Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 513 Taking stock of wealth

Chapter 513 Taking stock of wealth
Diko, who nodded noncommittally to the Lord of Mountains and Seas' reminder, left in the Fire Temple with Zhu Rong, Ke Di and Lord Eclipse Fire.

No matter what the original will of the universe has in mind, as long as it cannot take action directly, Dico has nothing to fear.Using such gentle means to win over Diko further proves that the original will of the universe cannot do anything to Diko!Maybe, it will need to rely on Dico in the future!

In the dark dark universe, in the Fire Temple flying at hundreds of billions of times the speed of light, and in the practice quiet room filled with surging flame energy, Diko was taking stock of some of the gains he had received from Lord Mingchan.

As the overlord of the Zerg universe and the sister of the Lord of the Zerg universe, Venerable Mingchan naturally has many treasures on his body, including high-level treasure armor and common domain treasures, but the most precious one among them is naturally the soul treasure.

"Is this the soul-like treasure of Lord Mingchan?" Dike was playing with an inconspicuous black bead the size of a table tennis ball. After the divine power invaded it and was refined, he seemed to hear the vague sound of cicadas in a trance, which made him Dedic couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Cicada? What is the origin of this soul-like treasure? It doesn't contain any information? However, this bead seems to not only protect the soul, but also make the soul's will instantly become stronger. So As a result, the power of both soul defense and soul attack methods will increase dramatically. No wonder Lord Mingchan easily controlled Kedi when he seemed to be immortal."

"Furthermore, it seems that Venerable Mingchan controls a lot of soul slaves. In the world ring alone, there are dozens of immortal gods' slaves who died because of her fall. Among them, there are many immortal human beings, and even immortal princes and kings. There is even a cosmic venerable from a foreign race." Dike, who had inspected the world ring of Venerable Mingchan, could easily judge their strength during their lifetimes from the residual divine auras of dozens of dead powerful men.

Being able to carry so many soul slaves with him, although many of them may be the slaves of the soul slaves of the Lord Mingchan, it can also be seen that the soul slaves controlled by the Lord Mingchan are definitely many, even at the level of the Lord of the Universe. The soul slave.

"Those who can enslave the Lord of the Universe are almost all the Lords of the Universe or the strongest people in the universe. Moreover, most of those who will become soul slaves are relatively weak Lords of the Universe. This Lord Mingchan probably relies on this It takes a soul-like treasure with special power to enslave a cosmic lord," Diko thought to himself.

Except for the three extremely high-quality treasures, the other treasures carried by Venerable Mingchan were of much lower value.After all, going deep into the territory of the human race is somewhat risky. In addition to the treasures that can save lives in battle, naturally you will not carry all your wealth with you.

On the contrary, the alien Universe Venerable under the command of Lord Mingchan has several heavy treasures including ordinary heavy treasure armor and attack heavy treasures.Even among the several immortal kings brought by Venerable Mingchan, the two with the strongest divine auras also possess important treasures.

Although it is normal for Venerable Universe to have several valuable treasures in his possession, the soul slaves under his command can collect several valuable treasures, which shows how rich Venerable Mingchan is.

Especially the ordinary heavy treasure armor. Although it is just an ordinary heavy treasure, it is more precious than ordinary top heavy treasures and set heavy treasures. After all, defensive heavy treasures are relatively rare and their value is much higher than attack heavy treasures.

A cosmic lord with less strength may not even have an ordinary armor or precious treasure.Even among the human race, the treasures are almost always in the possession of a few high-ranking sages of the universe and some cosmic overlords.

Without strong enough strength, even if you have a powerful treasure, you will become the target of being robbed by strong aliens.Just like in the original work, it was learned that Luo Feng owned several valuable treasures. When he left the territory of the human race and went to the Yan God Clan, several alien cosmic overlords showed up to kill him and seize the treasures!

That is to say, for a cosmic overlord like Lord Mingchan who is very powerful and has a strong background, even if he possesses a soul-type treasure that is far more valuable than high-grade armor treasures, ordinary domain-type or palace-type treasures, other universe overlords No matter how greedy they are, they don't dare to snatch it at will, and it's not that easy to snatch it.In fact, it is a secret that Venerable Mingchan possesses a soul-like treasure, and very few people know about it.It was by relying on this trump card that Venerable Mingchan easily controlled many powerful alien soul slaves.

"Although the soul treasure of Lord Mingchan is very precious, enough to make many universe overlords excited, but even with the high-level treasure armor and this ordinary domain treasure, it is still far behind the value of a top treasure armor. "Although the treasures on Lord Mingchan's body are of considerable value, Diko doesn't care too much.

With his current level of strength and foundation, he would be able to rival the Lord of the Universe with a little accumulation.In addition, possessing treasures such as the Blood Fire Knife, the Fire Temple, and the Blue Sea Bottle made his vision so high that ordinary treasures could not be looked down upon at all.

When facing the Lord of the Universe in the future, in Dicko's opinion, he must at least have a top-notch treasure armor so as not to suffer too much. After all, the top-notch treasure armor is the standard equipment of many masters of the universe.It is best to have a pinnacle treasure like the Jie Jia, which can easily and quietly double the enemy's attack power by one hundred thousandth, in order to have enough confidence to fight at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

"Anyway, I still have a lot of heavy treasures and treasures in the warehouse of the Fire Temple, but they are of little use for the time being. I will try to find a way to get them together later, and first go to the original universe to exchange for a top treasure armor for temporary use," Diko thought to himself.

If other universe masters heard this, they would probably become depressed immediately.You must know that many of the treasures possessed by the Lords of the Universe are nothing more than top-notch treasures such as armor and top-level attack treasures. Not to mention top-level treasures, there are not even top-notch palace-type and domain-type treasures.

For example, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf of the Demon Clan, the palace-type treasures he possesses are only high-level palace-type treasures.Those who can possess the top palace-type and domain-type treasures are often the stronger masters of the universe.As for the pinnacle treasures, they are almost always in the hands of a very small number of masters of the universe who are at the pinnacle of strength and at the top level.

Not to mention the Lord of the Universe, even the strongest person in the universe still doesn’t have the most powerful treasure, so he can only make do with the ultimate treasure!Of course, the same pinnacle treasure has different power in the hands of the strongest person in the universe and in the hands of the Lord of the universe.

In fact, the weaker a person is, the more powerful and powerful treasures they are to increase their strength.On the contrary, when they become stronger, like the Lords of the Universe and the Strongest Persons in the Universe, their own power far exceeds that of many treasures.

The journey went smoothly, and not long after Diko and the others returned to the Milky Way of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the Fire Temple emerged from the outer reaches of the solar system with the ripples of space, instantly attracting the attention of the distant star-like giant guarding the earth. An invisible divine power swept through the temple.

"Huh?" Sensing the familiar aura of divine power, Diko flew out from the Fire Temple. He raised his eyebrows in surprise and looked forward. He saw the dazzling silhouette suddenly appearing in the dark void in front of him. He couldn't help but smile and greet her. He went up and said, "Senior Sister Yanhuang, why are you here?"

"I am the Lord of the Universe who is in charge of the earth. Of course I have to be here," said the Lord Yanhuang with a smile. Feeling the invisible surging aura on Diko that was stronger than her, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart and said: "No. I think that after just a few thousand years of not seeing each other, my junior brother is already the Master of the Universe. With such a speed of cultivation, I believe he will definitely become the Master of the Universe in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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