Chapter 517

"The strongest man in the universe? How come the strongest man in the universe comes to earth? Could it be that he is here to kill me? It is a secret plan by the machine race, the zerg race, or the demon race. They want to get rid of me as soon as possible, who is expected to become a super being of the human race in the future. A peerless genius?" Diko, who was thinking about it, suddenly made a guess, and at the same time, his heart started to tremble.

The strongest person in the universe!Even in the original universe, the strength of the strongest people has been greatly weakened, but it is not something that the ordinary Lord of the Universe can fight against. What's more, Diko's current strength is still inferior to that of the Lord of the Universe. How can he withstand it? What about the attack from one of the strongest men in the universe?
"No! Diko, leave quickly!" The fire god Zhu Rong on the side also changed his face and became anxious. Although the mysterious and strongest man in the universe who suddenly appeared was coming towards Diko, he could only feel the energy released from him. The invisible aura oppressed Zhu Rong, and Zhu Rong felt a sense of unmatched fear in his heart.

Walk?Diko felt bitter in his heart, how to leave?In front of the strongest person in the universe, it is not easy for the masters of the universe to escape for their lives!

At the same time, an invisible wave invaded Dicko's body in an instant, making Dicko feel as if time and space were chaotic. All the surrounding scenes had changed. A large number of illusions bewitched Dicko's consciousness, trying to destroy his consciousness. The soul and will are dragged into the bottomless abyss...
"What a terrible illusion method to burn the soul! Five-color soul crystals, guard with all your strength! Break...break...break it for me!" Diko, who still remained calm and sober, felt the divine power in his body boiling, and the soul in every ounce of divine power was boiling. As if burning, under the suppression and protection of the mysterious five-color energy released by the five-color soul crystal, Diko tried his best to resist the opponent's illusion methods. His powerful will roared, and the surrounding space was distorted, and he finally managed to break away from the opponent. Illusion attack and restraint.

"Huh? What a strong will!" Seeing Dico regaining consciousness, the sharp and firm gaze containing powerful will surprised the blurry figure covered in the black airflow. "Is it the will of the strongest person in the universe? ? A junior human race who has practiced for less than ten thousand years, and is just a cosmic venerable, can have such a strong will. It seems that he has some special circumstances. With such talent and potential, he does have the hope of becoming a super strong person in the original universe. It is a pity , when he met me, he didn’t have that chance.”

While the fuzzy figure had murderous intent in his heart, Diko, who frowned, felt as if sharp thorns were piercing his body. Every ounce of divine power in his body and the imprint of life contained in the divine power were extremely painful. , causing him to scream in pain.

Obviously, the other party directly used the soul attack method to forcibly destroy Dicko's life mark, thereby killing him with his soul.As for soul control, with Dicko's strong will comparable to the strongest in the universe, and the protection of the five-color soul crystal, a high-level soul treasure, even if the opponent is the strongest in the universe who is good at souls, it will be difficult to control his soul. living.

While roaring in pain, Diko's whole body was boiling and burning with divine power. Suddenly, a dark red palace appeared in his body. The rapidly enlarging Fire Temple directly protected him within it, which also greatly isolated the soul attack that weakened the opponent's virtual divine power.

Driven by the full force of Diko's burning power, the rapidly enlarging Fire Temple even included the Vulcan God Zhu Rong and the entire earth for protection. The surging aura made the entire solar system tremble, and even more The blurry figure was slightly startled: "A peak palace-like treasure?"

"Isolate soul attacks?" The blurry figure frowning secretly as he felt the weakening and hindrance of the Fire Temple's attack on his virtual divine power. Just when he was about to take out the peak palace-like sealing treasure to try to suppress the Fire Temple, suddenly a towering cyan The mountain peak appeared out of thin air in the space of the solar system, and dazzling green light filled the air, causing the entire space of the solar system to freeze for a while.

"Huh? Mountain guest?" The blurry figure was shocked, and suddenly turned to look at the old man in green robes with two transparent horns on his forehead sitting cross-legged on the top of the green mountain, and couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Xu Zhen, the lineage of Earthlings was born under my guidance. Are you going to destroy this living planet that I spent so much effort to create by taking such unscrupulous actions here?" There was a hint of coldness in the mountain guest's calmness. The voice came, which also made the vague figure frown again: "Sitting Mountain Guest, you want to stop me?"

"Xu Zhen, you want to kill my people, and I haven't settled the accounts with you yet!" Mountain Guest's voice turned cold: "Xu Zhen, the founder of the giant axe of the human race will soon get the news and come here, I advise you It's better to leave quickly!" "Huh, giant axe? He's just a junior, do you think I will be afraid of him?" Demon God Xu Zhen snorted and looked very unruly: "What, are you going to join forces with him to deal with me? When did you, the Mountain Guest, get involved with humans?"

"If I want to deal with someone, do I still need to join forces with others? Moreover, you can't handle just a giant axe. His strength is not as simple as you think!" The mountain rider sneered: "With me here, you can't do anything to Dico. Why wait for the giant ax to come and ask for trouble?"

"Okay, Mountain Guest, I'll give you some face," the vague figure who was slightly silent after hearing this said in a deep voice, and then the figure quickly disappeared in a blur.

After the other party left, the mountain guest looked at the huge fire temple and said loudly: "Boy, he has left. You can come out."

"Thank you, senior!" Diko, who came out of the Fire Temple, saluted the mountain rider with a little respect. The mountain rider who looked at him carefully smiled and said, "Little guy, you are indeed outstanding. It's really unexpected. Exceeded my expectations. I never thought that apart from Luo Feng, a peerless genius like you could be born in this generation of the Earth. The human race is so lucky!"

"Senior, that's a compliment," Diko responded calmly. Seeing his calm look, the mountain guest who was becoming more and more satisfied and appreciative of him couldn't help but say, "I and some of you people from the earth and even the mountains and seas You must also know about Yuanyuan, right?"

"I know! It was the seniors who created the lineage of mountains and seas and my lineage of earthlings," Di Ke nodded slightly, and the mountain guest also said: "I have been to see mountains and seas. You can help him break free from the suppression of the original will of the universe. It is indeed beyond my expectation. I think you are very good at the secret pattern, and you are also very suitable for learning treasure refining. How about you, are you interested in becoming my teacher and learning treasure refining methods from me?"

"Learning how to refine treasures?" Diko's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he was suddenly a little surprised. In fact, having the strongest man in the universe as his teacher, and giving him guidance on cultivation are secondary to Diko, but A god king who once originated from the continent and was good at refining treasures. How could Diko not be fascinated by his treasure refining skills?

"Disciple Dike, pay your respects to the teacher!" So, without hesitation, Dike knelt down in the air and said loudly to the mountain guest. The mountain guest also nodded happily and said: "Well... practice for the master." Bao's skills finally have a good successor. Dicko, the founder of the giant ax of your human race is coming, so I will leave first as a teacher. Later, you go to this place to learn the skills of treasure refining from me. "

After finishing speaking, before Diko could react, the mountain guest had disappeared together with the majestic blue mountain below him. Only a little golden light shot into Diko's body, which contained the coordinate information of a point and the axis.

"We haven't even given the apprenticeship ceremony yet!" Diko reacted and saw that the mountain guest had left. He couldn't help but feel a little depressed and helpless. What are you anxious about?The giant ax is coming, can it still eat you?
(End of this chapter)

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