Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 516: Blood Thorns at the Peak of Kingship

Chapter 516: Blood Thorns at the Peak of Kingship
At the same time, a Blood Sea clone of Diko, who had been staying in the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm and used the innate secret method 'Origin Arrival' to provide energy for the entire Mountain and Sea Realm, also chatted with the Lord of the Mountain and Sea about the arrival of the Lord of Chaos City and the Lord of Huangjian. Ask him about it.

"It seems that the Lord of Chaos City and the top leaders of the human race have not given up on finding a way to save the original ancestors!" The Lord of Mountains and Seas couldn't help but say after hearing this.

"Original Ancestor?" Diko frowned pretending to be confused. The Lord of Mountains and Seas also briefly told Diko what he knew about the Original Ancestor, and then sighed with emotion: "If I hadn't heard about the Original Ancestor's actions, maybe I would have I will not choose to try to let the mountains and seas absorb the energy of the original universe..."

"You're quite good at deceiving me. This matter has been deceived," he said, shaking his head slightly and looking at Di Ke's Lord of the Mountains and Seas with a smile. He couldn't help but frowning seriously and said: "It's difficult to save the original ancestor! After all, The original ancestor didn't leave any escape route for himself. You don't need to worry about these things. Now, the most important thing for you is to practice hard. Try to understand the law of time as soon as possible and become the master of the universe. That way Only then can you truly control the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Blood Fire Sword."

"How can it be so fast and easy to understand the laws of time?" Diko shook his head and smiled helplessly: "Now, although I have understood the laws of space and become the sage of the universe, I have not yet created a secret method that suits me. But the secret method It is easier to create a secret method with a tattoo, so I have to learn more and strive to create a powerful attack secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe or even the Lord of the Universe as soon as possible."

"If you have enough understanding of the law, and with the help of a secret pattern, you can spend more time and effort to create a powerful secret method that suits you. It will only happen naturally," the Lord of the Mountains and Seas said with a smile. He is still very good in this aspect. He has the right to speak, because he also has a deep understanding of the secret method, and he has already created the secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

After all, although the Lord of Mountains and Seas had been trapped at the level of the Lord of the Universe, his understanding of the laws had already reached the level of the Lord of the Universe.Although he has just broken through and become the Lord of the Universe, his true strength and realm are no less than those of many veteran Lords of the Universe.

And Di Ke's understanding of the law has improved, and he also has a lot of understanding of the secret pattern. It is naturally not difficult to create secret methods. He can easily create some secret methods of the immortal level of princes and kings, and spend some effort to create the level of the universe sage. The secret method is not difficult either.However, the difficulty of creating a secret method at the level of the Lord of the Universe has skyrocketed. After all, his understanding of the law has not yet reached the level of the Lord of the Universe.

After observing the mysterious rules of the original operation of the universe, and with the reference of a large number of complex and perfect secret patterns in the original space of the mountain and sea world, from a high position, Diko's secret method to create the master level of the universe is no longer so unattainable. Yes, but it still takes a lot of time and effort.

In the blink of an eye, Dicko had returned to Earth for more than half a year. On this day, a surging and powerful aura suddenly appeared on the peaceful Earth, instantly alarming everyone on the Earth, including the immigrants in the floating city and those responsible for protecting and managing them. Three immortal gods named kings.

When the three powerful kings of the immigration management appeared in the sky outside the floating city, they saw bloody ferocious vines with a large number of spikes rising into the sky in the distance. It was Diko who had obtained them in the Fire Temple. plant life blood thorns.

As Diko became stronger and stronger, rivaling the Lord of the Universe once he became immortal, the Blood Thorn was no longer useful to him, so he stayed on earth to cultivate it.

After thousands of years of cultivating it with the best resources and methods, this blood thorn has already reached the pinnacle of the realm lord level.This time when Diko came back, he spent a huge amount of resources, a price that was enough to bankrupt many powerful Immortal Kings and even make the Lord of the Universe feel a little distressed. Finally, the Blood Thorn reached the peak King level as soon as it broke through.

Due to the special nature of plant life and the blood thorn itself, the current strength of the blood thorn has surpassed many human kings' peak and king limit. Even the invincible king will have a headache when facing the blood thorn. .

Even if those invincible kings who are as strong as the Lord of the Universe can defeat the blood thorns, they are not willing to get entangled with the blood thorns, because once entangled by the blood thorns, even the invincible kings will be in a state of embarrassment.On the Asian continent, the cold and uninhabited area in the north is tens of thousands of kilometers high. Next to a main vine of blood thorns that pierced the atmosphere, Zhu Rong suddenly appeared and saw Dike standing in the air with his hands behind his back. He couldn't help but said: "The cost of cultivating such a plant life is not small. Dicko, you are really spending a lot of money for the people of Earth."

"However, plant life, soul slaves, etc. are only external forces after all. If the people on Earth want to survive in the universe, they still need to rely on the Earth people themselves to give birth to some truly top-notch experts." Then Zhu Rong couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The time for the true development of the earth's people is still short. Although the potential is unlimited, it still needs time to grow slowly. This cannot be rushed. Think of my mountain and sea lineage. The reason why there are so many strong people after experiencing changes is also It has been accumulated over the long years.”

"One day, the lineage of people on earth will surpass the lineage of mountains and seas, and far beyond it. I have never doubted this," Diko said with a confident smile.

Although the Blood Thorns at the peak of Kingship were powerful, to Diko today, he was just a bodyguard and thug.Now he can take out a valuable treasure at will, and the resources in exchange are enough to cultivate several plant life at the peak king level.

Therefore, among the human race, the race with the Universe Venerable is destined to have a profound foundation.It would be even more incredible if the Lord of the Universe was born.As long as the Lord of the Universe does not fall, then among the human race, the race of the Lord of the Universe will prosper forever, and as time goes by, with the resources provided by the Lord of the Universe, more and more powerful people will be born. more.

The strong always remain strong, which has always been the truest and cruelest law of survival in this universe.But for the weak, it is difficult to survive.In the universe, only those with the Lord of the Universe can be considered a powerful group.

Without the Lord of the Universe in charge, even the ethnic groups with some Universe Lords can only settle in a corner, relying on a powerful force, and can only be regarded as ordinary ethnic groups.There are many such vassal groups in every peak ethnic group in the universe.

Therefore, compared to the entire universe, the Universe Venerable is not considered a strong person who can truly determine the fate of the ethnic group. A plant life with the peak strength of the King is even more insignificant.

"I'm still not strong enough! Otherwise, even if I take back the complete ownership of the earth, it's just a matter of words." Looking at the floating city on the distant ocean, I saw at a glance the three people who were alarmed but hesitated to come over. Diko couldn't help but secretly thought: "Although I am the Lord of the Universe now, I can only frighten some immortal gods for the time being. Those Lords of the Universe who don't know my true strength and means, especially the overlords of the universe, I’m afraid they won’t care too much about me.”

"Huh?" Just as he was thinking about it, Dico suddenly felt an invisible sense of crisis welling up in his heart. He suddenly raised his head and saw a vague figure that had appeared in the outer space of the earth at an unknown time and was surrounded by endless black airflow. , shrouded in black air, only a pair of eyes could be vaguely seen.

But it was those dark eyes that made Dico feel a tremor from his soul when he looked at them. Although his strong will kept him awake and calm, it also made Dico feel more clearly. That invisible sense of life and death threat.

(End of this chapter)

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