Awakening from the Devouring Starry Sky

Chapter 518 The Gift of the Giant Ax

Chapter 518 The Gift of the Giant Ax

Sitting Mountain Guest is not like other lords of the universe and the strongest people in the universe. He lives alone and is good at refining treasures. He has no shortage of treasures and is generous to his apprentices. Now that he has officially accepted Diko as a disciple, in Diko's opinion, he must at least give him one or two peak palace or domain treasures.

For the Lord of the Universe, treasures at the pinnacle palace or domain level may be very precious, but among the strongest men in the universe, which one does not have a few treasures at this level?

Just when Dico felt a little depressed and felt that the founder of the giant ax had come at the wrong time, in the dark space in the distance, a burly savage figure with disheveled hair appeared out of thin air, and the invisible pressure of the aura seemed to make the laws of the universe retreat.

"Dico, right?" A founder of the giant ax stepped closer and glanced at the Fire Temple behind Diko: "What a peak palace-like treasure, the mountains and seas are really generous! By the way, Legend of the Flame Phoenix The news is that a powerful person suddenly came to Earth, suspected to be the strongest person in the universe. What happened? Who is the strongest person? "

"I heard Teacher Sishanke call him Xu Zhen, he should be the Demon God Xu Zhen," Diko said with a slight bow to the founder of the giant axe.

"Demon God of Virtual Reality?" Juaxe's expression suddenly changed when he heard this: "Is he here to deal with you? It seems that it should be the work of the Zerg, Mechanical, and Demon Races. Otherwise, it would be difficult to invite Demon God of Virtual Reality. Moreover, he is the strongest alone and will not easily provoke our human race unless necessary."

"Just now did you say Teacher Sishanke? Did he save you? Has he accepted you as his disciple?" Then Giant Ax Company asked.

"That's right! Teacher Sishanke said that I am good at the secret pattern and have the talent to learn his treasure refining skills, so he accepted me as his disciple," Diko nodded and said helplessly but couldn't help but say with some regret: "Founder of the Giant Axe, I was about to discuss the apprenticeship ceremony with Teacher Zuoshanke, and you came here. If you come a little later, maybe Teacher Sishanke is not in a hurry to leave, so he can just give me two pieces from the peak realm. It’s a treasure at the same level! I heard that he prepared two pinnacle treasures for Emperor Yan of the Yan God Clan! What a pity, they are pinnacle treasures!”

"You are a cosmic venerable, and you have quite a lot of treasures on your body." The founder of the giant ax was slightly startled when he heard this, and then looked at Dico with a strange look on his lips.

"Having said that, no one would think that they have too many treasures, right? Founder of the Giant Axe, if I can get a few more peak treasures, it can be regarded as increasing the foundation of my human race!" Di Ke said.

"That's true." The founder of the giant ax nodded subconsciously. Seeing the way Diko looked at him eagerly, he couldn't help crying or laughing: "Why, do you think I caused you to lose the opportunity to ask for the treasure from the mountain guest, and you still want me?" Can I compensate you?"

"Founder of the Giant Axe, if you are willing to give me a generous gift, of course I will not refuse. After all, you are the strongest person in the universe and the strongest being in my human race, so you will definitely have no shortage of treasures," Diko complimented with a smile. Liandao, you are a bastard if you don't take advantage of it. What a great opportunity. There is no shop like this after passing this village.

Seeing Diko's shameless look, Juaxe really didn't know what to say. He was silent for a while before smiling and said: "Okay, since you said so, I, the strongest person in the human race, have nothing to do with you, a human being. The peerless monster of the tribe shouldn’t be too stingy.”

As he waved his giant ax, a piece of gray-black ancient armor appeared out of thin air in front of him. A thick aura suddenly filled the air, causing the surrounding space to vibrate. It was not inferior to the aura of the Fire Temple. How much.

"This set of armor is pretty good among the pinnacle treasures. Even if you break through and become the Lord of the Universe in the future, it will be enough." Diko, who was staring at the armor with shining eyes, couldn't help but feel even more excited after hearing the introduction of the giant axe. Be pleasantly surprised.

