Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 511 The Ancestral God is coming

Chapter 511 The Ancestral God is coming
"This person controlled by the soul did not die with the death of his master, but could still return to normality and freedom. How is this possible?" Zhu Rong stared at him in disbelief. At the same time, he also somewhat understood why Diko wanted Venerable Mingchan to do so. Damn it, this should be the program needed to help Kodi regain his freedom.

Even Nuwa, who had been watching silently next to her, looked at Diko with surprise. Such methods were simply unbelievable.You must know that soul control is irreversible. This is a consensus, and it can be said to be an invisible operating rule in the universe.However, Dicko directly broke the rules today!Even if the strongest person in the universe can follow his words, he cannot directly change the rules of the universe.

"Awesome! What a great trick! Diko, you are giving me more and more surprises," the Lord of Mountains and Seas said with a smile: "Nuwa, Zhu Rong, don't be so surprised. Diko can help me with Shanhai." The pulse has been freed from the suppression of the original will, and now it is against the rules of the universe to restore freedom to a person controlled by the soul. What is impossible?"

"Actually, I just tried it out of thought. Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded." Diko also laughed with some surprise. He had just used the power of the blood sea to invade and penetrate, and successfully controlled the soul of Lord Mingchan. Dico's mind really moved, and then he thought about whether he could use this power to protect Kodi and isolate him from the influence of the rules of the universe?If Lord Mingchan dies but Kedi is not dead, the person whose soul controls him no longer exists, and he will naturally no longer be controlled.Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded.

"You helped me regain my freedom?" Kodi, who slowly regained consciousness and calmed down, looked at Diko in disbelief.

"That's right! Congratulations, Kedi!" Diko nodded and smiled: "By the way, my name is Diko, and I am a direct disciple of Lord Huangjian of the Universe Mercenary Alliance. Before, Venerable Mingchan came to deal with me, but I was He was captured alive. I suddenly thought of a way to help him regain his freedom, so I tried it. Unexpectedly, it worked."

"There is actually a way to free a soul slave?" Kedi still felt that it was a bit unrealistic. How long had he been controlled by the soul?Have the rules of the universe changed?
"Venerable Mingchan is dead, but the Queen of the Zerg tribe is afraid that she will reverse time and space and resurrect her soon. Once she is resurrected, will Kedi still be affected by the invisible rules and be controlled by her?" Zhu Rong couldn't bear it. Sumien said.

Diko was stunned when he heard this, but he pondered and shook his head: "Probably not! It's like reversing time and space to resurrect life. When a life originally dies and comes back to life, it is an established fact, so the invisible operating rules We will not let him die again. Since Kodi has regained his freedom, he should not become a soul slave again."

"That's right! I think Kedi should have completely regained his freedom," the Lord of Mountains and Seas smiled and nodded: "On the other hand, Venerable Mingchan, even if he was resurrected by the reversal of time and space, will still be Diko's soul slave. I am afraid that the Zerg will only think that she was killed, and it is impossible to think that she will be soul-controlled by Diko. Therefore, if the Zerg Queen really wants to resurrect Lord Mingchan this time, she will probably be in vain. "

"I have told Venerable Mingchan to lurk in the Zerg after her resurrection. As the biological sister of the Lord of the Zerg Universe, Venerable Mingchan has great influence in the Zerg, and she may be able to bring us some surprises in the future. ," Dico also nodded with a smile.

"Where is this place?" Kedi, who slowly accepted his restoration of freedom, also looked at the Lord of Mountains and Seas and Nuwa nervously and nervously: "Are you the new Lord of the Universe of my human race?"

"That's right!" The Lord of the Mountains and Seas smiled noncommittally, and then said to Diko: "You saved the man, so you can send him away! Presumably, the Lord of Chaos City will do the same when he learns that his disciple is back. I'm very happy, it was a surprise we gave him at that time."

"Okay," Diko nodded with a smile, waved his hand and put away the things left behind by Lord Mingchan after his death, and then greeted Kedi to leave. Lord Eclipse Fire and Zhu Rong naturally followed him.

"Lord Fire Eclipse? Is he your soul slave?" After leaving the world of mountains and seas, he noticed Lord Fire Eclipse's attitude toward Diko. Kodi couldn't help but be surprised, and his expression was weird and surprised.

Diko did not hide anything. After briefly talking about his grievances with Lord Eclipse Fire, he was going to take Kedi back to the earth. When the time comes, through the five major forces of the human race, Keti will be able to arrange the temples guarding the earth. Go back to the base camp of the Virtual Universe Company or the original secret realm and other important places of the Virtual Universe Company through the fixed passage to the Kingdom of God to meet his teacher, the Lord of Chaos City.

But just as he was about to leave, Diko suddenly turned around and saw a figure several meters tall in the dark void in the distance. He had six arms and thick legs. Although It is in the state of a human being, but it is obviously a foreigner, and there is a face on the front and back of the head. The entire human race has not looked like this.The key is that the aura on the opponent's body is surging and vast, like the incarnation of the origin of the universe, and its aura is even stronger than the Lord of the Universe.

"The double-faced ancestor god of the Ancestral God Sect? Why did he come suddenly? Could it be that he came to trouble me on behalf of the original will of the universe?" Facing this double-faced ancestor god, Diko also became a little frightened. This person in the original After all, the universe is equivalent to the strongest person in the universe.

"What exactly is going on today? The Lords of the Universe are coming one by one, and now even the rumored Ancestral Gods of the Ancestral God Sect are here." The Lord of Mountains and Seas also appeared later, and quietly appeared in the void next to Diko. And out.

"Lord of the Mountains and Seas? I didn't expect that you and the Mountains and Seas Realm could really escape from the suppressive seal of the original will!" The Two-faced Ancestral God looked at the Lord of the Mountains and Seas critically.

"What? The original will can't do anything to me, so I'll let you deal with me?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas said coldly. He was obviously wary of the two-faced ancestral gods, and he had no good impression of the ancestral god sect as the spokesperson of the original will of the universe. of.

"Don't get me wrong!" The Two-faced Ancestral God said: "If you can make the original will give up suppressing you and the Shanhai Realm, the Ancestral God Sect will naturally not take action against you again. I am here this time for him."

The Double-faced Ancestral God said and turned to look at Diko, which also made the Lord of Mountains and Seas frown: "Double-faced Ancestral God, what are you doing with Diko? Do you, your majestic Ancestral God, want to bully and embarrass a junior?"

"I wonder why the Ancestral God came to see me?" Diko asked calmly. He felt that the double-faced Ancestral God looked at him in a strange way, but it was not malicious. Instead, it was full of curiosity and a trace of curiosity. Si's suspicious smell also made Diko curious about his purpose.

The two-faced Ancestral God also smiled kindly and said, "I came here specially to invite you, Diko, to join our Ancestral God Cult."

"Invitation? Let me join the Ancestral God Cult?" Diko was slightly startled when he heard this, and his mind suddenly turned around. He secretly thought that the original will of the universe knew that it couldn't do anything to him, so he wanted to win over him and make him willingly become his. Goons'?

On the surface, Diko's expression changed and he couldn't help but said: "Ancestral God, I am not a beast god."

"The peripheral members of our Ancestral God Religion are indeed cultivators of the Beast Gods. But you are different. You are valued by the original will, and you are personally invited by me to join the Ancestral God Religion. Naturally, you are not just an ordinary peripheral member of our Ancestral God Religion." The Double-faced Ancestor God said: "As long as you are willing, when you step into the realm of the Lord of the Universe, you can directly become the Protector God of our Ancestral God Religion."

(End of this chapter)

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