Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 515: Chaos and Huang Jian’s Questions

Chapter 515 Chaos and Huang Jian’s Questions
With the influence and help of Dico, most of Diat's original children are still alive and well, and they even have many descendants, including some of the elites and geniuses of the earth's lineage.

Ordinarily, with Zhu Rong's temperament, he shouldn't care too much about them.But maybe it was because of a trace of guilt and curiosity in his heart that Zhu Rong was quite concerned about these people. Not long after he came to Earth, he got to know many of them. He even lowered his status to give some pointers, which was quite reluctant. A junior who can be made with talent.

Gradually, Zhu Rong seemed to be enjoying this life of hiding his identity on the earth, as if he was enjoying it...
Less than half a month after Dico returned to Earth, in the virtual universe, a separate vast space, a vast sea of ​​blood spread to the end of the line of sight. There were blood flames rising above the blood sea, and it looked like a sea of ​​fire. General.

In mid-air in the center of the plane space where endless blood flames gathered, a majestic dark red palace was suspended.There are some undulating peaks around, and there are many palace buildings scattered on the peaks.

But the entire plane space seemed very quiet and deserted. Among the large number of palaces, only a few palaces were inhabited by servants. After all, Dico had just owned this plane space that belonged to him in the virtual universe. This is also the human race. The privilege of every Universal Master.

Since it is an exclusive plane space, that is, Dicko's private space in the virtual universe, servants and the like will naturally not be arranged by the Virtual Universe Company or the Universe Mercenary Alliance, but are specially selected by the Di family for Dicko, except for some specialized ones. The service staff and some juniors from the Di family.

Due to the attachment of the Shanhai lineage, dozens of Universe Venerables have their own exclusive space in the virtual universe at the same time, which is equivalent to the human race having dozens more Universe Venerables all at once. This has really caused a stir among the five major forces of the human race. Quite a stir.

Diko, who influenced and guided the Shanhai lineage to join, became the Lord of the Universe in just a few thousand years. It caused a huge sensation among the upper echelons of the human race and also attracted many Lords of the Universe and Lords of the Universe to visit. , and at the same time asked curiously about some things related to the mountains and seas.

Diko, who had rarely calmed down after being busy for several days, ordered his servants to prepare the best banquet again. At the same time, he came to the square in front of the Fire Temple to greet them. He saw two burly figures with majestic auras. Flying side by side from a distance, it was the leader of the Virtual Universe Company, the Lord of Chaos City whose strength among the human race was second only to the founder of the Giant Axe, and the Lord of Huangjian, Diko's teacher.

A moment later, in the garden pavilion behind the Fire Temple, the Lord of Huangjian couldn't help but said after sitting down: "Dike, I heard from Shan Hai that the two-faced Ancestral God of the Ancestral God Sect has gone to win you over to join the Ancestral God Sect. , and also gave you a top-level treasure? It’s really worth the money!”

"That's what happened," Dico nodded slightly. This matter was not a secret, and Dico was not prepared to hide it from the human race.Moreover, the powerful cultivators of the Beast God lineage among the human race are also peripheral members of the Ancestral God Cult, but Diko's identity is more special.

The Lord of Chaos City on the side continued to ask with a twinkle in his eye: "Diko, the Ancestral God Religion wooing you must have something to do with you helping the Shanhai lineage to escape from trouble and solving the Shanhai lineage's crisis of destruction, right?"

"Probably!" Diko, who also nodded simply, pondered for a moment before saying: "Lord of Chaos City, teacher, you must have guessed that I have some special opportunities. This time, it was also a coincidence, and I was lucky enough to help the Shanhai lineage. It even alarmed the original will of the universe. Perhaps, it is precisely because of this that the original will of the universe paid attention to me. It may be a little worried about me, so it is not so much that the Ancestral God Sect is wooing me, but it is more likely that the two-faced Ancestral God I was instructed by the original will of the universe to watch me."

"Diko, what have you done to disturb the original will of the universe?" Hearing this, he and the Lord of Chaos City looked at each other, and the Lord of Huangjian, who looked serious, couldn't help but ask. "Well..." Diko hesitated a little before saying, "Teacher, you must know something about what the Shanhai lineage did before, right?"

