Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 512: The Ancestral God Religion’s Winning over

Chapter 512: The Ancestral God Religion’s Winning over
Protector of God?Listening to the promise of the two-faced ancestor god, Dico suddenly became moved.In the Ancestral God Religion, the three Ancestral Gods have the highest status.

As for the Guardian God Lords, each one is an extremely powerful universe lord in the original universe. They are at least the Lords of Huangjian. They are even as powerful as the Lords of Chaos City. Their status is no less than that of the Beast Gods from all directions, or even more powerful. One chip.

After all, those who can become the Protector God Lord of the Ancestral God Sect are almost all overlord-like beings in the universe, strong men at the pinnacle level of the Lord of the Universe.There are only a handful of guardian gods in the entire Ancestral God Religion.

The Beast Gods of the Eight Directions just inherited the position of Beast Gods. Only by being favored by the original will of the universe can they have powerful power. However, they are not as good as the guardian gods in terms of truth, secrets, and unique techniques.

"Being the Protector of your Ancestral God Religion? Do you think this status is so rare that Diko will definitely care about it?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas, who was also a little surprised, reacted with a sneer and said to Diko at the same time: "Dico, there is never anything cheap in this universe. Joining the Ancestral God Religion and becoming the Protector of the Ancestral God Religion is not necessarily a good thing."

Diko, who was noncommittal, pondered for a moment before saying: "Goddess Ancestor, thank you for your respect, but I am used to being loose and do not like to be restrained."

"No one wants to restrain you, and the Ancestral God Sect is not an organization with strict rules. In the future, as the guardian god of the Ancestral God Sect, you will still be very free, and no one will force you to do anything. Even if something happens to the Ancestral God Sect, I leave it to you, but it also depends on your wishes. If you don't want to do it, no one will force you," the Two-Faced Ancestral God shook his head and smiled.

No constraints?Diko's expression changed slightly when he heard this. If he is really so free and has no restrictions, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being the Protector of God in the Ancestral God Religion. There is always no harm in being good friends with the Ancestral God Religion!After all, the Ancestral God Religion represents the original will of the universe. As the most transcendent and mysterious force in the original universe, even the peak ethnic groups will not easily turn against the Ancestral God Religion, nor will they easily provoke the strong men of the Ancestral God Religion.

With the identity of the Guardian God Lord, it will be much easier to act in the entire primitive universe in the future.Even if the peak tribes and alliance forces that are hostile to humans want to deal with Diko in the future, they must also worry about the Ancestral God Religion.After all, once Diko joins the Ancestral God Cult, and as an important member with a special status, if there is any danger or trouble, he can not only ask for help from the higher-ups of the human race, but also the Ancestral God Cult for help!

"Diko, if you are willing to join the Ancestral God Cult, you will get many privileges, which can bring benefits to yourself and even the entire human race." The two-faced Ancestral God continued with a smile: "For example, because you join the Ancestral God Cult, you will be able to follow the Ancestral God Cult in the future. As you become stronger and contribute more to the Ancestral God Religion, your hometown and even the entire human race will have more energy that is beneficial to living beings, thus increasing the birth rate of geniuses in your lineage of earthlings and even the entire human race. ..”

"Huh? Is there such a benefit?" Dicko, who raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, was suddenly moved. Although this benefit sounds a bit illusory, it is also very real!

"In addition, as long as you are willing to join the Ancestral God Religion, Diko, our Ancestral God Religion can directly give you a top-level treasure, including top-level domain-type, peak-type or soul-type treasures. It is up to you to choose," the double-faced Ancestral God said next. , Diko's eyes suddenly brightened, and he thought to himself: "It seems that the Ancestral God Cult is really willing to pay enough to invite me to join. However, if this is the intention of the original will of the universe, then it would be a bit stingy."

You know, every time the rumored treasure land Primordial Star close to the origin of the universe is opened, among the various important treasures and treasures that are born, there are top treasures and even pinnacle treasures, and there are often several pinnacle treasures.

