Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 510 Slavery and Freedom

Chapter 510 Slavery and Freedom

The Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Huangjian left, but Diko was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he followed the Lord of Mountains and Seas, Nuwa and Zhu Rong back to the realm of mountains and seas.

In the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm, under the suppression of the original power of the Mountain and Sea Realm, Venerable Mingchan and Venerable Fire Eclipse both lost their ability to resist, as if they were insects trapped in amber, unable to even self-destruct. .

"What do you want to do with the two of them? This guy seems to be a human being, right? Does Venerable Mingchan from the Zerg tribe come to deal with you, does he have something to do with it?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas said, looking at Venerable Eclipse Fire: "This is a plan for you, Do you have any grudge against you?"

"I killed his son, but I didn't expect that he would actually dare to come and take revenge on me," Diko said, shaking his head slightly. In fact, he didn't take Lord Eclipse Fire in his eyes, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so stupid. .

Although the Nightmare Candle King is dead, it is not that he cannot be resurrected, nor is he controlled by his soul. It is really unwise to seek revenge for this.The most stupid thing about Lord Eclipse Fire was that after the news spread that Diko was in the secret realm of mountains and seas, he still hid in the dark and wanted to see Diko being dealt with by Lord Mingchan. He actually still wanted to benefit from it. It seems that he really thinks that since he is the Lord of the Universe, he can have nothing to fear, which is really arrogant.

"Who is this guy? I don't even know the Lord of the Universe. He seems to be a new member of the human race who has risen in the past tens of billions of years, right? Diko, you can't deal with such a guy who is plotting against you, even if he is from the same human race. If you are too soft, just kill him!" Zhu Rong frowned and looked at Lord Eclipse Fire.

Diko shook his head: "If I kill him, his teacher, the Lord of Void Gold, will be able to reverse time and space and resurrect him. When the time comes, knowing that I killed him, even if I am justified, there will always be some trouble. "

"Are you ready to let him go?" Zhu Rong frowned and looked at Di Ke, but Di Ke sneered: "Let him go? How can it be so cheap? Since he has chosen to be my enemy, then he must You have to pay a sufficient price. The best way is to control his soul. In this way, there will naturally be no trouble."

Soul control?Zhu Rong was stunned when he heard the words and stared at Diko slightly: "Boy, that's cruel! However, he is the Lord of the Universe. It's not that easy to control a Lord of the Universe with your soul. Are you sure? So does your boy. You have just become the Universe Venerable, so maybe you haven’t discovered the secret method of the Universe Venerable level yet?”

"Whether it's successful or not, you'll know after you give it a try," Diko glanced at Zhu Rong, noncommittal, but with a sudden thought, he directly transformed his divine power into the body of Lord Eclipse Fire, who had no power to resist at all.

However, although Lord Eclipse Fire was suppressed and the divine power in his body was banned, facing the void divine power that invaded his body, his divine body still resisted and struggled instinctively.His consciousness is still awake. As the Lord of the Universe, his soul and will are naturally very strong. With the blessing of his will, his soul is also frantically resisting Dicko's control.

For Lord Eclipse Fire, even if he dies, it is not a terrible thing.You know, the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom fell twice and was resurrected by the Lord of the Universe of the human race.But once it is controlled by the soul, it is really over. Losing oneself and becoming a slave of the soul is even more tragic than falling!
"Still want to resist?" Diko sneered in his heart, but with a sharp gaze, the invisible power of will invaded the body of Lord Eclipse Fire. At the same time, the divine power burned, and the power of the virtual divine power suddenly increased sharply. In Lord Eclipse Fire's consciousness, He fell into confusion for a moment, directly breaking through the defense of his soul, and then quickly invaded every ounce of divine power in his body like a virus.

"Eh? Did you succeed? His soul actually controlled a Universe Lord. Boy, you can do it!" After Diko stopped burning his divine power, he withdrew his suppression of Lord Eclipse Fire with a thought. Look at that Lord Eclipse Fire also behaved obediently and did not immediately break out in resistance. Zhu Rong couldn't help but be surprised.

"Diko's divine power is no less than that of the Lord of the Universe, and his will is even stronger than that of many Lords of the Universe. Under the suppression of the original power of the mountain and sea world, it is not unbelievable that the soul controls a Lord of the Universe. "The Lord of the Mountains and Seas on the side said with a smile, "However, it is not that easy to control the soul of the Zerg Lord Mingchan. This Lord Mingchan has a soul-like treasure. Ah! Although it is just an ordinary soul treasure, it is enough to resist the soul control method of the Lord of the Universe." "Soul treasure? Having a sister of the Lord of the Universe is different. Her net worth is really rich," Zhu Rong heard. He also looked at the Venerable Mingchan with bright eyes.

"Do you actually have a soul-like treasure?" Diko, who was also surprised, raised his eyebrows and looked at Lord Mingchan. Although he couldn't move, he still looked at him coldly, Dike's eyes flickered, But the divine power was burned again, and the virtual divine power invaded his body.

"This kid really doesn't look back until he hits the south wall!" Zhu Rong shook his head helplessly when he saw this, but the Lord of Mountains and Seas on the side looked at him in silence with a slight frown, and soon looked at Di Ke with focused eyes. A light like blood flame emerged quietly, and his expression became solemn.

"Huh?" Faced with the invasion of Diko's virtual divine power, Venerable Mingchan, who at first resisted calmly and confidently, soon realized something was wrong. Juedike's virtual power is somewhat special. It seems to contain a hot and strange power, slowly penetrating into her body.

And soon, Venerable Mingchan showed a look of surprise and fear, because she discovered that even the power of the soul treasure in her body could not stop the invasion of the special and strange power of Diko's virtual power, and at the same time, she felt that her body was slowly stiffening. Out of control.

"How is it possible? What kind of power is this? How can it break through the defense of the soul treasure?" Lord Mingchan panicked, his heart filled with cold despair, but he could no longer stop the slow penetration of Diko's virtual power into his body.

After about a meal, Zhu Rong on the side was getting a little impatient, and Di Ke finally stopped burning his divine power, and with a thought, he removed the suppression of Lord Mingchan by the original power of the mountain and sea world.

"Master!" Venerable Mingchan shouted respectfully to Diko. With a wave of his hand, a handsome human man in red-gold armor and carrying a dark red sword appeared next to him. It was Kedi.

"He is the favorite disciple of the Lord of Chaos City. He was once a peerless genius of the Virtual Universe Company, and his name is Kedi." Dike introduced Kedi's identity to the Lord of Mountains and Seas, and with a wave of his hand, surging divine power enveloped Kedi like a bloody wave. Empress Di, with a thought, caused the original power of the mountain and sea world to be shrouded outside, and then she told Lord Mingchan: "Okay, you can go and die!"

"Yes, Master!" Venerable Mingchan smiled and nodded. In the blink of an eye, his divine body disintegrated into nothing. Only a set of high-level treasure armor, soul-type treasures, and world rings were left. He looked aside. Zhu Rong was even more stunned, and subconsciously said in a panic: "Diko, didn't you already control her soul, why did you let her die again? This"

Buzz... At the same time, the blood-wave-like divine power that enveloped Kedi was already burning, like blood flames rising, one breath, two breaths... In the blink of an eye, a few breaths passed, but Kedi did not fall directly, but condensed. His eyebrows looked like he was struggling in pain, and then his expression became confused and confused. As the burning divine power and the original energy of the mountain and sea world dissipated, he frowned and looked at Dike and others: "Am I not controlled by the soul? What about you?"

(End of this chapter)

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