The value of the peak treasure armor may be slightly inferior to that of the peak palace and domain treasures, but it is far more valuable than the peak domain treasures. Among the Lords of the Universe, basically only a few at the pinnacle and top levels can possess such treasures, and more Masters of the Universe only possess top-level treasure armor. At first, Dicko thought it would be good if the giant ax could easily give him a top-notch armor-level treasure, but he didn't expect him to be so generous. The strongest man in the universe is a master of generosity!

"Diko, even the armor treasure that your teacher Master Huang Jian possesses is only of this level. Our human race has a great cause. Even if I am the strongest person in the universe, I cannot give it to every human race. The Master of the Universe Equipped with the pinnacle treasure armor. So you must cherish this pinnacle treasure armor! Work hard to practice and strive to become the master of the universe as soon as possible." The giant ax said seriously, and looked at Diko expectantly: "With this With your talent and potential, there is every hope that in the future you will grow into a powerful Master of the Universe comparable to your teacher, the Lord of Huang Jian, or even the Lord of Chaos City."

"Don't worry, founder of the giant axe. I will work hard to enter the realm of the Lord of the Universe as soon as possible. At the same time, I will also learn the art of refining treasures from Teacher Sishanke, and strive to refine more treasures for my human race in the future. More and better treasures to enhance the foundation of our human race," Diko also said solemnly.

"Okay, then I'll just wait to see that day," Huaxe nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "Dico, don't stay on Earth anymore. This is no longer a safe place for you now. . Go back to your Kingdom of God or the stronghold of the Cosmic Mercenary Alliance, so you can concentrate on your cultivation, and avoid having any more powerful aliens come to Earth and threaten the Earth's people."

"Yes, I understand," Diko said with a serious expression. After the giant ax disappeared out of thin air, a trace of divine power quickly invaded the gray-black armor suspended in space, and then said with a change of expression: "This armor actually has the effect of weakening soul attacks? When combined with the five-color soul crystal, it is comparable to the top soul treasures. Coupled with my strong will that is comparable to the strongest person in the universe, even the soul attack of the Demon God of False Truth, I can probably block it in the original universe. If we hide in the Fire Temple again, it will be even more foolproof."

With a thought, Diko controlled the peak treasure armor to fly over, and put it on directly on his body. Diko also quickly controlled the fire temple to shrink rapidly and turned into a stream of light that disappeared into the body.

"Dico, how are you? Are you okay? Where is the mysterious strongest man in the universe? Is he gone? How could he retreat so easily? Calculating that you have the Fire Temple, you can use the methods of the strongest man in the universe to suppress him. Yes, could it be..." Zhu Rong, who flew over quickly, said eagerly.

At the same time, a beautiful and noble figure also appeared out of thin air. It was none other than Lord Yanhuang who was sitting in the temple on the edge of the solar system: "Junior brother..."

"The founder of the giant ax has come, it's okay," Diko said with a slight smile, and briefly explained the previous situation. As for the Mountain Guest, there is no need for him to compromise so much with his current relationship with the Mountain Guest. People know.

After experiencing this assassination, in order to avoid causing trouble to the people on Earth, Dicko quickly left the Earth and went to the Mountain Guest.

At the same time, Dike also arranged for a blood sea clone to quietly go to the mysterious realm of the ancestors, preparing to collect various precious materials for refining heavy treasures and treasures that he had agreed with the double-faced ancestor god. After all, he was going to learn the treasure refining skills from Sitting Mountain Guest, so he would naturally need to practice a lot.

In the original space of the Mountain and Sea Realm, another Blood Sea clone of Diko, who told the Lord of Mountains and Seas about how he was assassinated by the Demon God of Xu Zhen, could not help but squint his eyes and said with a cold light: "This Demon God of Xu Zhen thinks that he is the most powerful person in the universe. A strong man, no one in the original universe can defeat him, he is really too unscrupulous. Humph, you forced me to take the mountain and sea realm directly to the universe sea..."

"What are you doing taking the Mountain and Sea Realm to the Universe Sea? Are you planning to..." The Lord of the Mountain and Sea Realm was unexpectedly confused. Then he thought of something and couldn't help but look at Diko with a little surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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