"Although it's not too clear, I still have some understanding," the Lord of Huangjian nodded: "When our human race discovered the secret realm of mountains and seas at the beginning, we gradually paid attention to the realm of mountains and seas hidden in the secret realm of mountains and seas. I thought that , the mountain and sea realm is part of the secret realm of mountains and seas, but what happened later made us realize that the mountain and sea realm is extraordinary..."

"We talked with Shan Hai before, and he also told us the origin of Shan Hai Realm and what he wanted to do with Shan Hai Realm, which led to the original will of the universe to suppress Shan Hai Realm and seal it," Chaos City Lord continued: "It's just , he has been unwilling to elaborate on how you helped the Shanhai people escape from difficulties."

Diko didn't expect that the Lord of Chaos City and the others already knew so much. The Lord of Mountains and Seas really had no reservations!Di Ke, who was thinking a lot, guessed the thoughts of the Lord of the Mountains and Seas, and then said: "Actually, I won't be very clear about helping the mountains and seas escape from difficulties at the moment, because even I am a little confused."

"If we really want to talk about it in detail, we have to start with the special blood-refined magic weapon in the treasure refining method of the mountains and seas..." Dike said carefully: "In a sense, the mountains and seas are also a special weapon. Blood-refined magic weapon. However, the idea of ​​the Lord of Mountains and Seas is too bold and goes against the original will of the universe. Direct confrontation with the original will of the universe will naturally have no good results. Therefore, the mountain and sea world and the entire mountain and sea lineage have been The seal suppressed it.”

"The reason why I went to the world of mountains and seas was also guided by the fire god Zhu Rong, the son of the Lord of Mountains and Seas. I didn't expect that I would find such a shocking secret." As he spoke, Diko's eyes became misty and deep, but his face was filled with confusion. With excitement and enthusiasm: "In the original space of the mountain and sea world, I saw various complex and perfect secret patterns, as if weaving another kind of universe rules... The mountain and sea world is like a small universe, but those secret patterns The pattern is not perfect, there are some imperfections and messy..."

"At the same time, I also discovered that the original will of the universe mobilized the original power of the original universe to set up a suppressive seal outside the mountain and sea world. It is a perfect and mysterious method. It can be called the most perfect secret method. However, it is the same as the various secret patterns in the space of the mountain and sea world. There is a connection. Comparing the two, my understanding of the secret patterns quickly improved, so later I began to boldly try to make up for some incomplete and imperfect secret patterns in the original space of the mountain and sea world," Di Ke said, his eyes sparkling more and more. Liang, the whole person seemed to be a little excited: "Unexpectedly, this attempt caused a chain reaction. The secret patterns in the original space of the mountain and sea world rapidly evolved and changed, and naturally supplemented and evolved. It seemed to follow the influence of the origin of the universe. It has changed, so the original will of the universe has removed its power to suppress the seal."

"Is that so?" Diko's narration made the Lord of Chaos City nod as if he was suddenly aware, but at the same time he couldn't help but frown slightly: "Are you following the original will of the universe?"

"Is this secret pattern really so mysterious? Di Ke, you really have a great opportunity. The treasure refining method of the mountain and sea lineage should be closely related to the secret pattern, right?" Huang Jianzhi was also amazed by the surprise. The Lord then turned to look at the Lord of Chaos City hesitantly and said: "Chaos is the matter of the original ancestor."

"The situation of the original ancestors is still different from that of the mountain and sea lineage," the Lord of Chaos City shook his head and said helplessly, but he did not say anything more. Apparently he felt that Diko did not know the human race's secrets about the original ancestors yet. when.

Di Ke secretly thought: "The original ancestor is of course different. He directly confronts the original will of the universe! Unlike the Lord of Mountains and Seas, who only uses the mountains and seas to absorb the energy of the original universe. At most, he can take advantage of it secretly. The original ancestor directly wants to replace the original will of the universe, and they are fighting to the death with the original will of the universe. It is equivalent to two people breaking up and directly trying to kill each other. How can there be room for relaxation? In comparison, Shanhai The Lord is like stealing two dollars from the original universe. It’s just a small matter. After being imprisoned for so long, he was willing to change and obey, so he was released.”

(End of this chapter)

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