes that make sounds that penetrate people's soul. Every thread of the clothes is like a rushing river: "In the name of the Lord of Chaos City, His identity, that stone stick should be the pinnacle weapon, right? Qianbaohe... I didn’t expect Qianbaohe’s body to be a piece of clothing..."

"The Lord of Minglan was scared away when he heard that you were coming," the Lord of Huangjian said with a grin when he saw the Lord of Chaos City, "However, her sister, Venerable Mingchan, fell in In the hands of mountains and seas, there is no way to escape."

"Mountain and Sea? I have long heard that the Shanhai lineage is good at refining treasures. Unexpectedly, the Lord of Mountain and Sea not only entered the realm of the Lord of the Universe, but also refined such a powerful peak-level treasure. Its suppressive power I'm afraid it's even comparable to the Peak Palace of Treasures," the Lord of Chaos City said, looking at the Lord of Mountains and Seas, and said in admiration: "Shans and Seas, after all, although your mountain and sea lineage has the guidance of the mountain guest, you are still a branch of my human race. . Now that you are out of trouble and have become the master of the universe, would you like to join my virtual universe company?" "Hey! Chaos! I came first, and my disciple Dike has a deep connection with the Shanhai lineage. Shanhai Even if you want to join the human race, you should lead the entire mountain and sea lineage to join our universe mercenary alliance," the Lord of Huangjian on the side said with a glare.

However, the Lord of Chaos City smiled noncommittally: "Whether I join your Universe Mercenary Alliance or join the Virtual Universe Company, you are still a member of my human race. There is no difference."

"Shanhai, what do you think?" The Lord of Chaos City said, looking at the Lord of Mountains and Seas and asking, but the Lord of Mountains and Seas simply shook his head and said: "My Shanhai lineage has always developed alone, and I am used to not competing with the world. After what I have experienced before After a catastrophe, the losses were too great, too many people died, and now only some remnants of the Shanhai Realm are left. Therefore, it is okay to join the human race, but my Shanhai lineage does not want to join the Space Mercenary Alliance or the Virtual World. The Universe Company only hopes that the top management of the human race can hand over the secret realm of mountains and seas to the Shanhai lineage, so that we, the Shanhai lineage, can rest and recuperate here."

"Of course there is no problem with this," the Chaos City Lord nodded and smiled, and then asked in a deep voice: "Shanhai, you said that the Shanhai lineage has suffered a great loss. I wonder how many strong men there are in the entire Shanhai lineage now?"

"Not many, dozens of cosmic lords, nearly a thousand immortal kings, ten to twenty thousand princes and ordinary immortal gods, plus two masters of the universe," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said timidly, but let Di Ke listen The corners of De's mouth twitched, and she raised her head and looked at him with a strange expression.

The Lord of Huang Jian even glared: "Dozens of Universe Venerables, nearly a thousand immortal kings, that's not much? Shanhai, do you know that the entire human race only has a few thousand Universe Venerables, and more than a hundred thousand immortals?" The king is just immortal. Your mountain and sea lineage...what did you say just now? Two Lords of the Universe? Apart from you, the mountain and sea lineage also has a Master of the Universe?"

"That's right! It's my disciple, Nuwa, the Lord of Creation." The Lord of Mountains and Seas nodded slightly, and at the same time, the beautiful woman in red with the body of a snake, Nuwa, appeared quietly beside the Lord of Mountains and Seas.

Feeling the same mysterious and surging aura fluctuations on Nuwa's body, the Master of Huangjian opened his mouth slightly.Even the Chaos City Lord on the side looked solemn: "Shanhai, your Shanhai lineage has two universe masters, both of which are comparable to the First Bank of the Universe and the Universe Galaxy Bank. If you are willing, with the Shanhai lineage, With its foundation, it can definitely become the sixth largest force in the human race."

"Chaos..." Upon hearing the words of the Lord of Chaos City, before the Lord of Mountains and Seas could speak, the Lord of Huangjian on the side turned his head and stared at him in surprise. At the same time, he spoke urgently through the voice: "Chaos, you know What are you talking about? What do you think about making the Shanhai lineage the sixth largest force in the human race?"

"Both the Mountain and Sea lineage and the Yan Divine Clan have a close relationship with the Mountain Guests. Comparatively speaking, the Mountain and Sea lineage has greater foundation and potential." The Lord of Chaos City also responded via voice transmission: "If the Lord of Mountain and Sea is really willing By leading the mountains and seas to join the human race, our human race will suddenly have two more masters of the universe. With the potential of this lord of mountains and seas, he will soon become the top pillar of our human race. Regarding this matter, I have already With the permission of a large number of giant axes. Moreover, the mountain and sea lineage can break free from the suppression of the original will of the universe. Obviously the lord of the mountains and seas knows how to resist the original will, and may be able to help us rescue the original ancestor."

(End of this chapter)

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