Therefore, for the original will of the universe, it does not lack treasures.Since it was actively trying to win over Diko this time, it would be a bit petty to only bring out a top-level treasure.Not to mention giving the most powerful treasure directly, sending a pinnacle treasure is not too much, right?

"Dike joined my mountain and sea lineage, and I gave him a peak palace-type treasure. The double-faced ancestor god, a top-level domain-level treasure, is a little too petty to want Diko to join your ancestral god religion. ?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas suddenly said. "Join the lineage of mountains and seas? Peak palace-type treasures?" The two-faced ancestor god was stunned for a moment, and then became a little depressed and helpless: "Lord of mountains and seas, you really can't stand and talk! The peak palace-type treasures don't even exist in our ancestral god sect. A few pieces. Top-level domain-level treasures are already very precious. In the past, have you heard that our Ancestral God Religion gave away treasures of this level in order to attract strong people to join?"

"Then why did you give it away this time? Obviously, you think Dico is worthy of such investment. In that case, we can naturally bargain for a price, right?" The Lord of Mountains and Seas said with a smile.

The two-faced ancestor god became more and more speechless. After a moment of silence, he looked at Diko and said, "Dico, what do you think?"

"I can agree to join the Ancestral God Sect, but in addition to the top-level domain treasure you mentioned, Ancestral God, I also want the Ancestral God to give me some weapon refining materials. I know that the Ancestral God Sect has accumulated a lot of rare treasures over the years. Materials. Anyway, there are no very powerful treasure refining masters in the Ancestral God Religion, so why not use them for me to practice on?" He glanced at Dike, the Lord of Mountains and Seas, with a vague look, and then said with a smile: "Wait until my treasure refining level improves. Go up there, let alone the top treasures, even the top treasures are not hopeless to be refined, and the Ancestral God Sect will eventually benefit from it, right?"

Hearing this, his expression changed. He also glanced at the double-faced ancestral god of the Lord of Mountains and Seas, then nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Okay, I agree! I'm just going to get some materials for refining treasures. Our ancestral god sect can still afford them. . However, in the future, Diko, the heavy treasures and treasures you refine, in addition to the human race, must be given priority to the strong men of our Ancestral God Religion!"

"Of course! As a member of our own family, of course I will think of the benefits," Diko also smiled and said happily, and then said with a smile: "God Ancestor, that top-level treasure you mentioned..."

Seeing the way Diko reached out to him as he spoke, the two-faced ancestor god twitched his mouth slightly, and then he suppressed the depression in his heart and waved his hand. Suddenly, a treasure like a blue crystal bottle appeared out of thin air, and an invisible surging aura filled the air. Coming, the water-attribute energy in the surrounding void quickly gathered and became moist, and some water mist was vaguely visible.

"This blue sea bottle is not only a top-level domain-level treasure with extremely powerful power, but also has the ability to suppress. With the assistance of domain power, it is much more powerful than the top-level palace-level treasure," said Double-faced Zu Shen said: "In terms of value, this blue sea bottle is even better than the famous domain treasure Qianbao Hedu, which is the famous domain of the Chaos City Lord of your human race."

"What a blue sea bottle." After hearing this, Diko, whose eyes sparkled, became more and more surprised. When the double-faced ancestor god waved the blue sea bottle to Diko, a golden token also appeared out of thin air: "This is the summons. Card, you can contact me directly. If anything happens in the future, I will also inform you. If you have time, you can come to the Ancestral God Sect at any time to get the treasure refining materials you need."

"Thank you Ancestral God!" Diko bowed slightly. After the two-faced Ancestral God nodded and left, Diko hurriedly put away the golden token. At the same time, his divine power quickly refined the blue sea bottle and put it into his body.

The Lord of the Mountains and Seas on the side saw this and couldn't help but said: "Dico, it's better to be more careful and vigilant about the Ancestral God Religion. After all, the Ancestral God Religion represents the original will of the universe."

(End of this chapter)

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