Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 514 The Development of Earth 1 Vein

Chapter 514 The Development of Earth Lineage
The face of Lord Yanhuang who was smiling suddenly changed, and he looked behind Dike with some vigilance and surprise, and saw Zhu Rong flying out of the Fire Temple.

"Junior brother Di Ke, who is he?" Venerable Yanhuang had just asked. Then he saw the handsome man in red and gold armor following Zhu Rong. He was shocked and exclaimed: "Ke Di?"

"Oh? I didn't expect Senior Sister to recognize him." Diko unexpectedly raised his eyebrows and smiled, while Lord Yanhuang stared at Kedi with a serious look on his eyebrows and said, "Dico, why did you bring him back? Did you I don’t know, has he been controlled by the Zerg soul? Even if you rescue him, he is no longer the amazing evil genius that our human race once was, but a minion of the alien race..."

"Lord Yanhuang?" Seeing Venerable Yanhuang, Kedi seemed to be murmuring in a trance. Hearing Venerable Yanhuang's words, Kedi couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Diko continued: "Senior Sister Yanhuang, Kedi was indeed controlled by the soul. However, now he has regained his freedom and is no longer the soul slave of the Zerg Lord Mingchan."

"What? Restoring freedom? Impossible! He is a soul slave! There has never been a person in the universe who could regain freedom after becoming a soul slave." Lord Yanhuang frowned and shook his head, obviously not believing it.

"Senior sister, it was because of some special circumstances that Kedi was lucky enough to regain his freedom. Now, the Venerable Mingchan is dead. But Kedi is still alive. Isn't this enough to show that he has escaped from Mingchan? Has the Lord's soul control been restored?" Di Kelian asked.

"Venerable Mingchan is dead? This..." Upon hearing this, Venerable Yanhuang became even more surprised. Looking at Kedi, who was now intact, he felt that it was a little unreal.

"Okay, senior sister, this matter is a bit complicated. You should take Kedi to the temple first and send him back to the Virtual Universe Company headquarters or the original secret realm! When you meet the Chaos City Lord, with the Chaos City Lord's methods, naturally He can tell whether his favorite disciple is really back," Diko urged: "I haven't been back for a long time, so I went back to Earth first!"

After speaking, Diko, who didn't wait for Venerable Yanhuang to say anything more, made up his mind to put away the Fire Temple, disappeared in a teleport, and directly came to the outer space of the earth.

Naturally, Zhu Rong followed closely behind, and went to Earth with Diko full of expectation and curiosity.As for Lord Eclipse Fire, on his way back, he had already teleported directly back to his own Kingdom of God.After all, Lord Eclipse Fire is the Universe Lord of the human race and a direct disciple of the Lord of Void Gold. It is always a bit troublesome for people to know that he has become Diko's soul slave.

Zhu Rong, who was staying in outer space, looked at the familiar and beautiful planet in front of him. While clearly sensing the situation of the entire earth, he couldn't help but said with a slightly complicated look: "It's been a long time since I've been here. There are quite a few strong people from the earth's lineage now. , and even cultivated some immortal plant life... Huh? Then why are there so many floating cities on the ocean? And there are so many races of the human race gathered together."

"The earth is a planet that has been transformed by mountain visitors. It can change the soul, improve understanding and talent. Babies born on the earth often have great minds when they grow up. Therefore, the earth is of infinite value..." Di Ke said Before he finished speaking, Zhu Rong sneered and said, "So, the earth is jointly controlled by the five major forces of the human race?"

"One day, I will take back the complete ownership of the earth," the noncommittal Diko said coldly, then turned into a stream of light and flew towards the Asian continent in the eastern hemisphere of the earth.Thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the earth does not seem to have changed much, but in fact it has changed a lot.The most intuitive one is that the overall strength level of the earth's people and the proportion of strong people have greatly increased. Planet-level and star-level strong people can be seen everywhere. Cosmic-level strong people are also very common. Even domain lords and world lords There are a lot of them.

With the sufficient resources provided by Di Ke and Luo Feng to cultivate the Earth's lineage, over thousands of years, some useful materials have indeed been born among generations of Earth people. The number of strong people has increased, which has also made the Earth The lineage is becoming more and more profound, and it is a race that cannot be underestimated even in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region and even the entire Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

However, a mere few thousand years is still too short for a truly powerful person. After Diko entered immortality, although the Earth lineage gradually cultivated some powerful realm masters, most of them were just They are just ordinary realm masters. There are very few realm masters who can be recognized by the original law, and there are none who are immortal.

Nowadays, the strongest combat power of the Earth lineage, besides Di Ke and Luo Feng, is the immortal plant life that they have arranged to cultivate a long time ago, and among them are the feudal warriors.This kind of strength and foundation can only be found in a very small number of races, families and forces in the entire Qianwu Universe Kingdom.

After thousands of years of reproduction, the Di family has become a big family like the Luo family. With the addition of a group of vassal forces headed by the Di family, the Di family can be called a lineage of the earth people in terms of influence. Every move of the First Family can affect the development direction of the entire human lineage on earth.

In addition, Diko has already demonstrated his combat power at the level of the Lord of the Universe, and the status of the entire Earthlings is naturally even more different.Therefore, under the strict constraints of the five major forces of the human race, even though most of the immigrants on the earth have a profound background, they do not dare to disturb the lives of the earth's people recklessly, which makes the earth's people live a peaceful life.

However, such a peaceful and peaceful life did not make the people on earth lose their enterprising spirit. On the contrary, as Diko and Luo Feng became more and more powerful, the people on earth came into more and more contact with other races and forces in the universe, and Many Earthlings, especially some of the elite elites of the Earthlings, are proud of being members of the Earthlings, but they are also full of fighting spirit and desire to become stronger.

Because everything the Earthlings have experienced in their rapid rise has made them clearly realize that this universe is very big and cruel, and if they want to survive and gain a foothold, they must make themselves stronger.Only by giving birth to more powerful people in the Earthling line can the status of the Earthling lineage be continuously improved, allowing the Earthlings to multiply and take root in the universe in a better and more confident manner.

The earth is prosperous, the younger generation of warriors and spiritual masters are working hard to practice, and the people doing business in the universe are trying their best to make money. After Dike came back, he also met some elites from the earth's lineage to give guidance on the exams. After looking at them, although I didn't find any geniuses who were too evil, in general, the quality of the strong people of the earth's lineage was excellent compared to the entire human race, and they were indeed considered to have great potential.

However, Dico is also a little helpless, because he grows too fast, so it seems that the growth rate of the earth's people is still a bit slow, and there is not even an immortal. The various treasures that Dico brought back this time Resources, etc., especially the heavy treasures and treasures in the Fire Temple's warehouse, even if they are willing to give the earth people a lineage, they cannot use it for the time being.

Granting important treasures rashly is not a good thing for some world lords of the Earthling lineage. On the contrary, it will bring murderous intent and disaster to them.

So after returning this time and meeting some of the elite geniuses of the Earthlings, Dico began to use other methods to enhance the strength and foundation of the Earthlings.
As for Zhu Rong, he could be regarded as returning to his hometown. He wandered around as if he couldn't stop as soon as he came to the earth. Dike was too lazy to care about him and allowed him to get in touch with some elites and powerful people of the earth's lineage, and even his own cheap ones. brothers and sisters
(End of this chapter)

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